nyd 2022 invitro ---------------- music Buddy - Christian Duesterhoeft code + graphics PPs - Ralf Patschke 48k + ntsc + pal + 50Hz + 60Hz + single and dual POKEY friendly I created this in just one night between december 03rd and 04th 2021. This would never happen without the great work of other great people. Thanks for your tools: JAC! (WUDSN IDE), TeBe (MADS, G2F), RASTER (RMT) Original gfx taken from the web and converted by me to a8 with G2F. Buddy converted the great TD2 title song with RMT. People @ Silly Venture 2021: Have fun @ the party! Hope that I can be there next time - SV is on my must visit list since years, but it just was not possible for me :( If you have something to submit to NYD 2022, send it to me to: nyd@ppsberlin.de Deadline is december 31st just before New Year. Release will be around 1 pm (UTC) on 01-01-2022 as usual. -------------------------------------------------------------------PPs nyd 2022 invitro cars pack -------------------------- music Buddy - Christian Duesterhoeft code + graphics PPs - Ralf Patschke 48k + ntsc + pal + 50Hz + 60Hz + single and dual POKEY friendly Right now SV2021 is running and I am sitting here in Berlin painting and coding some more to give you additional cars :) Hope you enjoy my little intro and have a lot of fun @SV2021! ----------------------------------------------------PPs_Sat_11.12.2021