ok, its a first words... its working !!!! Piter pivo is here !!! party sie rozkreca. sOnar 14:06 Oooookk..... :) Now we're here and looking forward to the things to come. Orga and hotel are fine. I'll talk more crap later :) Samurai^Inter 14.14 It's a realtime article! It's also CiH on the keys. ah, a German keyboard, I see. At least an improvement over the Spanish horror that we were subjected to last year! Also an interesting choice of text editor, Qed. I've spent a lot of time getting to know and love, well know that text editor, from my building of the new Mag! one-off special issue. Anyway, more later, as someone is playing the 'Obnoxious' demo at Felician volume levels. My eardrums are plastered all over this gym wall! CiH. ~16:30 Picture is ready for compo... ...and I'm hungry Samurai huj i zloooooooooo 3 trips to the airport already... one more later, on more tommorow :/ But, a lot of people happy :D AdamK no dinner still... jh FOOOD yooo amigos!!!11 przybylo SSG w skladzie Yezus i mazi. Grzybson i Voy juz tu sa! a teraz idyiemy na jednego. Panie organizatorze, komu mozemy zlozyc prace na gej kompo? (by mushroomson) hello together wolfgang, Marga, Karin & juergen from Germany (ABBUC) arrives after a little problem with the hotel. but now all is ok. Oglosyenia parafialne: 1. Wszystkie prace prosimy skladac do MONO :) 2. Prosze sie trzymac konwencji 8+3 w temacie nazwy pliku, oraz pierwsze 8 znakow niech bedzie wspolnych dla pracy i pliku z opisem. Amen. gdzie jest jedzenie?!?! a poszlo sie je.... LAMERS: podaj to co najlepRZe! Alias, gdzie jestes?........... huj 18.21 CiH back on the buttony objects again. The intervening period has sorted out our domestic needs, accommodation and catering have all been done, the hungry multitutes have been appeased, or fed, or something. Lots of French arrivals, Chuck, Zerkman, the members of Dune who they keep hidden in the attic, and Orion of Elansar fame. Atmosphere is busy and loud, puntuated by lots of soundchip noises. Singing off for now... (Lalalala!) 18:45 Loud ;) 19:07 Orion_ on the keyboard, very nice ambience so far, love the party. Don't miss the Elansar presentation :) 19:09 Cosi arrives. 19:15 Felice here - it's a busy party so far. Germankeyboard here I think, however, not a problem here ;) Flight over was good, excellent overall job by Wizz Air, taking us out of dreary Luton and the UK for a few days. Weather here is cold and clear - but dry, which is the crucial thing ! We have started on the wine, after a search for uncorked bottles :) a czy ultimate dziala z xbiosem :P 19.34 Note to Orion. I'll try not to miss it! CiH huj 20.10 Glad to be here once again! France beats its record this year with no less than 6 atarians at Sillyventure! Si c'est pas formidable ca. hugs to everyone here. Zerkman Cos totalnie nowego dla laika w temacie Atari. Super atmosfera. Grey, znowu wygrales party compo :-) Darque : cytrynowka lubuska 9.90 filque: potwierdzam - za rogiem:) 20.45 Clicky-klik-bleeeeep! I love the smell of ST Keyboards in the morning, it's the smell of.... ...victory? CiH jest zajebiscie! poydrowienia z gdanska!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 drygolek mowi z e jest ok 21:05 Atarians from Czech Republic are here and have their lagguage unpacked. That's nice that there is so many people here. But for that there is so little free space :-( Bohdan huj No jak na pierwsza wizyte na atarowskim party jest fajnie. Nie wyobrazam sobie amigowej imprezy tak zrobionej :) My name is Wieczor. Dobry Wieczor :) nie ma Iraty...a sy#zkoda 21.35 A fairly major interlude with an opening ceremony. We find out, among other things, that the rest of the Tramiel family has seen, and appreciated the sentiments behind Paradox's 'Jacktro'. Now fooooood! has diverted us once more. CiH. 21:53 ktos rozlal piwo na falcona !!!!!!!! podali fasole, bedyie z przypiardem. 22:37 so.. believe it or not.. but finally an Atari Party where the biggest problem is the lack of tables!!! :) So full, wow. /505 ja pierdole, ale pasztety, brak synchronu, zero cyckow 10.48 Lingerie liberation front have been back. Performing their own tribute to 'Lost Blubb' demo. It was called 'Lost blobs!' CiH ale fajne dyiewczyzynn !!!! "poszlem" za czarna - Lothar cos widze nie polszlo :p **zus 23.46 Fading fast. As no compos tonight, off to bed... CiHzzzz. 00:23 Vasco, Ntp, Nosty, Mono, Pablo i ja siedzimy i jak co roku..... dysdyskutuje(hik!)my. tP tzn. chleja balantines. do upadlego bubu eeeee... test 1234 dziala? dojcze klawiaturen! rozbilismy namiot w sleeping roomie, a co a w srodku kto s podryucil ksiazke Jezus ;) te gwiezdne wojny to jak leci enterprise :P ja pierdziele odwolali kompoty. szkoda. idziemy browarzyc. sOnar salami szynka ser jayko pyry dobra nie robta se jaj. jutro ruszaja kompoty i to jest najwazniejsze. sOnar yup. jutro nadejdzie dzien prawdy... competitions day... czy warto bylo zarywac noce i narazac sie malzonce. Grey/MSB Warto. tP sllep time ale u bartcoma ciagle graja... teraz w Freda. Tak, to prawda. 04:30 dalej Fred -.- trzymalem czarna za cipke!!!!11 lotharek zaluj kurwa!!!!111 czarna zaprasza do gdanska na ulice tkacka obok kebaba. pisze to zeby nikt nie zabladzil tak jak my, sebaloz i jeszcze dwoch mi nieznanych atarowcow. ide spac... 06:30 jest swit. party place puste. jako jedyny nie spie. sOnar ;) no i partyzanci znowu na party place Samedi 8:30am : mais ou est chuck!!! ž9.52 Back at the hall again. Have slept decently, but with lingering traces of headache. This is being cured with a caffeine doseage from the little shop in the school reception. The partyplace is subdued, as it should be this time of day. When we left it, it was a roaring wall of noise :-) Gdansk is a winter wonderland right now. Let it snow, let it snow! Hmmm, no mouse, and no options to save this text? CiH 10:17 Yep, back again at the hall, things are buzzing at a low level .. Felice. I wuz here: Richard Dangerhand. 10:30 Good morning gdansk ! Orion_ 10:30 Back to the party ! Really nice time here in Gdansk. Toujours pas de Chuck, c'est bizarre ! Thadoss Koala zjadl kotleta! cala sala jest pelna atarek !!!;) a ooz dogorywa w namiocie 12.12 The gwEmster is in the building! He's had an 'exciting' voyage here, including tales of ice, snow, delayed flights and the possible loss of a cherished guitar. Let's hope that just missed its connecting flight and is doing all it can to catch up with its grieving owner. I've taken him to the local supermarket, via a quick tour of the urban shell-holes of the old residential quarter of Gdansk. CiH.. 13.13 sleek tv lady is questioning our poor atarian souls Cze! macgyver z tej strony, wlasnie dotarlismy, milo zobaczyc stara brygade:) 13:14 Fuuuck... It's cold outside. Thank god we got it nice and cosy inside the hall. So the people are coming back from the hostels and hotels and it's getting crowded again :) Went for a short walk downtown in Danzig. Very nice place and good to see how the city is progressing. But it's still cold. Samurai 13:18 Just finished the preperation of the gfx compo. Samurai 13:29 Alavillamailla hallanvaaraa.. Halibatsui guys.. Trying desperately to finish my part for intro compo.. Emphii / Extream 14:00 Downfall competition going on right now. I did piss-poorly. My score has been carefully not recorded for posterity. CiH. ciach bajera 14:15 wolfgang from ABBUC is here again. Many people, and Michal smiles. 14:41 Cosi arrives. 14.55 SUDi&MAJKA przybyli, Pomorze zdobyte! :) huj 16.38 The other Finns have arrived! We have spotted Wiztom, others aer due shortly. CiH huj 16:51 It's all dark and cold outside, but so hot inside. Waiting fo the compos... Thadoss 16.55 No news on missing guitar. I am a bit worried now :-/ gwEm 17:05 Compo will start soon, yay o// Orion_ zyje - maly/swd 23;06 Mega STe jednak zyje:) 23.10 Damn, we have had so much excitement since the last log entry! Power cuts, Atari 8-bit stuffs and loads of waiting around! The power to the party place suddenly disappeared with a bang. It tooka couple of hours to trace and resolve the fault. For a while, the party felt doomed. However, power was restored and most of the Atari 8-bit compos have been shown. We're currently awaiting the all-systems gaming compo, which includes Falcy and Jag, then the rest of the night will be taken up with the ST and Falcon stuff. CiH - Better save this lot in case something else goes bang! Jack Tramiel said once, quote: "Business is War". I claim the opposite: "War is Business" Richard Dangerhand Pecet rulez :) GTIA works - tchx Lotharek :) Demko LAMERS dostepne juz na youtube.com Boogie Nights demo of Lamers is available on YouTube Wieczor rulez :) Jaguar is ready for competitions! Alex was here :) Be aware..... 1:10AM Too many breaks, too few presentations. But those shown rock. 1:20AM Lamers rule! 0xF / Taquart Atari ST ssie... Gdyby nie MIDI to dawno skonczyloby na smietniku historii. Powszechne uzywanie lowres, dzwiek piszczacy strasznie... Porazka. True 2am The first ever Atari demo by ISO was completed and submitted. Work started on it after the deadline! Truly historic. --- Lukko / ISO 02:07 Great start to ST demo compo's - Live own both 4k and 96k categories. The latter was 'Terrorise your Soul' on the ST, with up to date effects. A demo in a 96ktro! Still awaiting ST main demo and Falcon stuff with interest. A nice Falcy game - Beat em up, very console styled, which the Falcy doesn't normally do. CiH. 2:38 Awesome ST demo compo ! Unbelievable 96k ! Orion_ ISO 03.32 Some nice Falcon entries. Nothing to set the world alight in the same way as Live's 96Ktro. We had a demo from Paradox, a good attempt at a 20 year 'tributetro', a sweet little intro from Extream, and a preview of something for the CT60 from Samurai in conjunction with 505 and others. Just the wild compo's to go now. CiH. jedziemy do domu bylo fajnie niedziela, 9:20 Hejka. Tu macgyver, wlasnie wstalem po 1,5 godzinie snu - wesole wojaze nocne do Sopotu na molo byly w deche. Generalnie party bardzo fajne, czas isc na kawke, bbl Niedzielny poranek. Chyba wszyscy zyja... A tu Dobry Wieczor :) Tez spalem 1.5 godziny :) dobry ser. ciezko sie spi na partyplace; krzyzacka klawiatura suks. /mono ž9.55 Back again after a too short sleep installment. I've left Felice slowly coming to at the hostel. We're packing and getting ready for the inevitable farewell part. It was a good party, even with the gaping hole with no electricity at the start of the compo's. Maybe the musical categories should offer an 'unplugged' version of their entries, just in case! In case this turns out to be my last log entry. Thanks once more for this great party. I hope to be returning for more clicky keyed thrills at some point in the future. If you want a long period to indulge that nervous breakdown of your dreams on the other hand Grey, I completely understand! Thanks again, just to make sure the message gets there! CiH.. Party, party i po party. Grey, zmow wygrales party compo :-) Mieli my kosci Mykerinosa. Polska walczaca ! Mniej kupuj, wiecej czuj ! Buy less, feel more. Gentlemen, let's count the votes ! DT 9.12.12 10.30 Emphii / Extream See - Every nice party have to end in it's time and so will this too. For me individually it ends up earlier than others, but hey! I have had superb time here... Mostly coding yeah, but anyway. I wish you all happy rest year and rich next year. I'll hope to see you guys around someday again - Perhaps on another SV-party, but who knows? Go enjoy, what ever you are going to do from here and LET THE ATARI LIVE! Co to za party, gdzie ja jestem, o co chodzi ? 10.54 So not quite the last log entry after all? CiH no to paaaa!!!! ssg wus hir!1 LEGIA PANY!!!!! < Centralne Wojskowe K******* Sportowe ! stuk puk,,,, rasero bierze wszystko!!! 11:50 So, party is almost over now. People are packing up and the orgas are still counting votes :) Good for me that I booked a late flight back home so I'm not in such a rush like the others. After all it was a nice party (bit chaotic :) Let's see if there will be a new edition next year I can attend. Samurai 11.53 Analogue version of Partymeister in progress. Votes being counted via a crack team of bored mathematicians... CiH 11.55 Lovely party, great atmosphere once again, hopefully there will be another in 2013 :) Quite tired though, I think both myself and CiH were snoring well in our room for the few hours of sleep that we got. Felice. 12:03 Votek jest multum,liczenie glosow trwa. My czekamy wytrwale;) Tdc 12.06 Still no news on guitar :-/ but on the positive side, what great compos last nigt!! oh my days. also, slept really good. gwEm 12.13 Dawac juz te votki :) Bede je jadl! Nom...nom...nom! Pet huj pirx mnie zarazil katarem, dzieki pirx. stRing 12:32 juz prawie wyniki 12:27 Prawie..... czyni wielka roznice. Wyniki konkursow podliczone sprawnie, bezblednie i calkowicie bezstronnie dzieki patronowi "partyplace" Alfowi Liczmanskiemu - dziekujemy :) Piwa i chleba. Polska walczaca !!!! 12:53 Party jak zwykle z rozmachem poziom prac wysoki. Do zobacyenia za rok. Grey wielkie dzieki guSTaw Party i po party. Bylo super. Henryk