THINGS TO DO ============ * RAMDISK.SYS and ENV.SYS do not work correctly with Axlon RAM extension * New text editor * Ramdisk for TF 2005 internal RAM * CON80.SYS is buggy as hell. * TYPE /P and MORE do not count long lines correctly * ICD: ARC X sometimes crashes when unpacking long files. * ICD: ARC A has sometimes a problem packing such long files. * ICD: ARC can only pack files which are located on DSK: device. * COPY does not preserve file's attributes (especially +P) - should it? * ACTION monitor doesn't display commands if QUICKED is loaded. * Reading raw directory from CAR: reveals bogus file sizes. * MYDUP.COM only works when COMEXE.SYS is loaded. * JIFFY.SYS, when running overnight, allows the date to turn e.g. to 31 November. Changes in SpartaDOS X 4.44 (relative to 4.43) ============================================== KERNEL ------ * SpartaDOS X should now work on Ultimate 1MB. * The same build should now work regardless of whether the hardware is changing TRIG3 state or not. * The build for Turbo Freezer 2005 will be now 256k and contain *.MAN files on CAR: * "Config error" message displayed during CONFIG.SYS interpretation now also displays the error code. * The system does not hang now when error 183 occurs while executing SET commands in CONFIG.SYS. DRIVERS ------- * IDEPTIME.SYS is a new driver for IDEPlus 2.0 on-board real-time clock * RAMDISK.SYS did not update the DCB status byte after I/O. The symptom was that e.g. CleanUp X was not able to write to a RAM-disk. * ARCLOCK.SYS will now retry getting date&time several times before resetting the clock (required by some defective hardware) LIBRARY ------- * CHVOL no longer requires the volume name to meet the same criteria as file name. * U_GETNUM is now able to convert numeric strings to 32-bit values. * U_GETNUM: strings which could not be decoded as numbers should cause the function to signalize a not-a-number status, but this only worked for decimal strings (i.e. XXXXX was properly decoded as not a number, but $XXXX was understood as a number of undefined value). * _CRUNCH did not properly decode device identifiers in certain circumstances. UTILITIES --------- * RS232.COM makes now possible to reference the "R:" device from the command prompt as "COM:" (only for programs which parse the command line the old way, i.e. via _CRUNCH aka ZCRNAME). * MDUMP may now be given symbol name instead of the "address" parameter * X.COM: the system does not crash anymore when Turbo BASIC XL is started and exited six times in a row. * X.COM: internal version of command line parsing routine (ZCRNAME) synchronized with the on-cart one (_CRUNCH). * DUMP.COM now accepts 24-bit file offset and 24-bit count. * ED will not attempt to open subdirectories or hidden files anymore. * When opening a file succeeds, ED now places the actual name found on the disk on its status line instead of the name given by the user (this matters when the user typed in a filename with wildcards). * ARC is now able to list and unpack archives located on non-disks (e.g. on PCL: device). * MEM /X now displays the RAM extension type: 130XE or Axlon (these two are supported). * COMMAND.COM now doesn't crash anymore on DIR | MORE when $TMP is not defined. TOOLKIT ------- * PHD and PLD: two new commands to save and restore current directory. * WC.COM: new utility counts the number of words, lines and characters in a text file. * PCLINK.SYS bugfix, Ilusia demo and Turbo BASIC XL 1.5 load now from PCL: device. * DD.COM now accepts 24-bit file offset and 24-bit count. * XT.COM: new utility that displays the execution time of a given command. * XVER.COM: new utility that displays the SDX build information. ADD-ONS ------- * A new pseudo-driver EMUDEV.SYS (for emulators)