The atari.archive Sound Index The sounds in this directory are 8-bit sample files for use with Play, Beep, Digital Keyclick, and EPlay (located in ../players/). The sample data is in the same format as Mac sample data, so many of these sounds may look familiar to Mac users. Jason Banham reports that these sounds can be played on Acorn Acrhimedes machines using a PD program called !DSEdit. If you have questions about digital samples and their use on the Atari ST, send email to Dave Baggett at or Have fun! Dave [Last updated on Tues Jan 21 at 12:05 PM] [237 sounds indexed] P.S. I compressed all of these sounds with gzip to save space on the archive. Use gunzip to unzip them. They all have .z extenders too. - jeff Yeah, what he said. - dave :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Sample rates are in Hz (samples per second). Sound File Rate Description ---------- ---- ----------- 20secnds.snd 11000 from Robocop 1: "You have 20 seconds to comply." 20th_cen.snd 11000 The 20th Century Fox opening music ah.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "Ah!" allright.snd 8000 Repo man: "'re all right!" [Rated R] allthean.snd 22000 Rosie Robot: "I should have all the answers..." aln_land.snd 11000 ???: "The aliens have landed among us..." amiss.snd 15000 Sylvesth-th-ster Cat: "...somethin's amiss..." answer.snd 11000 Bart: "I know the answer, you know the answer..." applause.snd 11000 Mocking applause; sounds like a game show assist.snd 11000 ???: "Re-re-ready to assist you." attack.snd 11000 Captain Kirk: "Prepare for attack...battle stations..." attentio.snd 11000 Robotic voice: "Attention!" autopil.snd 7500 ???: "Automatic pilot now functioning." awasting.snd 11000 Cecil Turtle: "Time's a-wastin', speedy" backoffm.snd 22000 Bill Murray (Ghostbusters): "Back off, man..." bad_guys.snd 22000 Bad guys music from Star Wars (excerpt) bam_boom.snd 22000 Elvis Presley bark.snd 11000 A dog barking bart.snd 11000 Homer Simpson: "Bart! batman.snd 8000 From Batman TV show: "To the Batmobile! Let's go..." be-nice.snd 22000 Marge Simpson: "Be nice to your sister." beam_up.snd 11000 Transporter sound from Star Trek: TNG beat.snd 11000 A drum beat from a cheesy drum machine beaver.snd 11000 Naked Gun: "Nice beaver!" beback.snd 22000 The Terminator: "I'll be back." beep.snd 22000 ???: "Beep." beware.snd 11000 ???: "...your brain may no longer be the boss." bidding.snd 22000 Darth Vader: "What is thy bidding, my master?" bing.snd 22000 From Monty Python: "...the machine that goes bing!" bird.snd 11000 An Australian bird call bitrunny.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "It's a -- bit runny, sir" blerp.snd 22000 Computer noise from Max Headroom bogus.snd 11000 Bill & Ted (together): "Bogus!" boing.snd 11000 An amusing system beep. boom_ooh.snd 8000 George of the Jungle: Explosion followed by "oooh". boop.snd 8000 Boop sound. bottle.snd 22000 Air across the lip of a bottle br_clang.snd 22000? Metal clanging burp.snd 11000 You figure it out. buycheez.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "Won't you buy some cheese!" cant_do.snd 11000 ??? (a valley girl): "You can't do that!" captains.snd 11000 Captain Kirk: "Captain's Log, stardate..." chandra.snd 11000 Hal: "...I'm ready to start the countdown..." cheer.snd 22000 Bart: "Aw c'mon, I'll cheer ya up." chinese.snd 11000 ??? [A bit of music]: "I like Chinese" chord.snd 11000 Startup chord frequently heard on Macs clint.snd 22000 Clint Eastwood: "...make my day..." clunk.snd 11000 Foghorn Leghorn: "What's...the big idea..." comply.snd.Z 16000 Robocop: "you have 20 seconds to comply" conv.snd.Z 10000 Church Lady: Isn't that convenient? cosbylip.snd 11000 Bill Cosby: "Take your bottom lip..." cow.snd 11000 Mooooo! crash.snd.Z 10000 Car Crash cricket.snd 11000 The insect, not the game. cuckoo.snd 22000 A cuckoo clock curley1.lzh 18000 Third stooge curley2.lzh 22000 third stooge curley3.lzh 31000 third stooge damn_mnt.snd 11000 Spock: "One damn minute, admiral." dasdafac.snd 22000 Bill Murray (?): "Das da fac', Jack!" dead.snd 22000 From Monty Python: "Bring out 'cher dead!" deadjim.snd 11000 Bones: "He's dead Jim..." destruct.snd 11000 A famous quote from Mission: Impossible! digiding.snd 8000 A computerized "ding" sound disapnt.snd 22000 From Tron: " disappointed I am in you." disapp.snd 11000 ???: " disappointed I am to find you here." doesnot.snd 11000 Robby the Robot (?): "Does not compute!" dog.snd 11000 A dog barking. dont.snd 11000 Bart: "Don't make me say it." dontworr.snd 22000 Bobby McFerrin: "Don't worry, be happy..." doorbell.snd 11000 Sounds like a late 60's model downdown.snd 8000 Daffy Duck being cutthroat. dragnet.snd 22000 The famous 9 notes. Good sound quality. drop_20.snd 11000 Animal House: "You're all worthless and weak..." drwho.snd 11000 The entire Dr. Who theme (most recent version) eastla.snd 22000 Cheech: "I was born in East LA, man..." easy.snd 11000 Bart: "Oh yeah, easy." eatshort.snd 11000 Bart: "Eat my shorts." elephant.snd 11000 A large pachyderm trumpeting elmer.snd 11000 Elmer Fudd: "Be vewy vewy quiet..." end_line.snd 22000 From Tron: "End of line." energize.snd 8000 The Enterprise transporter. Nicely digitized. entrdoor.snd 11000 The swish...swish of a door on the Enterprise evil.snd 8000 Evil laughter; flanged. excuuseme.snd 11000 Steve Martin: "Excuuuuuuse -- me!" exlnt.snd 11000 Bill & Ted (together): "Excellent!" explode.snd 11000 Your run-of-the-mill detontation. explosn.snd 11000 Another one. extermin.snd 11000 A Dalek: "Exterminate!" f_troop.snd 22000 The F-Troop theme (excerpt) family_d.snd 11000 3 Stooges: "What was your family decomposed of? ..." fart.snd 22000 From Monty Python:"I fart in your general direction..." flash.snd 22000 A cheesy sound effect flush.snd 11000 A toilet flushing. fortywin.snd 22000 Yogi Bear: "I was just takin' forty winks." frankly.snd 11000 Rhett Butler: "Frankly my dear, I don't..." freeze.snd 22000 ???: "Freeze!" funny.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Only when it was funny! ..." gameover.snd 8000 From Alien: "Game over, man!" gas.snd 11000 ???: "Gas music from Jupiter, indeed." geepers.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Geepers, that almost killed me!" getsmart.snd 11000 The "Get Smart" theme music gimmick.snd 11000 Foghorn Leghorn: "What's ... the gimmick, son..." ginmill.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Oh, ... a gin mill, a speakeasy..." gm_vtnam.snd 22000 Robin Williams: "Good morning, Vietnam!" gorn.snd 11000 The Gorn (Star Trek): "I shall be mericiful..." greeting.snd 11000 From Wargames: "Greetings, Professor Falkan." gunfire.snd 22000 A barrage of bullets. hal.snd 22000 Hal: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't..." hal10.snd 11000 Hal: "Goodbye." hal2.snd 11000 Hal: "...what do you think you're doing, Dave?" hal20.snd 11000 Hal: " can only be...human error." hal3.snd 11000 Hal: "That is something I cannot allow to happen." hal4.snd 22000 Hal: "Are you sure you're making the right decision?" hal6.snd 11000 Hal: "...I wouldn't worry myself about that." hal7.snd 11000 Hal: "I feel much better now. I really do." hal9.snd 22000 Hal: "I'm completely operational..." haleluja.snd 11000 Short excerpt from Handel's Messiah hallucin.snd 11000 ???: "You are probably -- hallucinating." hanhan.snd 22000 ???: "Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh." harp.snd 11000 The beginning of a "dream sequence" heheheh.snd 22000 The name says it. helicopt.lzh 97000 helicoptor hello_sk.snd 11000 ???: "Hello seekers..." [can't be explained!] heyrocky.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Hey, Rocky." heywilma.snd 22000 Fred Flintstone: "Hey Wilma!" hi-man.snd 22000 Bart: "Hi man!" hithere.snd 8000 Peter Gabriel (from "Big Time"): "Hi there." ho_yes.snd 11000 From Monty Python (?): "Ho, yes!" holy_sh.snd 11000 Animal House, Belushi: "Holy shit!" honk.snd 22000 A little horn tooting. horse_rc.snd 11000 The trumpeting that starts a horse race hot.snd 22000 Aliens: "It's hot as hell in here..." how_feel.snd 11000 Trek IV, Computer: "How do you feel?" humanbra.snd 11000 From Dr. Who: "Small though it is, the human brain..." humor.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Where's your sense of humor?" huuuuh.snd 22000 From Monty Python (?): "Uhhh!" idea.snd 22000 ???: "Do you have any idea what you've done here?" impressi.snd 22000 Darth Vader: "Impressive." intercom.snd 11000 The intercom sound from Star Trek irabbit.snd 11000 Bugs Bunny: "Toitle shmoitle, I'm the rabbit!" is_wrong.snd 22000 ???: "Everything you know is wrong!" janet.arc Rhythm Nation remixes for Digital Keyclick jet.snd 22000 A loud flying machine kaboom.snd 11000 The Martian: "Where's the kaboom? ..." kickdrum.snd 8000 An electronic kickdrum. klang.snd 22000? Something metal being hit. knightni.snd 11000 Monty Python(Holy Grail):"...the knights who say--ni!" kookabur.snd 11000 The call of the Kookaburra. (It's a bird...) lamb.snd 22000 A lamb bleating laugh.snd 22000 A witchy laugh with machine noises in the bkgnd laughitu.snd 22000 Han Solo: "Laugh it up, fuzzball!" leaveit2.snd 11000 The "Leave it to Beaver" theme music letmeout.snd 11000 Guy inside your computer: "Lemme outta here!" letsrock.snd 15000 From Aliens: "Let's rock!" look_up.snd 22000 ???: "Look, up in the's Superman!" looneytu.snd 11000 Loony Toons closing music loonytun.snd 22000 Loony Toons opening music magic.snd 11000 Fairy-waves-magic-wand sound effect maxhead.snd 8000 Max Headroom: "This is M-M-Max Headroom" maxheadr.snd 22000 Max Headroom: "Isn't there something better..." meepmeep.snd 22000 The Road Runner's familiar sound missile.snd 7500 Some kind of large gun being fired. money.snd 11000 Dire Straits: "Money for Nothing" (excerpt) monkey.snd 8000 A monkey: "Eeeep!" mr_t.snd 22000 Eddie Murphy: [imitating Mr. T] notajedi.snd 22000 Darth Vader: " are not a Jedi yet!" nyuknyuk.snd 22000 Curly: "Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk-nyuk" ohmygod.snd 11000 Sounds like Mrs. Cleaver: "Oh my God!" ohprunel.snd 22000 Bugs Bunny: "A-ha-ha-ha. Oh, Prunella!" ohshit.snd 11000 ???: "Oh shit." okie.snd 22000 Bart: "Okie dokie." peewee.snd 22000 Pee-wee Herman: "Whyncha make me?" phasers.snd 22000 From a Steve Miller song. ping.snd 11000 The machine that goes "ping". pingpong.snd 8000 Sound of a ping pong ball being hit. pity.snd 22000 Bart's sis: "I don't want your pity." presbush.snd 11000 President Bush: "Thank you, God bless you..." presto.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Presto!" r2d2.snd 22000 Boop-bleep-boop-whooo-blip reagan.snd 11000 Ronald Reagan: "I'm not going to lie..." ripped.snd 11000 From Monty Python:"...his head's been ripped off..." risky2.snd 22000 A musical sound bite from Risky Business (?) rooster.snd 8000 Wake up! rubyaout.snd 11000 Warner Bros. Mobster: "I'm gonna rub ya out, see..." sarcasm.snd 22000 From Monty Python: "He used -- sarcasm." saveme.snd 8000 Daffy Duck: "Quick, quick, save me, pal!" scifi.snd 8000 Sounds like something from Warner Bros. scream.snd 8000 Daffy Duck screaming. sealion.snd 8000 A sea lion barking. secret.snd 8000 Daffy Duck: "I'll find out his secret..." sexyhi.snd 11000 A sexy voice: "Hi." shatter.snd 11000 Glass shattering. shootyou.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "...I'm going to have to shoot you." sonarpin.snd 22000 A sonar ping. spacemod.snd 11000 Martian: "The eludium Q-36 explosive space modulator" splat.snd 11000 Cartoon sound effect (the name says it). st-ng.snd 8000 "Star Trek: TNG" theme music (excerpt) stoogei.snd 22000 Three Stooges closing music. stopit.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "Stop it!" strength.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Ooh. Don't know my own strength." su-bach.snd 22000 Opening notes from Tocatta and Fugue in D minor (Bach) su-fanf.snd 22000 Opening fanfare from some old flick. su-russi.snd 22000 Excerpt from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite superior.snd 11000 A Dalek: "...we are the superior beings" surprise.snd 11000 Gomer Pyle: "Surpriiise, surprise, surprise!" tardis.snd 11000 Dr. Who's Tardis arriving (or departing). tarzan.snd 8000 Edgar Rice Burroughs' ape man. taughtyo.snd 22000 Darth Vader: "Obi-Wan has taught you well." theyrehr.snd 22000 From Poltergeist: "They're here." thriller.snd 22000 Vincent Price laughing (from MJ's "Thriller") thunder.snd 22000 Thunder and rain timetobl.snd 22000 Jane Jetson: "time to blast off for dreamland" toko.snd 22000? A sci-fi sound effect of some kind toot.snd 11000 Party horn toot. trnsport.snd 11000? The Enterprise transporter (again) trumpets.snd 22000 Another Nutcracker Suite Excerpt trythink.snd 22000 Curly: "I'm tryin' t' think but nothin happens" tutti.snd 22000 Little Richard (?) twilight.snd 22000 "The Twilight Zone" theme music (excerpt) twltzone.snd 22000 A longer excerpt from "The Twilight Zone" type1.snd 8000 Keypress on a typewriter. type2.snd 8000 Keypress on another typewriter. underdog.snd 22000 Narrator: "There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!" vulcan.snd 8000 Bones: "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" waitamin.snd 8000 From Warner Bros.: "Hey, wait a minute." wattle.snd 11000 The call of the Wattle. (Another bird.) ways.snd 22000 From Wargames: "There's ways around that." (sic) wetmice.snd 11000 Foghorn Leghorn: "Nice girl, but..." what.snd 11000 Bart: "What are we talking about?" whatsup.snd 11000 Bugs Bunny: "What's up, Doc?" where.snd 22000 Bart: "Where's your sense of humor, man?" whipbird.snd 11000 The call of the Whip Bird. (Yet another bird.) whizz.snd 11000 Cartoon sound effect whosfrst.snd 22000 From the famous Abbott & Costello routine. why_you.snd 8000 Bugs Bunny (?) goes on a tirade. wipeout.snd 22000 The beginning of the song. woo.snd 8000 Daffy Duck: "Wh-wh-whuhooo!" yabbadab.snd 22000 Fred Flintstone: "Yabba-Dabba Doo!" yahoo.snd 22000 Daffy Duck cheers. yeah.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Yeah!" younick.snd 11000 ???: "You all %!#&ing nicked me old beauty." [R rated] yourang.snd 22000 Lurch: "You rang." zamfir.snd 11000 Zamfir, master of the Pan flute. zany_sto.snd 11000 Bugs Bunny: "...who'd ever believe such a zany story?" /* end of Sound/Sounds directory */