LAVP2 - limited audio-video player for Atari STE machines, version 2 After few years here is new version, with new, little modified LAV format. New format makes possible smooth playback from larger AHDI partitions too. In player there is no more position jumping, only abort key (right Shift) and anti-interlace key (left Shift). On some older, analog TV you will not notice interlace, but on new, LCD, digital ones and with TV card in PC interlace may appear. Then jusr press left Shift for short - interlace should disappear. You can not play old format LAV files with this. Smooth playback requirements: Fast hard disk/Flash card and interface. Speed must be at least about 1000 KB/s, what may check from program directly - do it by selecting file of 5MB min - of course best some LAV file :-) . With slower transfer rate you will have choppy video, desynced and repeating audio and similar. 50 Hz display refresh rate (PAL). No support for NTSC (60Hz) for now. On Falcon it means that will work bad with VGA. So, use with RGB monitor or TV, and PAL setting. Program is for Atari STE machines in first place, but will work with ST too, without sound. New version supports Falcon too. P. Putnik, July 2010.