BUGS FOUND IN SPARTADOS X 4.39RC ================================ FORMATTER --------- * When a disk has 65535 ($FFFF) sectors total and the 'Optimize' option is on while building the directory, the resulting directory structure is incorrect. Workaround: keep 'Optimize' off in such situation. * The 'DD 512' density is not always available in the formatter menu, when it should be. For instance, to format a 720k floppy in this density (80 tracks, 2 sides, 9 sectors per track) you must select the 'DD 512' density first in the menu, then swich the number of tracks to 80 DS. When you do it in reverse order, i.e. select the 80 DS first, the density menu will then offer two densities only (Single and Double), and the 'DD 512' becomes unavailable. * When you do this: - select anything else than 40SS - switch to "Atari" format - switch back to "Sparta" format the "Dual" density selection becomes unavailable. One has then to toggle the 'Tracks' option to anything else than 40SS and back - then the "Dual" density gets available again. SIO2.SYS, MAP.COM ----------------- * You can configure the SDX to use the operating system SIO procedures even in the OSRAM mode. In such a case, the RAM area behind the OS is not available for reading/writing. However, the system is unaware of that, producing unpredictable results. Workaround: do not use DEVICE SIO2 and don't issue the MAP command with the OS parameter in the OSRAM mode. EOF