
Index		0	Verbose list of files in this directory (this file)
addres.sit	14	Mac Hypercard stack allows imp/exp (requires StuffIt)
ag2por.lzh	3	Lotus Agenda macros - export agenda data to pofo
buckets.lzh	21	database program - calculates number of BINs required
flash.lzh	1	symbolic link to -> utilities/flash.lzh
pcrd11.lzh	30	Win 3.0 cardfile <-> pofo address (needs vbrun100.lzh)
porttost.lzh	1	symbolic link to -> telecomm/porttost.lzh
prtcrd.lzh	29	Convert address ADR files to Win 3.0 Cardfile CRD files
stfoli.lzh	46	Parallel file transer
vbrun100.lzh	176	Win 3.0 Visual Basic Runtime
wpcal.lzh	37	Convert WordPerfect Cal to DRY