| fhex001.jpg - 119 Kb Gasman prepares for the party by getting money for whores. [gasman] |
 | fhex002.jpg - 73 Kb They've not even finished building Vienna yet!
 | fhex003.jpg - 158 Kb Gasman finds my "Vienniese Whirl" joke amusing. [gasman] |
 | fhex004.jpg - 121 Kb Some Vienna street.
 | fhex005.jpg - 261 Kb Some Vienna building.
 | fhex006.jpg - 140 Kb Go on! Jump!
 | fhex007.jpg - 141 Kb Nice Vienniese buildings.
 | fhex008.jpg - 118 Kb Aaah, breakfast. [beer] |
 | fhex009.jpg - 173 Kb And now, a man on a horse.
 | fhex010.jpg - 87 Kb This is entertainment in Vienna? I'm leaving!
 | fhex011.jpg - 53 Kb We are greeted by snow in Trencin.
 | fhex012.jpg - 97 Kb Gasman likes to be taken up the Tatra Passage. [gasman] |
 | fhex013.jpg - 56 Kb A noncy bar?
 | fhex014.jpg - 96 Kb Factor6 takes a photo of his friends the Atari guys. [tornado, factor6] |
 | fhex015.jpg - 89 Kb You sexy beast! [tdm] |
 | fhex016.jpg - 79 Kb One of these men is crazy - but which one? [icabod, tdm] |
 | fhex017.jpg - 94 Kb Gasman poses like the lady in the picture. Nice. [gasman] |
 | fhex018.jpg - 97 Kb The plan - at 10am we drink beer, then at 10:30 some beer, then... [gasman, tdm, factor6, tornado] |
 | fhex019.jpg - 75 Kb Mikezt tries to get into a photograph. [??, ??, mikezt] |
 | fhex020.jpg - 147 Kb A stack of fresh DivIDE boards.
 | fhex021.jpg - 133 Kb Everyone watches the ZX pornos. [gasman, factor6, +gama, tdm, tornado, sweet factory, zilog, aragorn, ss/anubis] |
 | fhex022.jpg - 127 Kb Wow! Some UK Sceners! [will, rowan] |
 | fhex023.jpg - 91 Kb Hello everybody, and welcome to the show. [creamd, wotnau] |
 | fhex024.jpg - 97 Kb The audience gathers around Shrek as he tries to beat his Manic Miner record. [gasmans head, logout, shrek, +gama, aragorn, zilog, tritol, diZZy, half of sweet factory] |
 | fhex025.jpg - 86 Kb The party place?
 | fhex026.jpg - 109 Kb Mmmm, lunch. [beer] |
 | fhex027.jpg - 104 Kb Factor6 experiences "real 3d" [tornado, factor6, tdm] |
 | fhex028.jpg - 106 Kb I knew there was a reason I was here. [zilog, tritol, aragorn] |
 | fhex029.jpg - 94 Kb Zilog contemplates the DivIDE 57d. [zilog] |
 | fhex030.jpg - 131 Kb Shrek gets trapped in a shop. [shrek] |
 | fhex031.jpg - 129 Kb No Barbie... it's MY scene. [barbie (!!)] |
 | fhex032.jpg - 107 Kb No caption coz it's a crap photo. [some blurry sceners] |
 | fhex033.jpg - 124 Kb I know there's a ZX emulator on here somewhere. [sweet factory, tornado, tritol, shrek, tdm] |
 | fhex034.jpg - 103 Kb Some Atari users plan to lynch F6. [atari users] |
 | fhex035.jpg - 101 Kb It's no good, this water isn't alcoholic enough. [aragorn, zilog (just), z00m, diZZy, nairam, sweet factory, tornado] |
 | fhex036.jpg - 71 Kb Wot you lookin' at? [logout] |
 | fhex037.jpg - 98 Kb Don't start the compo, I've not finished yet. [nairam, zilog, blacker, aragorn, z00m, diZZy] |
 | fhex038.jpg - 100 Kb THIRD PLACE!?!?!? NOOOOO!!!! [gasman] |
 | fhex039.jpg - 93 Kb The organisers try to fix the projector. [atari scener (name?), atari scener (name?), mikezt, will] |
 | fhex040.jpg - 60 Kb The synchronised photography competition. [tornado, factor6] |
 | fhex041.jpg - 87 Kb More competitions... [jaxon hollis, tritol, nairam, zilog, blacker, aragorn, ss/anubis, others too] |
 | fhex042.jpg - 111 Kb Factor6 prefers his own music. [gasman, factor6, ..., tritol, nairam, zilog] |
 | fhex043.jpg - 31 Kb I don't know what it is, but isn't it pretty.
 | fhex044.jpg - 104 Kb F6 tries to escape from the Atari users. [??, factor6, seti/anubis, sigi/unreal, "mrs sigi", visac/cult] |
 | fhex045.jpg - 112 Kb wh00sh? vr00m? [baze, z00m] |
 | fhex046.jpg - 89 Kb Evil-eye diZZy, the game codemasters never released. [baze, diZZy, z00m] |
 | fhex047.jpg - 100 Kb You see, even some girls come to forever. [rowan's gf] |
 | fhex048.jpg - 100 Kb Too much beer? [tdm, factor6] |
 | fhex049.jpg - 94 Kb Trencin Street Stylers? Sounds like a demogroup. [a car] |
 | fhex050.jpg - 85 Kb TDM collects his prize. [tritol, wotnau, tdm, xi, mikezt, gasmans hair] |
 | fhex051.jpg - 83 Kb Baze collects his prize. [baze, mikezt] |
 | fhex052.jpg - 81 Kb Shrek and Logout collect their prizes. [gasmans hair, xi, shrek, logout, mikezt, cvm] |
 | fhex053.jpg - 77 Kb No, they gave me a C64 prize!!! [shrek, logout, gasmans famous hair] |
 | fhex054.jpg - 107 Kb When the geeks go home, the girls show up. Typical. [creamd, cvm, seti, hello-pretty-girl (womana/studio style)] |
 | fhex055.jpg - 83 Kb Tornado watches the clean-up start. [tornado, aragorn] |
 | fhex056.jpg - 81 Kb Ellvis responds to my question "why weren't you at raww.orgy? [ellvis] |