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S_ADDIZ DEVICE SPARTA OSRAMDEVICE SIODEVICE ATARIDOSDEVICE INDUS 4DEVICE ULTIMEDEVICE JIFFYDEVICE RAMDISK PBI Driver 0.3 (c)DLTGiH-GHѮ h ܩHѢ SIO Table full`0ȹ` Device not found`8-G1H :L1G 8H-G H :h H`BА%!R H hB, $8 `4224ȭ35`< +COMTAB2 }INSTALL PRINTF Y  Sp =lRH)Ӣh %s installed(d  $7{e  ` %s not present!(`Ultimate clock `H hɈӍvR &1 &ɪ ̩`LL Ff d,eH h L{de+fgL{8`H h  {,` {  & 8TidH)hJJ8im }i &` & `H)JJJ mh)m`$m(`莕 t t H  t)8.h tޭ̕ʩ t``LJg  &`I_NVRAM  I_SETTD I_GETTD duD6,P-\_kr2   OCOMTAB # HERRNO %EXTENDEDINSTALL PRINTF  U_SLASH VALIDATELHvst u So 7kqRH)Ӣkh %s installed'd  #1{e  ` %s not present!'`ARC clock (//ծ iF  `LL uFf d,eH h L)de+fgL@8`H h  {,`{  c4 7/բ 4 HJJJJ Ոh) ՈM /թ/(`:H;:m;;(h;`M M+ 4:7 4`8` !) 4 }44 )}44ʈ`8`I_NVRAM  I_SETTD I_GETTD )   loqCOMTAB # ERRNO $EXTENDEDINSTALL PRINTF  U_SLASH VALIDATECHTD====Purpose-------Change the time/date stamp on all files matching the given filespec to the current time and date.Syntax------CHTD [+A|H|P|S] [-A|H|P|S] [d:][path]fname[.ext]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------DATE, TD, TIMERemarks-------By default, this command will only change the time/date stamp on non-hidden and non-protected files - the attributes may be overridden. A filespec must be entered since '*.*' is not assumed.The switch '/Q' causes the command to suppress the message confirming the change of the timestamp.Note: See ATR command for more information on attributes [A|H|P|S].CHVOL=====Purpose-------Change the volume name on the specified drive.Syntax------CHVOL [d:]volnameType----External - on device CAR:Related-------CHKDSK, FORMAT, DIRRemarks-------This command will not change the volume name on AtariDOS 2 disks since they physically have no volume name. Up to eight characters are allowed on SD formatted media. The volume name may contain any ATASCII characters including spaces and inverse characters. Leading spaces are not allowed.CLS===Purpose-------Clear the screen.Syntax------CLS [/F]Type----InternalRemarks-------Useful especially for batch files, CLS will simply clear the screen.Using the /F option (as in 'force') will re-initialize the screen instead of clearing it. The code will perform 'GRAPHICS 0' rather than '? CHR$(125)'. The SCRDEF values set in the AUTOEXEC.BAT will be re-enabled thereafter.COMP====Purpose-------Compare two files.Syntax------COMP [d:][path]fname1.ext [d:][path]fname2.ext [offset1 [offset2]]Type----External - on device CAR:Availability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------The program compares both files and displays information about the differences. E.g., A:COMP FILE_A.COM FILE_B.COM ?dif at 000008:50 & 000008:5C ?dif at 000009:4F & 000009:4D ?dif at 00000A:4B & 00000A:53 ?dif at 00000B:45 & 00000B:43The optional offsets are starting positions, where the respective files get compared from. If none is provided, for both files 0 will be assumed. DIR & DIRS==========Purpose-------Display a directory in SD or Atari format.Syntax------DIR [+A|H|P|S] [-A|H|P|S] [d:][path][fname][.ext] [/A|C|P|W]DIRS [+A|H|P|S] [-A|H|P|S] [d:][path][fname][.ext] [/A|C|P]Type----Both external - on CAR: device.Related-------ATR, FIND, MENU, PATH, PAUSE, PROMPTRemarks-------'DIR' invoked without any options or switches displays the SD type directory showing filename, extension, file size in bytes, date and time created. A in the size field indicates a subdirectory. The volume and directory name will be displayed at the top of the listing, and the free sectors count at the end.Versions before SDX 4.4x display only the last six digits of the file size information in a directory listing, even though the file size can be an 8 digit number. Running SDX such long files can be created and are handled correctly (despite this flaw). Thus, it is rather difficult to properly estimate the size of some long files, but SDX 4.4x solves this problem. When a file exceeds 999,999 bytes in size, it is displayed in KiB, using the 'k' character as indicator.Reading an AtariDOS 2 type medium is indicated by a volume name of 'DOS 2.0' and a directory name of 'ROOT'; it has no time stamp. The file size is roughly converted to bytes using a multiply of 125 (SD/ED) or 253 (DD), respectively. AtariDOS 2 and clones use sector lengths instead of bytes in the directories, so there is no exact file size representation.Optionally specify the attributes of the files you wish to display. A '+' with no attribute listed will match all files, regardless of attribute. If you wish to see all files (including hidden files), simply enter DIR +This will also work with any command that allows attribute selection.The attributes are:A - Archived files and folders.This attribute is cleared (-) whenever a file is updated or created. Using a program like Flashback! will set this attribute.H - Hidden files and folders.P - Protected files and folders.S - Subdirectory (folder). This attribute cannot be changed.If you do not specify a filename, '*.*' is assumed as in the following examples: DIR MYSUB> DIR +P DIR ..\Notes: A subdirectory name has to be followed by a '>' or '\' character, if you wish to see the content of that directory. Redirected output will generate listings as for an 80-column display.The switch '/A' displays the file attributes in the list. It is used mostly together with '+'. For example:, to show all files with their attributes use: DIR + /A The '/P' switch causes to wait for a key press after each directory screen (23 lines).The '/C' parameter will give a count of the number of entries displayed in that directory.The '/W' switch lists the directory just as file names in as many columns as fit the screen (i.e. in 64-column mode1, for example, there are more columns listed than in GRAPHICS 0 with its 40 column size).You may specify the attributes of the files you wish to display, for example DIR +S will display only subdirectories. Note that the default directory attribute (no attributes specified) is '-H' (do not show hidden files). The DIRS command has exactly the same syntax, but displays the directory in AtariDOS 2 'compatibility mode' - with no time/date, and with the file size displayed in sectors rather than in bytes. Since the Free Sectors count in DIRS is limited to three digits, the maximum size displayed will always be 999. It also displays the 'protected' status (+P) as '*' before each protected file and subdirectory.FIND====Purpose-------Search specified areas in the system for files.Syntax------FIND [d:|device]fname[.ext]Type----External - on CAR: deviceRelated-------DIRRemarks-------FIND will quickly find a file anywhere on your drives. This becomes very useful when you start using subdirectories and multiple drives. Entering drive id and filename will tell FIND to look only on that particular drive. Additionally, FIND is able to search devices like 'CAR:', if specified. The filename may include wildcards. All filename matches found will be displayed with the full path from the root directory to the filename match. The drive ids will be shown as drive letter for consistency with drives above D9:. The number of matches found will be displayed at the end of the search. FIND will also find and display hidden files.KEY===Purpose-------Installs a 32 character keyboard buffer.Syntax------KEY ON|OFFType----External - on CAR: deviceRemarks-------The first time you use this command, it installs a keyboard driver into your system and links an 'internal' KEY command into your system (for turning the buffer on and off). The keyboard buffer will provide a faster key repeat and enables you to type ahead while the system is busy.The ON/OFF parameter is interpreted, enabling or disabling the keyboard buffer accordingly. Keys coming from the auto-repeat of the keyboard will not be buffered.Once the keyboard buffer has been installed, the global symbol '@KEY' is defined and further KEY commands call this symbol to turn the buffer on and off.LHLESS====Purpose-------Paging text viewer.Syntax------LESS [/C] [path]fname[.ext] [>>[path]fname[.ext]]Type----External - on CAR: deviceRelated-------MORE, TYPEAvailability------------As of SDX 4.42.Remarks-------This command is a little bit better version of MORE. If the text fits entirely on the screen, the viewer behaves almost like MORE or TYPE: it dumps the file's content to the screen, and then quits to the DOS. The only difference between LESS and the others is that LESS tries to fold the long lines (if any) so that they fit within the current screen width.Refer to the instructions on the FMT command for further remarks about folding.However, if the text is longer than 23 lines, it will be "paged" and the viewer will not automatically terminate. The following keystrokes are available for navigation through the viewed file:- Down arrow or Return: scroll one line down- Up arrow: scroll one line up- Right arrow or 'F' or Space: scroll one page down (forwards)- Left arrow or 'B': scroll one page up (backwards)- 'D': scroll half page down- 'U': scroll half page up- 'G': jump to line number of the text- '<': jump to the top of the text- '>': jump to the end of the text- 'Q' or 'Esc': exit to DOSThe keys <-, =, +, *> are equivalents to the respective arrows and do not require holding the Ctrl key.Some of them are shown in the bottom of the screen. The number in the bottom-right corner is the number of the text line displayed at the top of the screen.Adding the '/C' switch causes the program to clear the screen before displaying anything. LESS is also a filter command and thus can be used in an identical manner as MORE. It can act as the final receiver of the data stream sent through a pipe, i. e.: D1:DIR | LESSManual chapter 5 contains more information about pipes.LESS now automatically detects MS-DOS, CP/M and Unix special characters and converts the text accordingly on the fly. Therefore, you now may use the command to convert such text files to Atari format, in this manner: LESS FOO.TXT >>BAR.TXT will convert a PC-like text file FOO.TXT into Atari-like BAR.TXT. The mapping table for special characters to be converted:ASCII 7 BELL -> ATASCII 253 BELLASCII 8 BACKSPACE -> ATASCII 126 BACKSPACEASCII 9 TAB -> ATASCII 127 TABASCII 10 CR -> ATASCII 155 EOLASCII 13 LF -> ATASCII 27 ESCAPEASCII 127 DELETE -> ATASCII 126 BACKSPACEASCII 160 HARD SPACE -> ATASCII 32 SPACENotes: Currently, LESS loads the file to be displayed into free main memory. If it is larger, the rest will be silently skipped. Invoked without any parameter the system will wait for an input from the CON: device. Pressing <3>, or aborts.LOAD====Purpose-------Load/unload a file (no run) to/from memory. Syntax------LOAD [/X|L S|A|N|I|mode] [d:][path][fname][.ext] [parameters]Type----InternalRelated-------MEM, SAVERemarks-------LOAD may be used to:- Keep an external command such as CAR or X or the command processor (COMMAND.COM) resident in memory.- Remove all non-installed commands or programs from memory (use LOAD with no filename).- Load a subprogram into memory for use by other commands.- Load MAC/65 object files into memory and then SAVE them back as contiguous non-segmented binary files.- Load a binary program prior to running a debugger (for testing purposes).Via switches special conditions can be invoked:- /X will execute the file under the control of X.COM (equivalent to the command 'X fname').- /L allows advanced users to select a loading mode by symbol or mode value:SymbolModeLoading Mode S 0 SDX loading mode A 64 AtariDOS loading mode N 128 No execution I 192 Initialize only, no execution.If not specified, the loading mode with the LOAD Command is assumed to be N (128).Note: Useful for keeping commonly used commands resident in memory, thereby eliminating the need for these commands to load from disk.PAUSE=====Purpose-------Suspends system processing and displays a prompt message.Syntax------PAUSE [n]Type----InternalRelated-------DIR, TYPEAvailability------------As of SDX 4.46 timing option.Remarks-------You can insert PAUSE commands within a batch file to provide the opportunity to change diskettes between commands or to step through a process, giving you time to read instructions, etc.To resume execution of the batch file, press the RETURN key.PAUSE now optionally accepts a number of seconds to wait, ranged from 0 to 65535.Note: It is very dangerous to change disks during a PAUSE on the drive from which the batch file was running, or at least any changeable medium for that matter. If using PAUSE to change disks, run the batch file from a ramdisk or another drive that will not be changed.RS232=====Purpose-------Load the RS232 handler from a P:R: Connection or the Atari 850 interface.Syntax------RS232Type----External - on device CAR:Remarks-------You need to use this command prior to using a P:R: Connection or Atari 850 interface unless the program you are going to use does this automatically. Try your program without RS232 first. You should hear a beep on your monitor (TV) speaker if the handler loads. If not and an error occurs, type this command and run your program again.Avoid loading the RS232 handler more than once. Your system may crash if you load several copies of the RS232 handler into memory, since MEMLO is raised each time.Note: Booting the driver from the ATARI 850 more than once is not possible since it can only be loaded once after power has been switched on.SET===Purpose-------Display the values of all environment variables, and optionally set an environment variable to a specified value.Syntax------SET [var[=env_string]]Type----InternalRemarks-------Environment variables are global strings that can be used by a program to communicate to another. E.g. the $CAR variable tells the CAR command where the memory-save file is. These three forms are available. SETDisplays the contents of all environment variables. SET CAR=A:CAR.SAVSets the variable $CAR to the value "A:CAR.SAV". SET CARDeletes the environment variable $CAR from the system. (This will cause the CAR command to not use a memory-save file.)SET may be used in CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT or via command line.The '$'-character can be used to terminate a name of an environment variable, so that it can be referenced not only as $var but also as $var$. This makes it possible to insert a variable into a longer string, which does not contain usual path separators.TYPE====Purpose-------Display the contents of a specified file.Syntax------TYPE [+A|H|P|S] [-A|H|P|S] [d:][path]fname[.ext] [/P]Type----InternalRelated-------COPY, DUMP, MENU, PAUSE, LESS, MORERemarks-------Displays any file and is not limited to a maximum line length as was the case with SD 3.2. Press to stop and start the display. Attributes as with the DIR command apply - the default attributes are '-HS'. If you include a '/P' parameter, the TYPE command will wait for a key press after each 23 lines of text.VER===Purpose-------Display the current version number and date of the cartridge.Syntax------VERType----InternalRemarks-------This command will show the version number, revision date, and copyright notice as displayed when the cartridge is booted.VERIFY======Purpose-------Turn write verify on or off.Syntax------VERIFY [ON|OFF]Type----InternalRemarks-------When ON, SDX performs a verify operation following each disk write operation, to verify that the data just written can be read without error. Because of the extra time required to perform the verification, the system runs slower when programs write data to disk, especially on real floppy disk drives. This command is typically used when drive problems occur. The default is OFF.VERIFY invoked without a parameter displays the status, otherwise confirms the status set on the screen.LHAPPEND======Purpose-------Append the given path at the end of the $PATH variable.Syntax------APPEND d: | pathname | deviceType----External - on device CAR:Availability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------Sometimes it is very handy to have the path variable changed temporarily. Especially while programming and/or administering your system equipped with mass storage devices like hard drives, flash cartridges, SIO2XX devices etc. The APPEND command facilitates the task of temporarily adding a device, drive or directory to the $PATH without manually rewriting all the paths that $PATH contains.BASIC=====Purpose-------Enter the internal BASIC in a XL/XE machine.Syntax------BASIC [/I|N] [d:][path][fname] [parameters]Type----External - uses CAR.COM on device CAR:Related-------CAR, SETRemarks-------Without a filename the control is given to the internal BASIC of your XL/XE computer (except 1200XL). If a filename is specified, the internal BASIC will be enabled and the binary file you specified will be loaded and run. The optional 'parameters' are whatever the program 'fname' needs. The '/N' option returns to BASIC after running 'fname', instead of the command processor which is the default.To automatically load and run a BASIC program from the command processor, read about I/O redirection.SDX has a MEM.SAV facility similar to AtariDOS 2, but much more powerful. The environment variable $BASIC should be set to the file you wish to use as the memory-save file for BASIC. If no such environment variable exists, this feature is disabled.The $BASIC variable has no default value, unless RAMDISK.SYS is installed. If $BASIC has not been set by the user, the ramdisk driver sets the variable during installation so that it points to a CAR.SAV file residing in the ramdisk.You may change this with the SET command in CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT or directly via command line. For example: SET BASIC=D8:BASIC.SAVsets the variable to 'D8:BASIC.SAV'. To see the current value of $BASIC (and all the other environment variables) just type: SETTo clear the variable, which disables the BASIC memory-save feature, just type SET BASICEntering BASIC while no BASIC.SAV file exists, will result in a cold entry, meaning there will be no program in user memory. To force this, even when having a proper SAV file, you may use the '/I' option. The SAV file will be skipped then. Leaving to DOS next, will cause an overwrite of the old SAV file.While the memory save feature is enabled and a problem loading or saving the memory file occurs (BASIC.SAV), an error message will be displayed. If this happens while loading the memory file, you will be prompted with the old MEMLO (when the file was saved). If an error exists while saving the memory file, you will be notified of that. In either case, you will have the option to abort and correct the problem or to proceed, deleting the memory file. Press the ESC key if you wish to abort or RETURN to proceed. More details about the two situations that can occur:- Upon entering BASIC, the current MEMLO does not match the MEMLO in the memory-save file. This can occur after installing extra drivers since last time you entered BASIC (such as the keyboard buffer, ramdisk, etc), or LOADing commands such as X or COMMAND. At this point you may press ESC and restore the system to the way it was when you last entered BASIC (By COLD starting and/or LOADing programs), or press RETURN and enter BASIC cold. This will also happen if the memory-save file has somehow been corrupted.- Upon exiting BASIC (using the DOS command) the system will attempt to create a .SAV file on disk. The disk is full, or is not online and the memory-save file can't be saved. You have the option to go to DOS (RETURN) and lose the current BASIC program in memory, or to go back to BASIC (ESC) and SAVE whatever you were working on or clear up the disk problem.In addition to saving the contents of user memory, the memory-save feature saves page 0 (from $80-$FF), and pages 4-6. This means that you may alternate between BASIC and CARtridge without losing what you were working on. When you enter BASIC the memory-save file is loaded, allowing you to edit a BASIC program, go to DOS, reboot the computer, and enter BASIC with exactly what you were working on before rebooting the system (as long the memory-save file is present and valid).Performing a cold start (a jump to $E477) while in BASIC will cause the SDX cartridge and the external cartridge plugged into the SDX cartridge, if any, to be disabled. This will have the same effect as typing COLD /N from the command processor.Note: This command is recognized by the command processor as an internal command that chains to the external program 'CAR.COM', so both the CAR and BASIC commands share the same external program. CAR.COM is memory resident while you are in the BASIC environment, so MEMLO will be slightly higher during this period.CLR===Purpose-------Delete unused system variables.Syntax------CLR Type----InternalAvailability------------As of SDX 4.42.Remarks-------Deletes the system variables, which were created by the system and are no longer used. This command is only necessary when the execution of a batch file was aborted with the RESET key. In such circumstances internal variables created by the batch file can remain in the environment area. The CLR command allows to delete them 'by hand'.ECHO====Purpose-------Enable or disable the 'echo' in the Command Processor.Syntax------ECHO ON|OFFType----Internal - executed by COMMAND.COMAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------ECHO OFF disables echoing user commands, passed to the Command Processor from the command line or fetched from a batch file. ECHO ON restores the default.The ECHO command as well 'echoes' the text given as a parameter. ECHO TEXT simply displays the given text. To display the value of an environment variable, its name should be preceded with '$'-sign, for example: ECHO $PATHThe preset is ECHO OFF.MDUMP=====Purpose-------Display memory in hex and ATASCII.Syntax------MDUMP [[$]index:][$]address [[$]len]Type----External - on CAR: device Related-------DUMPAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.As of SDX 4.47 can access extended memory and 65C816 high RAM.Remarks-------MDUMP is useful to check the memory content quickly.Available indices are:00 = main memory,02 = system extended memory,04 - max. 67 (255) = extended memory Port B (Axlon).To dump 65C816 high ram type the respective number of digits, e.g. $FF0000.Addresses are assumed to be decimal unless preceded by a '$', which indicates hex.PWD===Purpose-------Outputs a list of current working directories. Syntax------PWDType----External - on CAR: deviceRelated-------DIRAvailability------------As of SpartaDOS X 4.43.Remarks-------A quick overview over the current working directories on all valid drives.SETPATHS========Purpose-------Set current directories on the specified drives.Syntax------SETPATHS [d:][path]|fname[.ext]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------CHDIRAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------After DOS startup the current directory on every disk points to the main directory. To change them automatically to required subdirectories, the SETPATHS command should be invoked from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. As a parameter the name of a text file should be given to SETPATHS. This file should contain valid subdirectory specifications in consecutive lines. For example: A:>DOS> B:\UTILS\ C:>PRG>SRC>If the paths specified this way do exist, the respective directories will become the current ones on the given drives upon completion of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.Alternatively, the required path can be specified directly as a command line argument.LHCAR===Purpose-------Enter the cartridge plugged into the top of the SDX cartridge. Syntax------CAR [/N|I|L S|A|N|I|mode] [d:][path][fname] [parameters]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------BASIC, COLD, SETRemarks-------CAR invoked without any switches will hand over control to the cartridge plugged into the SDX cartridge. If a filename is specified, then that binary file is loaded and handled according to the given parameters. This is useful e.g. for compiled ACTION! programs that need to call routines within the cartridge. The optional 'parameters' are whatever the program 'fname' needs. The '/N' option returns to the cartridge after running fname, instead of to the command processor, which is the default. SDX features a MEM.SAV facility similar to AtariDOS 2, but much more powerful. The environment variable $CAR should be set to the file to be used as the memory-save file for the cartridge. If no such environment variable exists, this feature is disabled.The $CAR variable has no default value, unless RAMDISK.SYS is installed. If $CAR has not been set by the user (SET command), the ramdisk driver sets the variable during installation so that it points to a CAR.SAV file residing in the ramdisk. You of course may change this with the SET command in CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT or directly via command line. For example: SET CAR=D8:CAR.SAVsets the variable to 'D8:CAR.SAV'. To see the current value of $CAR and all the other environment variables just type: SETand to clear the variable (i.e. disable the CAR memory-save feature) type SET CAREntering a CAR while no CAR.SAV file exists causes it to be cold initialized, hence there will be no program in user memory. To force this even having a proper SAV file, use the '/I' option. The SAV file will be skipped then. Leaving to DOS next, will cause an overwrite of the old SAV file.While the memory save feature is enabled and a problem loading or saving the memory file occurs (CAR.SAV), an error message will be displayed. If this happens while loading the memory file, you will be prompted with the old MEMLO (when the file was saved). If an error exists while saving the memory file, you will be notified of that. In either case, you will have the option to abort and correct the problem or to proceed, deleting the memory file. Press the ESC key if you wish to abort or RETURN to proceed. More details about the two situations that can occur:- Upon entering the cartridge, the current MEMLO does not match the MEMLO in the memory-save file. This can occur after installing extra drivers since last time you entered the cartridge (such as the keyboard buffer, ramdisk, etc), or LOADing commands such as X or COMMAND. At this point you may press ESC and restore the system to the way it was when you last entered BASIC (By COLD starting and/or LOADing programs), or press RETURN and enter the cartridge cold. This will also happen if the memory-save file has somehow been corrupted.- Upon exiting CAR (using the DOS command) the system will attempt to create a .SAV file on disk. The disk is full, or is not online and the memory-save file can't be saved. You have the option to go to DOS (RETURN) and lose the current program in memory, or to go back to CAR (ESC) and SAVE whatever you were working on or clear up the disk problem.In addition to saving the contents of user memory, the memory-save feature saves page 0 (from $80-$FF), and page 4-6. This means that you may alternate between BASIC and CARtridge without ever loosing what you were working on. Whenever you enter the cartridge the memory-save file is loaded, thus you can edit a program in the cartridge, go to DOS, reboot the computer, and enter the cartridge with exactly what you were working on before rebooting the system (as long the memory-save file is present and valid).Executing a cold start while in the cartridge will cause SDX to be disabled, while leaving the external cartridge enabled. This is the same as typing COLD /C from the command processor.The /L option allows advanced users to select the loading mode. It can be either the directly given number ("mode") or one of the following symbols: S - SDX loading mode (mode=0) A - AtariDOS loading mode (64) N - do not execute (128) I - do not execute, but initialize (192).For details on the loading modes see the LOAD command. If not specified, the loading mode is assumed to be 64 (AtariDOS). This will properly execute ACTION! compiled binaries, which set INITs but do not properly set the RUN vector.Note: CAR is recognized by the command processor as an internal command that chains to the external program 'CAR.COM', so both CAR and BASIC commands share the same external program. CAR.COM remains memory resident while in the cartridge environment, so MEMLO will be slightly higher during this time. It will return to the lower value when the cartridge is exited.SAVE====Purpose-------Save binary data from memory to disk.Syntax------SAVE [d:][path]fname[.ext] [$]address [$]addressType----External - on device CAR:Related-------LOAD, BLOADAvailability------------As of SDX 4.47 the SAVE command is now external on CAR: device.Remarks-------Useful tool when used in conjunction with the LOAD command for de-segmenting MAC/65 files or to save a snapshot of memory for debugging purposes.Addresses are assumed to be decimal unless preceded by a '$', which indicates hex. SIOSET======Purpose-------SIO.SYS serial speed control.Syntax------SIOSET [d:] [type [usindex]] SIOSET REFRESH [0|128]SIOSET NMI [index]Type----External - on device CAR:Availability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------SIOSET manages an advanced control of the serial protocol for the SIO.SYS driver1. Typically, the serial transmission parameters are determined automatically on the first access of a drive. Later on there is no need to change them. Sometimes however, e.g. when a drive was changed to another type at run time, you may want to change the parameters manually.SIOSET invoked with no arguments displays the current configuration for all SIO drives accessed so far, otherwise a hyphen is noted. 'SIOSET 4' e.g. shows the information just for drive #4. The DF command accesses all drives, which helps to see their current configuration with SIOSET.The following features may be set using the type parameter:RESETThe transmission parameters for the drive are cleared; they will be determined on next I/O request sent to that drive.NORMALThe drive works at standard baudrate.XFThe drive uses the XF551 protocol.USThe drive uses the UltraSpeed protocol.INDUSThe drive uses the Indus protocol.The manually issued settings will be confirmed by displaying them.Note that e.g. 'SIOSET 3 US' will set drive #3 to Ultra Speed, determine its speed ability and enable it by automatically setting the appropriate us index.With Ultra Speed the additional parameter 'usindex' allows to determine the serial speed manually. Make sure to set a legal value for the addressed drive.The SIO driver before SDX 4.47 periodically requeried drives for high speed by default. This has been disabled since it caused problems with some drive types. Invoke SIOSET REFRESH to see the new default setting (0=no re-query). Use SIOSET REFRESH 128 to enable the former behavior. However, the refresh may affect manual high speed settings, since it checks the drive on the next access and resets the us index to the detected value.The option NMI allows the user to check and set the lowest high speed index at which NMI interrupts are kept intact. This index defaults to 8 (3x SIO). Check your NMI setting by typing SIOSET NMI. Below the set value NMIs are turned off to keep time requirements for high speeds. Increase the threshold if you experience transfer errors or lockups at the corresponding speed. Decrease the set value if you want to keep NMIs turned on, as is required by some programs. Be advised that this may affect transfer reliability.CAUTION: SIOSET does not work, if SIO.SYS was loaded using the "/C" option!LHATR===Purpose-------Set/clear file attributes.Syntax------ATR [+A|H|P] [-A|H|P] [d:][path]fname[.ext]Alias-----ATTRIBType----InternalRelated-------DIRRemarks-------The scope of the ATR command is all files and folders (subdirectories) matching the given name. This command works not in scan mode, but in operation mode. Therefore the attributes for the directory entry matching the given name specification will be set(+) or cleared(-).The directory entry attributes are as follows:A - ArchivedFiles and Folders are marked as archived when this bit is set. Additionally, the archived bit is set when the file is backed up by a program such as 'FlashBack!' or the COPY command. This attribute is cleared whenever a file is updated or created. This attribute is not related to the ARC command.H - HiddenFiles and Folders are hidden when this bit is set. A hidden file may be loaded as a command. Some commands such as TYPE and COPY will not see hidden files and/or subdirectories (unless attributes are specified with those commands).P - ProtectedFiles and Folders are protected when this bit is set. They may not be deleted, overwritten or updated.For example, to set the archived status and clear the protection bit of all '.COM' files, type the command ATR +A -P *.COMFor further information about which status bits in the directory entry are affected by these attributes, please refer to the 'Technical Information' chapter.Note: The attribute S (subdirectory) is unchangeable - thus not legal in the ATR command! This bit is set to indicate a subdirectory. If cleared, it would be seen as a file which could cause significant damage.CHKDSK======Purpose-------Show volume, free/total disk space, and sector size of the selected drive. Syntax------CHKDSK [d:] [/X|V] Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------FORMAT, MEM, VERRemarks-------Typing 'CHKDSK' at the DOS prompt calls the program 'CHKDSK.COM' residing on 'CAR:' device. It is used to quickly see how much space is available on a drive and the sector size (this information is not available by doing a DIRectory). Note that the volume name of all AtariDOS 2 style diskettes will appear as 'DOS 2.0'.The '/X' option causes an extended disk information to be displayed. This way you can quickly review the details of how your medium is set up.The '/V' option is a far more advanced tool:- The disk bitmap (VTOC) will be loaded into memory and analyzed,- The information about remaining free space is compared with the amount of free space indicated by the boot sector. This allows to check quickly, if there are lost sectors on the disk. - The [/V] option will only work with regular SDFS disks. The disk write-lock status known from earlier SD versions is no longer supported. It did not protect from formatting the disk. Notes: The write-lock feature of the MIO still works and is totally independent - it is a far more secure write-lock.When using CHKDSK with the /X option, most of the displayed data are self explaining. The two numbers following the volume name are used for disk change detection in cases where volume names are the same on both disks. The first is a sequence number which is incremented each time a file on the disk is opened for write. The second is a random number generated when the disk was formatted.Date and time, when the disk was formatted, will be displayed at the end of the list, if this information is available. COLD====Purpose-------Reboot the system (by doing a jump through $E477).Syntax------COLD [/C|N]Type----InternalRelated-------BOOT, CARRemarks-------This command is an alternative to switching the computer's power off and back on. The major advantage of using COLD is that the extended banks of RAM will retain their memory, thus the data in your ramdisks will still be there. This is equivalent to the SpartaDOS 3.2 command: RUN E477The command has two options:C - Reboot the computer with SDX disabled and the cartridge plugged into SDX enabled.N - Reboot the computer as if there were no cartridges in your computer.Hold down OPTION while pressing RETURN to reboot without internal BASIC.Generally, once SDX has been disabled, it will be necessary to turn the computer off and back on to re-enable SDX. Practically, this hardware torture may be omitted by booting INIDOS.SYS available from the SDX Toolkit.In the Maxflash versions of SDX 4.4x the 'COLD /C' command is an equivalent to 'COLD' alone (without the parameter). CON===Purpose-------CON: drivers control.Syntax------CON 40|64|80Type----External - on device CAR:Availability------------As of SDX 4.42.Remarks-------This command enables and disables the 64- and 80-column text modes handled by the CON64.SYS and CON.SYS drivers. The commands 'CON 64' and 'CON 80' will try to enable the 64- and 80-column mode respectively - the respective driver must be loaded first for this action to succeed. 'CON 40' disables either mode switching the screen to the standard, 40-column text console. The message 'Mode not changed' means, that the respective driver was not loaded to the memory, or the screen is already in the requested mode.To use all three modes the order of calls in CONFIG.SYS is: DEVICE \DRIVERS\RC_GR8.SYS ; TOOLKIT DEVICE \DRIVERS\CON.SYS; TOOLKIT ; DEVICE QUICKED DEVICE CON64 DEVICE RAMDISK O,8Notes: In CONFIG.SYS the DEVICE QUICKED must precede DEVICE CON64 and/or DEVICE CON to get them working properly. DEVICE RAMDISK should be placed behind those in CONFIG.SYS, otherwise you will waste one bank of extended memory.CON.SYS from the SDXTK needs to be the version released together with SDX 4.47.More====Purpose------Display the contents of the given text file.Syntax------MORE [<<]fname[.ext]Type----InternalRelated-------LESS, TYPEAvailability------------As of SDX 4.42.Remarks-------The MORE command does exactly the same thing as TYPE fname /P (see TYPE). The MORE command is used most often as the final receiver of a data stream being sent through a pipe, for example: D1:ARC|MOREis an equivalent to: D1:ARC >>TESTIT D1:MORE <<3>; or abort it.Note: Invoked without any parameter the system will wait for an input from the CON: device. Pressing <3>, or aborts.RMDIR=====Purpose-------Delete an empty subdirectory from the specified drive.Syntax------RMDIR [d:]pathAlias-----RD & DELDIRType----InternalRelated-------CHDIR, DELTREE, MKDIR, PATHRemarks-------Only empty directories can be removed. The last directory name in the path is the directory to be removed. This function is not supported by the ATARIDOS.SYS driver. RD TEST DELDIR 3:>MODEM>TESTThe first example removes the subdirectory called "TEST" on the default drive. An error will occur if the directory has files in it. The second example removes a subdirectory on drive D3: by the name of "TEST" in the subdirectory called MODEM which is under the MAIN directory.Note: If a file has been opened for write or update but not properly closed (usually by hitting reset or losing power while it is opened) its entry in the directory will not be removed, although it may not show in a listing. A subdirectory containing a 'phantom' entry of this type can not be deleted. 'CleanUp X' or 'Eddy' from SDX Toolkit can be used to mark such an entry as deleted and not open so that the directory may be removed. The status byte of the directory entry will have bit 7 and bit 3 set. These should be cleared and bit 4 set. Some sectors may be allocated to this file. Those should be deallocated in the bit map.LHCOPY====Purpose-------Copy one or more files and, optionally, rename it, if specified. Syntax------COPY [switch] [+A|H|P] [d:][path][fname][.ext] [d:][path][fname][.ext][/A]Type----InternalRelated-------MENU, TYPERemarks-------Use switches to customize the execution of COPY to your needs. Concatenation (combining of files) can be performed during the copy process with the APPEND parameter '/A', which has to be placed at the end of the command sequence.COPY allows to transfer data between any of the system devices. Some applications of this would be to create a batch file or to print a text file.To COPY files from one disk to another having just one drive, the file either has to be COPYed from the source disk to a ramdisk and then from the ramdisk to the destination disk, or, if no ramdisk is available, the MENU program comes in handy as it allows disk swapping.The first filespec specified is the source. If none is given, '*.*' is assumed and all files in current directory of the current drive will be copied. However, it is legal to omit the source by using commas to separate parameters. COPY,,C:will copy all files from the current drive/directory to the current directory of drive 3. The second filespec is the destination - if no filename is specified, '*.*' is assumed.Remember, if only a filename is specified, the default drive will be used to complete the necessary filespec.Wildcards ('*' and '?') are valid in both source and destination filenames. If used in the pathnames, the first directory match will be used.When using wildcards with the COPY command, the same renaming convention as with the RENAME command applies. The source filespec is used to find directory matches, and the destination filename renames them by overriding characters in the source name with the non-wildcard character in the corresponding position of the destination name.If a file being copied has no time stamp, current time and date gets assigned to it. COPY will display a progress indicator when copying files bigger than 64 KiB (unless '/Q' was set).These switches are available:/B - backup mode/C - confirmation mode/D - do not preserve date and time/I - ask before overwriting a file/K - copy and set attribute '+A' to the original file/M - delete the source file (move)/N - skip existing destination entries/Q - do not print anything (except error messages)/R - dig recursively into subdirectories/S - switch off display during copy/V - summary (number of files and directories copied)'/B' enables the program to create backups. It copies all specified entries and applies the +A attribute to mark those files already being saved in a backup. When used next time, it only copies files, which have been created or updated since the last backup. See ATR command for more details on attributes.'/C' requires confirmation before copying of any file (but not directory, when /R was specified).'/D' causes a skip of the source file's date and time. The current date and time will be applied to the copy.'/I' causes the program to check if a file with the same name already exists on the destination. This is done for every file to be copied.'/K' causes to copy everything normally, but sets the attribute '+A' on the original files. So it is similar to '/B', with the exception that '/B' also skips original files with the attribute '+A' set. Normally backups are created and updated with '/B'. '/K' is only required for a fresh backup instead of updating an old one. In such a case everything is copied, and originals which didn't make it to previous backup updates, are marked '+A'. Once this is done, the next backup update may be done with '/B' again. '/M' 'moves' files. If source and destination are on different drives, normal copying takes place and then the source file is deleted. To avoid hassles with naming the destination filespec cannot contain a name.If the source and destination are on the same disk, only the directory entries are moved from the source directory to the destination directory. Unfortunately, only files can be moved that way. This is the reason, why moving directories is relatively slow - only the directory contents is 'moved' (file by file), whereas the directory itself is re-created at the destination, and deleted at the source place. COPY /Mwill always clear the archived-bit (+A) on moved files.Note that the /M switch is valid when copying to a character device like PRN: and will cause the source file(s) to be deleted.'/N' causes to skip copying entries (files and directories), which already exist at the given destination.'/R' allows to copy directories recursively, with all the contents. For example COPY /R A:\ B:\will copy all files and directories (all the contents) from A: to B:, and COPY /R A:>TEST> B:>will copy the contents of the directory TEST to the main directory of the disk B:. The directory itself will not be copied. To copy a single directory with its contents type COPY /R A:\TEST B:\The '/R' switch enables COPY to display the source filespecs of the directories being copied. When copying recursively be cautious and avoid an attempt to copy a directory into itself.The following command sequence: MD TEST CD TEST COPY /R >results in 13 nested directories (13, because an attempt to create a further level causes the COPY to abort with an error 'Path too long'). Fortunately the command DELTREE can delete this.Recursively copying works also reading MyDOS media. All subdirectories found and their contents will be transferred to the same structure on a SDFS formatted medium.'/S' switches off the screen (ANTIC DMA) during the copy process, which will speed up large copy processes remarkably. When copying from a device other than 'DSK:' (alias 'Dn:' or just 'n:'), just one file will be copied and saved under the destination filespec. For example COPY CON: B:*is illegal because wildcard characters are not allowed in a destination filename, when copying from a character device (or for that matter saving any file). However, when copying from one character device to another character device, filenames are not used. (Character devices never use filenames.) Example: COPY CON: PRN:As in the above two examples, when COPYing from 'CON:' the end of file is signaled by pressing <3> after typing the text. Also, a RETURN must follow each line you enter. That line will be lost otherwise.Another use for the COPY command is to list files to the printer or screen: COPY README.DOC CON:will display the contents of 'README.DOC' on the screen and COPY README.DOC PRN:will send it to the printer. Note that both of the above examples could have been performed with the TYPE command: TYPE README.DOC or TYPE README.DOC >>PRN:The COPY command may also be engaged to append files by a '/A' immediately following (no space) the destination filespec. (SDX only supports this feature on the COPY command.)The command COPY NUL: ZERO.DATis the simplest method of creating a zero-length file.When a character device (such as CON: or NUL:) has been specified as a source, the switches are treated as follows:- /I is assumed, unless /N was specified- /Q is assumed- /B, /D, /K, /R, /M and /V are ignoredThe attributes allowed serve the same function as everywhere in SDX. The command COPY +H *.* E:\MAKE\TESTDIR\will copy all files being hidden from the current (sub)directory on the current drive to the subdirectory TESTDIR in the directory MAKE on drive E:. The attributes, in this case +H, will not be preserved with the copies of the files.Keep in mind that COPY will not check, if the filename of a file to be copied already exists on the destination drive. It will overwrite existing files having the same filename, except those files on the destination drive, which have the attributes +H or +P set.COPY does not preserve file attributes (especially +P).LHBLOAD=====Purpose-------Load a file to the specified memory area starting at the given address.Syntax------BLOAD [d:][path]fname[.ext] [$]addressType----External - on device CAR:Related-------LOADAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------The file fname.ext is loaded as a raw data block into the specified area, and then control is handed back to the Command Processor. There are no checks done, whether the file fits in memory, or if vital operating system areas are safe - it is assumed, that the user calls the command on purpose and is sure what he is doing.Addresses are assumed to be decimal unless preceded by a '$', which indicates hex.DEV===Purpose-------Display the list of available/installed kernel devices. Syntax------DEV Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------CHKDSKAvailability------------As of SDX 4.43.Remarks-------It displays four columns: numeric device id, ASCII name of the device, address of the driver, and the information if the I/O being done on the device is buffered by the DOS kernel.ED==Purpose-------Enable text editor.Syntax------ED [d:][path][filename.ext] Type----External - on CAR: deviceAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------ED.COM is a SDX-compliant, relocatable version of JBW Edit. The main purpose of the program is to edit the DOS configuration files, but it obviously can be used to edit any text files. The practical file size limit is about 6-8 KiB, even if the editor buffer is much larger. The default height of the editor's window is 10 lines. The declaration of the environment variable $ED can change that. E.g. SET ED=20 will set the height to 20 lines. Values from 1 to 22 are allowed. Exceeding this range causes the ED to assume the maximum possible size (i.e. 22 lines).Calling ED with a filename on the command line causes an attempt to load the named file. The editor works in auto insert mode - typing a character inserts it at the current cursor position and moves everything to the right. Available editing commands: Esc - CancelCancel the function or quit the program.Ctrl/L - LOADLoad a file into the buffer.Ctrl/S - SaveSave the buffer to a file.Ctrl/U - UpMove the low margin of the editor window up.Ctrl/D - DownMove the low margin of the editor window down.Ctrl/V - VisibleMake EOL characters visible.F1 or Ctrl/up arrow: Cursor upF2 or Ctrl/down arrow: Cursor downF3 or Ctrl/left arrow: Cursor leftF4 or Ctrl/right arrow: Cursor rightCtrl/B - BeginMove the cursor to the beginning of the text.Ctrl/E - EndMove the cursor to the end of the text.Ctrl/AMove the cursor to the beginning of the line.Ctrl/ZMove the cursor to the end of the line.Ctrl/T - TagTag the current line.Ctrl/G - GoMove the cursor to the tagged line.Ctrl/Q - QuitQuit the control mode, the next key combination will be interpreted as a character.Shift/Ctrl/up arrow Page up. Shift/Ctrl/down arrow Page down. Ctrl/InsertInput a space at the current cursor position and move everything to the right. Cursor keeps the position.Ctrl/DeleteDelete the character under the cursor and move everything to the left. Cursor keeps the position.Shift/InsertInserts a new line (which is a copy from that line where the cursor is standing) before the tagged one (see Ctrl/T), and moves the cursor to the next line. Pressing this key combination several times in a row allows to quickly copy a consecutive number of lines to another section, e.g. in a batch file.Shift/DeleteDelete the current line and move the rest up.DeleteDelete the character under the cursor and move everything to the left.Shift/Ctrl/E - EraseClear the editing buffer.Note: Currently ED.COM works only in GRAPHICS 0. Wildcards are not allowed for saving new files! Do not edit text files, which contain paragraphs in length of more than 128 characters! MAN===Purpose-------Starts the documentation viewer.Syntax------MAN [fname] [/P|?]Type----External - on device CAR:Availability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------MAN.COM is a basic text viewer, whose usage is customizable to your needs. Its main purpose is to view documentation files. The program's operation is similar to the man command known in UNIX, where it is an abbreviation for manual, thus the name. As a prerequisite the environment variable $MANPATH must be defined. Type MANto see all available man files. If MANPATH is not defined yet, you will see a respective notice. Otherwise the available man files will be displayed in the order of the directories given to MANPATH.The MANPATH contains a list of directories to be searched for text files,and may be set in a batch or config file. Example: SET MANPATH=C:>MAN;D:>DOCPut a file in any of these directories with a *.HLP, *.MAN, *.DOC or *.TXT extension, and hand its name (but omitting the extension) over to MAN. The file will be searched for and displayed when found. If something went wrong in defining MANPATH you will see the message again.Type MAN MANor even more convenient MAN MAN | LESSto read about how to use MAN.To check if the desired man page is available in the current MANPATH type MAN fname /? MAN, when multiple help pages with the same name are found along the $MANPATH, displays a list requesting to pick up one.MAN is able to automatically unpack a *.MAN file if it has been compressed with ARC.See manual for more details.RENDIR======Purpose-------Change the name of a directory.Syntax------RENDIR [d:][path]dir_name_old dir_name_newType----InternalRelated-------MKDIR, RMDIRAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.As of 4.42 as internal command.Remarks-------The command does the same to directories, what RENAME does to files. The same rules apply.TD==Purpose-------Turn on and off a time/date display line on top of your screen.Syntax------TD [ON|OFF]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------CHTD, DATE, TIME, DAYTIMERemarks-------This command is much like the KEY command in the way it links into your computer.Without a proper clock driver installed this command will produce meaningless results. By default, one of the drivers bundled with SDX will be installed during boot up, but can be overridden by creating a custom 'CONFIG.SYS' file to change the preset.The format in which the time is displayed depends on the value of the $DAYTIME variable. Use the SET command to enable the preferred display format.An additional feature is the 'X' letter in the time/date display line, which reflects the Caps/Inverse state of the keyboard. TD may be installed without switching the time/date display line on by just typing TD without any parameter. TD ON may be incompatible with some programs. If you are having problems with a program, try TD OFF, or do not install it at all.Note: Additionally, Z.SYS enables to read and set time/date from within a program written e.g. in BASIC.TIME====Purpose-------Display the current time and allows you to set the time.Syntax------TIME [/T|hh[:mm][:ss]]Type----External - on CAR: device.Related-------CHTD, DATE, TDRemarks-------The command TIME in SDX V 4.4x uses a 24 hour format only.Enter the new time or press RETURN to keep the current settings. The time format - 'HH' for hours, 'MM' for minutes, and 'SS' for seconds - is obligatory to change the settings. Type 'HH' to change the hours, 'HH-MM' to set hours and minutes, all to change the seconds too. The space key is a legal delimiter.When fed with a valid time value in the command line, this value will be set as current. The /T parameter causes to display the current time. No prompt will appear. Without a proper clock driver installed this command will produce meaningless results. By default, one of the drivers bundled with SDX will be installed during boot up, but can be overridden by creating a custom 'CONFIG.SYS' file to change the preset.Note: Additionally, Z.SYS enables to read and set time/date from within a program written e.g. in BASIC. LHDF==Purpose-------Display summary information about free space on all drives.Syntax------DF [/A]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------CHKDSKAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------The command issues a list of all active drives, displaying the total number of KiB available for every single drive letter, the number of free KiB, the percentage of free disk space, and the volume name. An overall summary is displayed at the bottom.Adding the '/A' switch causes the program to list all the drives from A: to O:, displaying the appropriate error message for unreadable ones. Without '/A' the program lists only drives that allowed the data to be read without errors - the rest is silently skipped.FORMAT======Purpose-------Initialize a disk in either SD or AtariDOS 2 format. You may select density, sector skew, tracks, and volume name before formatting.Syntax------FORMAT [/Q dn: [volname]]Type----External - on CAR: deviceRelated-------BOOT, CHVOLRemarks-------The formatter is capable of handling any Atari compatible media. As of SDX 4.47 FORMAT is now an utility residing on the CAR: device. Executed without arguments it invokes the formatter menu as usual. Adding a /Q switch followed by a drive id and an optional 8-character volume name will soft-format the specified drive without a need to enter the formatter menu. If no volume name is provided, it will be set to 'NO NAME'. Soft-formatting will convert any readable medium to SDFS 2.1, no matter what the current file system was before formatting.The formatter is a menu driven program, that allows you to initialize just about any type of medium that works with an A8 computer when called from the command processor by typing FORMAT. From within a program called by XIO 254 allows FORMAT to be used with most programs that support disk initialization.The formatter provides some automated assistance as it tries to read information from the addressed drive or partition about type, density or volume to identify it most accurate.Exit the FORMAT menu at any time by pressing ESC before formatting begins.After entering the FORMAT menu you choose the following parameters:U - UnitThe formatter needs to know which drive you wish to initialize. Valid choices are: 1 - 9 or A - O. After entering the unit number or letter the program reads the drive to determine what type it is. The formatter automatically determines whether the drive is a serial drive and if it is configurable or if the drive is a ramdisk or hard drive, which appear the same at this point. When the selected drive is identified as a ramdisk or a hard disk partition, SDX 4.4x attempts to read the existing volume name and presents it in the formatter menu as the default one.O - OptimizeLegacy versions of SD build directories marking the last sector on the disk as occupied and leaves it unused. When Optimize is enabled, that sector is reclaimed and assigned to the data area. So SDX 4.4x can provide one more free sector on freshly formatted media. S - Skewrefers to the order in which the sectors are arranged in a given track and of course applies to real floppy disk drives only. The three valid choices are: Ultra Speed, High Speed and Standard. High Speed will automatically put the correct Ultra Speed skew on a disk using SDX with the 1050 US Doubler or Indus GT drives. It will also put the correct high speed skew on the Atari XF551 drive under Double Density. Standard skew is used on all other floppy disk drives.M - Modeis either Sparta for the SD disk directory structure or Atari for all the AtariDOS 2.0 clones and their directory structures in single and double density only. If you switch from Sparta to Atari mode, impossible settings for formatting will automatically be re-adjusted to legal Atari settings.V - Volumeis a way of naming the media for organizational purposes. Up to eight characters are allowed on SD formatted media. The volume name may contain any ATASCII characters except spaces. Volume is used on SD media only and is not applicable to other DOS types. D - DensityValid types are: - Single, 128 bytes per sector,- Medium, 128 bytes per sector (aka dual or enhanced),- Double, 256 bytes per sector,- DD 512, 512 bytes per sector, and- High density enabling to use 1,440 KiB floppy disk drives.T - Trackscan be 40 SS, 40 DS, 77 SS, 77 DS, 80 SS, and 80 DS. SS means Single Sided (1 head writes on one side of the disk) and DS means Double Sided (2 heads with each writing on opposite sides of the disk). See your drive manual if you are unsure, which no. of tracks apply.Note: The drive controllers do not provide adequate feedback to the computer when formatting a disk/medium to determine whether the tracks selection is wrong for the drive. It is important to enter the correct information, otherwise the disk/medium will end up with an incorrect free sectors count.F - Format Disk will start the physical format of a floppy disk assuming all required parameters are set. The physical format and verify of it are functions of the floppy disk drive controller. Next the directory structure selected in Mode is written to the disk and verified. CAUTION: The Format Disk procedure obviously destroys all previous stored information on the disk.B - Build Directory is the initialization option available for ramdisks and hard disks, although it will work equally well with floppy disk drives. The only parameters available for these disks are Unit number and Volume name. The others are predetermined or not applicable. Build Directory writes a fresh SD directory structure to the drive unit selected, which means it will destroy access to all previous information stored there.The physical format of a hard disk drive must be performed by a special program written for the particular hard drive, interface, and controller. That is considered a low-level format and is beyond the scope of the formatter menu. Same applies to modern storage media like CF cards, etc. The physical format of a ramdisk is provided by the ramdisk handler at installation.Sectors and bytes counts are also shown on the FORMAT menu and are determined by what is read from the configuration on ramdisks or hard disks or by the parameters selected for a floppy disk drive format.The formatter will verify, if the drive has selected the correct parameters, and it will ask for confirmation in case of incongruity. Unfortunately, only 'Standard' and 'High Speed' formatting protocols allow to detect the error before actual formatting. In 'UltraSpeed' drives the disk must be formatted first, and then it is possible to check, if the diskette's capacity is the same as expected.When in doubt, you can use the XFCONF command from the SDX Toolkit to check, if the particular density is correct for the drive you use.Note: See manual for more detailed aspects of the Formatter menu.UNERASE=======Purpose-------Restore files previously erased (if possible).Syntax------UNERASE [d:][path]fname[.ext]Type----External - on CAR: deviceRelated-------ERASERemarks-------Wildcards are permitted. A prompt will appear for each recoverable file matching the entered filespec, if to restore it or not. If erased files are suspected to exist in that directory but have not been detected by UNERASE, they are not recoverable for one of two reasons. Either the file's directory entry has been allocated to another file which was copied to the directory after the original file was ERASEd, or a sector of the file has been allocated to another file since the original file was ERASEd.Note: UNERASE.COM in SDX 4.2x contains a bug, that is fixed now. The test distributed with Nelson Nieves' NNTOOLS now passes without errors.LHMENU====Purpose-------Perform COPY, ERASE, RENAME, etc. commands on selected directories and files.Syntax------MENU or just the '*' keyType----External - on CAR: deviceRelated-------COPY, ERASE, RENAME, TYPERemarks-------MENU is useful for operations that include more than one file and is required for single drive copies. It includes three main windows with the commands and prompts displayed below the windows. The "upper left window" is for directories. It will display the subdirectories along with the tree structure showing how they are related. The "upper right window" shows statistics on the area logged. This includes: filespecs, total files, total bytes, tagged files, and tagged bytes. The "lower window" shows the files.The command menus are broken up into three major classifications: file (File), directory (Dir), and extra (Xtra). The classification is indicated at the lower left of the screen. Toggle between the file and directory command menus by pressing RETURN. You can go to the extra command menu by pressing ESC. To exit from the MENU you press ESC then "Q". The "^" character before a menu selection means to hold down the CONTROL key while pressing the selection key.File Commands-------------While in the file command menu, use the arrow up/down keys to move the file selector up or down one file at a time or use the arrow left/right keys to move the file selector up or down one screen at a time. The files shown in the file window are sorted alphabetically by name. They represent the current directory shown in the directory window under the directory selector (-> Dir Commands).C - Copycopy the file under the file selector. It prompts for a destination drive, then a destination path. If copying to the same drive prompts will appear to insert the destination disk, and then to insert the source disk.^C - ^Copycopy all tagged files. Prompts are the same as with Copy.D - Deletedelete the file under the file selector, but asks first for confirmation.^D - ^Deletedelete all files tagged with "diamond" tag. Prompts to decide if all tagged files should be deleted with or without confirmation.E - Execexecutes the file pointed to by the cursor.F - Filespecenter a filespec with wildcards to narrow down the logged (and displayed) files. Only legal filename characters and wildcards are allowed. Do not enter drive number or path here; instead use Log for that.L - Logchange the drive number logged and/or path.P - Printprint the file currently under the file selector. Useful only for ASCII text files unless a printer driver is installed which will print ATASCII graphics characters.^P - ^Printprint the files currently tagged. A form feed is sent in between files.R - Renamerename the file under the file selector. As a reference, rename prompts with the present drive number, path, and filename. The new filename can then be entered directly under the old.^S - Shell Cmdallows to execute command processor commands.T - Tagtag (mark) the file under the file selector then move the file selector down one filename. A small "diamond" tag will appear to the right of the filename showing it as tagged.^T - ^Tagtag all files currently logged (in the current directory).U - Untaguntag the file under the file selector. The tag character disappears and the file selector will move down to the next file.^U - ^Untaguntag all files currently logged (in the current directory).V - Viewdisplay the contents of the file under the file selector.Dir Commands------------The directory selector indicates the current directory. While in the directory command menu, use the arrow up/down keys to move the directory selector up or down one directory at a time. When finished with the 'Dir Cmnds', press RETURN to go back to 'File Cmnds' or ESC for 'Xtra Cmnds'.A - Availprovides the amount of free space available on a drive. Enter a drive number and the free space will be shown in bytes.D - Del Diruse arrow up/down to move the directory selector. If the directory selected is empty (as shown in the file window), it can be deleted.F - Filespecenter a filespec with wildcards to narrow down the logged (and displayed) files. Only legal filename characters and wildcards are allowed. Do not enter drive number or path here; instead use Log for that. Go to the "File Cmnds" to do any file operations other than tagging or untagging full directories.L - Logchange the drive number logged and/or path.M - Make Dircreates a new subdirectory in the current directory selected. After the new directory is created, the system will relog and then go back at the root of what was previously logged (always indicated by ">").P - Printprompts with two choices: Directory or Tree. Directory prints the list of the files as displayed in the file window. (If the display is set to show the short form files, they will be printed in one long list and not side by side as displayed.) Tree prints the directory map (tree structure) as displayed in the directory window.^S - Shell Cmdallows to execute command processor commands.T - Tag Dirtag all files in the current directory (under the directory selector).^T - ^Tag Dirtag all files in all directories currently logged.U - Untag Diruntag all files in the current directory (under the directory selector).^U - ^Untag Diruntag all files in all directories currently logged.Xtra Commands-------------The 'Xtra Cmnds' always lead back to the previous command menu when finished (except Quit). Alternatively, press ESC to leave this menu.D - Displaytoggles the display in the file window between two types. The default display shows the filename with extension, the status of the three file attributes, the file size in bytes, along with the date and time created. This display takes all 38 columns in the file window. The optional display shows two columns of filenames (side by side) with extensions, and their attributes. The attribute letter is displayed if set or a dot if cleared.Q - Quitis the correct way to exit the menu back to the DOS command PROMPT. Note: Do not quit or stop operations by pressing RESET. This is a very bad practice that can lead to unrecoverable files.S - Sortsort the file display by: Name, Ext, Date, Size. This is a forward sort which defaults to name. To permanently sort directories or reverse sort them, use SORTDIR.^S - Shell Cmdallows to execute 'command processor' commands.Note: "Error: 158 Out of memory" will be reported when there is not enough main memory to load the entire directory tree.MKDIR=====Purpose-------Create a subdirectory.Syntax------MKDIR [d:]pathAlias-----MD & CREDIRType----InternalRelated-------CHDIR, RMDIR, PATH, RENDIR, DELTREERemarks-------If you do not specify a drive, the default drive is assumed. This function is not supported by the ATARIDOS.SYS driver even though subdirectories are supported by that driver.Directories (also called subdirectories or folders) are used like file folders to organize your files. They also keep a large storage area fast. In a file cabinet it is much quicker to go to a file folder and search through a few documents, than a pile of all your documents. Computers work the same way. It is much quicker for DOS to go directly to a subdirectory and search through a few files than it is to search through one long file list.Directory names are stored like filenames but marked with the +S attribute bit. They may not be renamed or deleted in the same way that files are. Please see the related commands. MD TEST MKDIR 3:>MODEM>TEST CREDIR A:\SPARTA.SYSThe first example creates a subdirectory on the default drive called 'TEST'. The second example creates a subdirectory on D3: by the name of 'TEST' in the subdirectory called MODEM, which must already be there in the MAIN directory. The third example creates the directory named 'SPARTA.SYS' in the main directory of your boot drive A: (or D1: for that matter), which is needed to engage the config selector.LHARC===Purpose-------Create and maintain file archives.Syntax------ARC command[option] [d:|device][path]arcfname[.ext] [filelist]Type----External - on device CAR:Remarks-------ARC is based on and compatible with ARC.EXE by System Enhancement Associates. ARC will take a group of files, quickly combine and automatically compress them into a single archive file, taking up far less disk space. It will also add or extract files to or from this archive, show a directory of the archived files, display the contents of an archived file, show the compression method used, encrypt/decrypt files, and more. 'ARC' with no parameters will display a short description. ARC is now able to fetch files to be archived from any file-oriented device, not only from regular disks (DSK:) as before.The 'arcfname' is the file name of the archive. The 'filelist' is the list of files to be added, deleted, updated, extracted, etc., to or from the archive. Leave a space between each filename in the file list. Wildcards are perfectly legal. If no file list is entered, '*.*' is assumed. You may add a device and/or path to each filename, if needed. Commands--------A - Add file(s) to the archive.Add all files from the file list to the archive. E.g., ARC A DOCS A:\PRG\*.DOC C:\TOOLS\*.TXTwill generate the archive file 'DOCS.ARC', grab all DOC files from the subdirectory PRG on drive A: and all TXT files from subdirectory TOOLS on drive C:, compress them automatically and add them in alphabetical order to the archive file.M - Move file(s) to the archive. Move deletes the source file once it has been added to the archive.U - Update file(s) in the archive. Update will look at the date of the files in the archive, replacing files with a newer date, and add all files (from file list) which do not currently exist in the archive.F - Freshen file(s) in archive. It is the same as update but without the 'add' feature. Freshen will replace the files in the archive with any newer files of the same name.D - Delete file(s) from the archive. Delete will remove the files listed in the file list from the archive.X,E - Extract file(s) from the archive. Both allow you to extract files. The method(s) of file compression used when creating the archive is reversed and the files specified in the file list are restored to their original state. Add destination device/path if needed. E.g., ARC XH DOCS B:\READ\TXT\*.TXT F:\PRINT\*.DOCwill extract from the archive file 'DOCS.ARC' all TXT files and write them back to subdirectory READ on drive B:, and extract all DOC files and put them into subdirectory PRINT on drive F:.If the filename of a file to be extracted from an archive already exists on your destination drive, you will be prompted with File exists - Overwrite (Y/N/A) ?'Y' will do, 'N' won't do (nothing will be extracted) and 'A' stands for 'Overwrite all' and do not ask if to overwrite every single file. This prompt will not appear when extracting an archive to NUL:.P - Print file(s) to the screen. This allows you to examine the contents of files within an archive without extracting them. Of course this can be diverted to other devices with redirection. E.g., ARC P MYARC READ.ME >>PRN:will divert the contents of 'READ.ME' from the archive 'MYARC' to your printer.L - List file(s) in archive. This shows the filename, original file length, and date/time stamp of each file in the archive as well as the number of files and total size of files if extracted. V - Verbose list of file(s) in archive. It shows the filename, original file length, number of files, and total size, just as the L command does. Instead of date and time created, however, the V command shows stowage method, stowage factor (percent of space saved), the file size now, and the total size now. If the screen is wide enough with 64 columns or more, the complete listing is displayed. E.g., ARC V FOOBAR lists all the contents of the file FOOBAR.ARC, whereas only COM files whose names start with A are listed doing this: ARC V FOOBAR A*.COM Note: 'Total's in ARC V are 24-bit, thus they overflow, when e.g. the original length exceeds 16 MiB.Options-------B - Retain a backup copy of the archive. This is a safety option for the A, M, U, F, and D commands. The B option will result in a backup of the old archive with the extension of '.BAK' as well as the new archive.S - Suppress compression. This will archive files without compressing them. Most people will not use this option but it is faster than using compression.W - Suppress warning messages. Use this command sparingly if at all. This will prevent those unsightly errors from being displayed but will also prevent mistakes from being discovered and avoided.N - Suppress notes and comments. This will suppress the display of the standard ARC screen output which shows the current file being compressed or extracted, the compression method used, etc.H - High speed. With the screen off on the Atari, processing speed is increased 20% to 30%. If you wish to go faster but don't need to see the screen, use this option. The screen display will return when finished, an error occurs or the overwrite prompt appears.G - Encrypt/decrypt an archive entry. This prevents others from reading your files. G must be the last option and must be followed by a password. Without the password the archive entry can be extracted but still stays encrypted. E.g., ARC AHGICD STUFF DOIT.DOC DOIT.COM READ.MEwill add the three files in the file list into the archive called 'STUFF.ARC' under the password of 'ICD' with the screen off.Archive entries are always saved in alphabetical order. This sorting function puts a practical limit of about 80 files per archive on 64 KiB machines (USE OSRAM) and 180 files per archive on computers which use the extended memory mode (USE BANKED). ARC will not run on 48 KiB machines unless they have an AXLON compatible memory upgrade installed. Archive entries do not save pathnames, so avoid duplicate file names (one will replace the other).ARC is very useful for saving time while uploading/ downloading files and saving space for archival storage. It uses four stowage methods and automatically determines the best method(s) suited to each file. The SDX version of ARC is fully compatible with ALF-crunched files, but it is highly recommended that you unARC an ALFed file and then ARC it before adding or updating. This will assure the most compact compression and arrange all files alphabetically within the archive. These stowage methods are used:Stored - no compression used. This is mainly used with very short files.Packed - Strings of repeated values are collapsed. All files are packed before other compression methods are attempted.Squeezed - Huffman encoding compression. This is usually only effective with larger machine language files. Huffman encoding uses a weighted binary tree method assigning the lowest bit representations to the most commonly used characters.Crunched - Dynamic Lempel-Ziv compression with adaptive reset. This is created on the fly and is stored as a series of bit codes which represent character strings. Crunched is one of the more effective methods used. ALF-crunch exclusively uses a variant of this method.Notes: It is a good idea to practice a bit to become acquainted with the power and capabilities of ARC. Even today ARC still has its advantages.ARC still has some problems in packing long files (probably more than 64 KiB) and sometimes crashes.LHCOMMAND=======Purpose-------Enter commands and run other programs.Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------All CommandsRemarks-------It is not entered as a command itself but is automatically invoked when you enter DOS. Many commands are of type 'internal' - this means that the command processor knows how to perform the command without loading any other programs.'External' commands must load from disk or CARtridge into memory and then perform their function. When you execute these commands, they must reside on the current drive and directory, otherwise you must specify what drive or device they reside on (by preceding the command with a device or drive identifier). The PATH command can add additional drives/paths to search for the file. For example the default PATH, which is 'PATH CAR:', allows commands such as CHTD or DUMP to run without having to specify the 'CAR:'. Of course you may add additional directory paths.You will notice that the command processor itself is 'external'. This is to give you more memory (3-4 KiB) to run your application programs. In fact, whenever you run an 'external' command or program, the command processor is unLOADed from memory and replaced by the new program. When that program is finished running, the command processor is reLOADed and awaits your command. The exception to this rule is if you enter the command LOAD COMMAND.COMThis actually holds and links the command processor in memory, thus the unLOAD/ reLOAD cycle is circumvented.DUMP====Purpose-------Display a file in HEX and ATASCII form.Syntax------DUMP [d:][path]fname[.ext] [[$]start] [[$]len] [/A]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------TYPERemarks-------The parameters 'start' and 'len' are the start addresses in the file and the number of bytes to dump (respectively). They are assumed to be in decimal format unless preceded by a '$' (in which case they are HEX format).The '/A' switch is added to cause some ATASCII specific characters (semigraphics, inverse video characters etc.) to be replaced with dots. This allows to print the DUMP output on a printer, especially, if the printer interface does not allow full code translation or if it's not using a graphics mode to print. DUMP is useful to quickly examine the content of a file. To modify a file or examine and modify disk sectors, use 'Eddy' from the SDXTK.FMT===Purpose-------Simple text formatter.Syntax------FMT [/S|J] [<<]fname[.ext] [ncol]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------MAN, MORE, LESS, TYPEAvailability------------As of SDX 4.42.Remarks-------This is a simple text formatter, which reads the input line by line and applies to each one:- Spaces at the beginning of the line are removed.- '/S' switch: Multiple spaces are turned into one single space.- If the resulting line is longer than 'ncol' characters, it will be folded.- '/J' switch: The line gets justified to both margins, unless it contains an EOL character at the end.The 'ncol' value may not be less than 32 or more than 127. When 'ncol' was not specified, the current screen width is assumed.The line folding and justification works best, when the text is prepared so that single paragraphs (no matter how long) are terminated by one or two EOL characters, but do not contain EOLs themselves (continuous text). In other words, the text should not have been broken into lines. To prepare such a file a text editor can be used that can do proper line wrapping and does not enforce terminating each line with the RETURN key - e.g. 'First XLEnt Wordprocessor'.FMT is a filter command that can receive data from a pipe. Its primary purpose is helping to format documentation files for the MAN command. For example, if you want to print one of the help files (say HELP.DOC) on paper in 80 columns and justified form, do this: MAN HELP /P | FMT /S /J - 80 >>PRN:If the text was not prepared according to the remarks above, it is a good idea to preview the FMT output on the screen first.Note: Invoked without any parameter the system will wait for an input from the CON: device. Pressing <3>, or aborts.MEM===Purpose-------Display the current memory usage information.Syntax------MEM [/X]Type----External - on CAR: deviceRelated-------CHKDSK, LOAD, MDUMPAvailability------------As of SDX 4.47 indicates 65C816 high memory.Remarks-------This command uses the program MEM.COM on CAR: device. It displays all information about the current memory configuration. The mode it is being used by DOS (NONE, OSRAM, BANKED), the bottom limit of available user and extended memory, and at last how many unused memory banks are available. Two limits for each memory region are given - the first being the top limit of installed drivers and the second being the top limit of held-in-memory applications. Main: $1422,$1440 Ext: $708D,$7687 Use: BANKED 4 banks freeIn the example shown here the installed drivers use memory from $700-$1421 and $4000-$708C, and the used applications held in memory reside from $1422-$143F and $708D-$7686.The applications held in memory are LOADed into memory and consist of files such as COMMAND.COM and X.COM. The drivers installed in memory are files such as SPARTA.SYS, ATARIDOS.SYS, RAMDISK.SYS, etc.Normally the first and second numbers will be the same. The OS variable MEMLO (at $2E7) contains the second number. If LOAD is executed with no parameters then all applications in memory are abandoned and the second number is lowered to equal the first.An example of MEM /X (same configuration as previous example): Main: $1422,$1440,$2E8D Ext: $708D,$7687,$708D Use: BANKED, PORTB $2F Top: $9C1F ($BC1F),$7FFF Free: 34783 (42975),2424 16 banks total (256 KB) 4 banks free (64 KB)The third number in 'Main' and 'Ext' indicates the top of the memory taken by program overlays (program modules loaded by applications) and is usually 0. 'Use' indicates after the use mode the type of extended memory. The example shows 'PortB' relating to XL/XE machines. 'AXLON' instead appears on machines using Axlon type extended memory, mainly 400/800. Next the page of extended memory is noted, which is used by SDX. 'Top' shows the highest available address in the main memory (before and after X.COM) and in the ext memory. 'Free' shows respective number of free bytes. Additionally, the total amount of the extended RAM in banks and kilobytes is displayed, besides the free amount. If you happen to use 65C816 high RAM, this amount will also be shown.Notes-----If a permanently installed driver is installed after LOADing an application held in memory, both low memory values will be raised above it and any application held in memory will become permanent.Although there are two possible extended memory regions, SDX may use only one at a time. This is determined at bootup time and depends upon the CONFIG.SYS file and/or the computer you are using.Note that although the MEM command does not explicitly say what extended memory range is in use, it can be inferred by the addresses listed in the 'Ext:' field.The ranges are as follows- $4000-$7FFF Banked RAM (130XE or extended RAM computer)- $E400-$FFBF OS RAM (not available on the Atari 800 computer)The 'banks available' field indicates how many banks of RAM are still available for a ramdisk driver and/or BASIC XE extended mode.Note that you must have at least 4 banks available for BASIC XE extended mode. Failure to pay attention to this fact may cause your system to crash (generally at the very worst time).SDX currently supports up to 1024KiB of extended memory with Port B types and 4032KiB with Axlon types. Additionally, it indicates 65C816 high memory. The MEM command should work with all known memory extensions and display their status properly. LHDATE====Purpose-------Display and/or set the current date. Syntax------DATE [/T|dd[-mm][-yy]|mm[-dd][-yy]]Type----External - on device CAR:Related-------CHTD, TD, TIMERemarks-------Calling the 'DATE' command displays the date in the European (dd-mm-yy) or American format (mm-dd-yy) depending on user selection. The default format is European. The format may be changed using the environment variable $DAYTIME: SET DAYTIME=1 - American format SET DAYTIME=2 - European formatThe command 'DATE' produces the following output Current date is 29-09-11 Enter new date (DD-MM-YY):Enter the new date or just press RETURN to keep the current setting. The date format - 'DD' for day, 'MM' for month, and 'YY' for year - is obligatory to change the settings. Type 'DD' to change the day, 'DD-MM' to set day and month, all to change the year too. The space key is a legal delimiter.When used with the /T parameter only the current date is displayed and no prompt for entering new values will appear. When fed with a valid date value in the command line, it will set the specified value as current. DAYTIME settings apply here.Without a proper clock driver installed this command will produce meaningless results. By default, one of these drivers will be installed during boot up, but can be overridden by creating a custom 'CONFIG.SYS' file to change the preset.DELTREE=======Purpose-------Delete subdirectory trees recursively.Syntax------DELTREE [/YV] [d:] pathType----External - on device CAR:Related-------RMDIRAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------Before execution, the command asks for confirmation. If permission is granted, it removes the given subdirectory recursively with all the content, successively reporting progress. The additional switch [/Y] suppresses the confirmation that the program normally needs before executing delete operations. Use it only when you are sure what you are doing.The /V switch enables a 'verbose' mode, which allows to watch what files are currently being deleted. The pathnames of the directories being deleted and their containing files are displayed.When error '167 Directory not empty' occurs and the directory seems to be empty, please check the directory to be deleted for hidden files or hidden subdirectories using the DIR command .If 'Can't delete directory' or 'system error' persists, an invalid directory entry has been found - a file, which was opened for writing, but never closed again (e.g. because of a system crash). Such an entry is invisible in directory listings and cannot be deleted otherwise. The presence of such an invalid entry causes SDX to consider an empty directory as not empty and therefore it cannot be deleted. This error condition indicates a file system structure, which is not completely valid. In this case it is strongly recommended to run the program 'CleanUp X' from the SDX Toolkit to verify the structure of the file system and fix it.PROMPT======Purpose-------Change the system prompt.Syntax------PROMPT [prompt string]Type----InternalRelated-------PATHRemarks-------The text in prompt string is taken by SDX to be the new system prompt. Special meta-strings can be embedded in the text in the form "$c" where 'c' is one of the following characters:L - display current drive letter ('A' through 'O') and a following colon (e.g. 'C:')N - display current drive number ('1' through '9')P - display path on current driveD - display current dateT - display current timeR - display an EOL character (advance to next line)If no parameter is specified, then the current prompt string is displayed.For example the command: PROMPT $L$P\will display a prompt in the form: B:\DOS\assuming the current drive is 2 and the current path is "DOS". Also, the '_' character will display as a space rather an underline. Thus a prompt can end in a space.The PROMPT command is really just a convenient form of the SET Command: SET PROMPT=$L$P\would perform the same. The default value of the "prompt" variable is 'D$N:', which displays the same prompt like previous versions of SpartaDOS X. If the $PROMPT variable is not defined, SDX will prompt with a '>' character. The only way to clear the $PROMPT variable is with the command SET PROMPTBecause the command processor automatically converts all lower case characters to upper case prior to processing, normal lower case cannot be used in the prompt. Inverse and inverse lower case characters and cursor control keys (preceded by the escape key) may be used in the text part of the prompt.Notes: Depending on the used path string it may no longer be possible to re-enable the content of formerly used editor lines by moving the cursor and pressing just RETURN.When using the '$P' meta-string in the prompt, the default drive will be read each time the prompt is printed. This will cause an error to be printed within the prompt if there is no disk or a bad disk in the default drive, or if the disk is of a format unrecognized by SDX. (To use Atari DOS format disks with SDX you must install the ATARIDOS.SYS driver). X===Purpose-------Execute a program which requires that no cartridges are installed (such as 'DiskRx', Turbo BASIC XL, most binary files, etc.) using specific loading modes.Syntax------X [/C|L S|A|N|I|mode] [d:][path]fname[.ext] [parameters]Type----External - on device CAR:Remarks-------There are four possible environments a command can run under. They are:1. with internal BASIC present (via BASIC command)2. with a CARtridge present (via CAR command)3. with the SDX library enabled (just type the program or command name)4. with no cartridges present (via the X command)The first three modes use the SDX library to perform various DOS functions, including loading and running the command. The fourth mode, however, cannot use the library without moving or disabling the screen! Thus, the following features are disabled when commands are run with this command:- The mini-buffers are not used - single byte get/put will be very slow (this is extremely rare since most programs that use single get byte and put byte are in BASIC or use a cartridge).- Since the library is disabled, only standard binary files are loadable - SDX external commands such as FIND and MENU can not be run.- I/O redirection is severely hampered because it must use the library. In doing this the screen will flicker rapidly.The general rule of thumb is: "If a program does not work with a cartridge installed, prefix the command with the X command, otherwise, just type the command."The "/C" switch, available as of SDX 4.42, causes the X.COM to clear the following memory locations before loading the program: $80-$FF, $0400-$06FF, and everything from MEMLO to MEMTOP. This can prove useful when running some programs.As of SDX 4.47 the '/L' switch, enables X.COM to use different loading modes. For details please see the LOAD Command. The default loading mode is 0 (=SDX).While the called program is running, X.COM will remain resident in memory, so MEMLO will be slightly higher until the program exits to the command processor.X.COM now does not change ANTIC's DMA state when switching the cart bank on/off (this is VBXE 80-column display support).X.COM will always setup the OS memtop ($02E5) value as if the GR.0 console was active, and if appropriate, allow the E: driver to change it later. This prevents problems with various screen drivers using the memtop value.Executing a cold start (a jump to $E477) while using X.COM will disable the SDX cartridge and the external cartridge, if present.Note: As of SDX 4.47 the method XIO 40 works is changed, so that you can now load the TBXL interpreter from within a TBXL-compiled program using XIO 40.LHBOOT====Purpose-------Tell a SDFS formatted disk/medium to boot a particular program at start up.Syntax------BOOT [d:][path]fname[.ext]Type----InternalRelated-------COLD, FORMATRemarks-------The DOS loader on the first three sectors of each SpartaDOS formatted diskette (version 2 and above) can load and run files in the same manner as a command file. Normally DOS is loaded, but anything could be loaded as long as it avoids the loader memory ($2E00-$3180).This command is the most misunderstood command in SpartaDOS, so here are a few pertinent facts you should know:- The BOOT command simply writes the starting sector number of the sector map of the file to boot in a specific location on sector 1 of the disk.- If the file which is set to boot is either ERASEd or COPYed over, the boot flag is cleared - you will get the message 'Error: No DOS' when attempting to boot that diskette until you set a new file to boot!- The file you set to boot may reside anywhere on the medium - even in a subdirectory.Notes: The boot command is very handy if you like to install a disk based version of a SDFS compatible DOS on larger media like a hard drive. Format it using SDX, copy the respective DOS onto it and make it bootable with the BOOT Command.SDX does not write any DOS to the medium, it boots completely from cartridge.Media formatted in DD 512 cannot be booted by the A8 OS. Therefore settings to boot a program from such formatted media will not work - a BOOT ERROR will appear.BOOT does not work with with media formatted using SD 1.1, since they do not contain a 3 sector booter! SDD 1.1 has a simplistic booting scheme which just loads a number of consecutive sectors.Boot INIDOS.SYS to re-enable a deactivated SDX cartridge.ERASE=====Purpose-------Delete the file in the specified directory on the designated drive, or delete the file from the default drive if no drive is specified. If no path is specified, the file is deleted from the current directory.Syntax------ERASE [d:][path]fname[.ext]Alias-----DEL & DELETEType----InternalRelated-------MENU, UNERASERemarks-------You can use wildcards such as '*' and '?' to delete multiple files, but use caution since usually no warning is given. If you do enter *.* as the specifier, SDX will prompt you with: Erase ALL: Are you sure?With SDX 4.4x additional precautionary checks have been implemented to make sure that inputs like '?*.?*' will not accidentally kill your data. Use MENU for tagging files to delete.PATH====Purpose-------Causes specified directories to be searched for commands before searching the current directory.Syntax------PATH [path_string]Type----InternalRelated-------CAR, CHDIR, MKDIR, PROMPT, RMDIRRemarks-------A list of drives and path names separated by semicolons may be specified. After this, when a command is entered, SD searches the named directories in the specified sequence (from path string) before searching the current directory of the drive that was specified (or implied). The current directory is not changed after the search.Entering PATH with no parameters causes SDX to display the current setting of the PATH string.It is recommended that you include "CAR:" as a device in the search path as this device contains many external commands (such as X, CAR, MENU, DUMP, CHTD, etc.) that you may need. It is also good practice to use ">" or "\" at the start of a device path to force a start at the MAIN directory. The command: PATH A:>;1:>DOS;CAR:sets the search to the root directory of drive A (alias drive D1:), the "DOS" directory of drive 1, and the CARtridge directory.The PATH command is really just a convenient form of the SET command, for example the above command could also be performed by: SET PATH=A:>;1:>DOS;CAR:The only way to clear the search path to search just the current directory (i.e. no search path at all) is the command: SET PATHWhen no path has been specified, the system defaults to: PATH CAR:This means search the CAR: device first, then search the current directory. The current directory will always be searched last unless it is included in the path string. e.g. PATH ;CAR: or PATH :;CAR:The previous examples both mean the same thing; search current directory first, then CAR:, then current directory again. (Remember that current directory is always searched last even if it was already searched.) The stand alone ":" or a space, indicate the current directory.Note: While not required, it is strongly recommended that CAR: always be the first entry in the path string. The programs in this directory are called often. If any other devices are listed first, they will always be checked before the CAR: device, slowing system response considerably.RENAME======Purpose-------Change the name of one or more files.Syntax------RENAME [d:][path]fname[.ext] fname[.ext]Alias-----RENType----InternalRelated-------MENURemarks-------Wildcards may be used in both filespecs. A device and path may only be specified on the first filename (the old name filespec). Filenames must be specified for both source and destination names, otherwise an error will occur. The rules for wildcarding are the same as for the COPY command. Here are a few examples: RENAME *.BAK *.DOCThe above command changes all the extensions to "DOC" of files that previously had extensions of "BAK". RENAME AC*.* *.XXThis command changes the extension of all files beginning with "AC" to "XX".Note: If you try to save a file with a name already existing, error 151 "File exists" will come up and nothing is saved. Please use another name then.SORTDIR=======Purpose-------Sort filenames in directories by name, type, date or size.Syntax------SORTDIR [d:] [path] [/N|T|S|D|X]Type----External - on CAR: deviceAvailability------------As of SDX 4.41 originating from the SDTK.As of SDX 4.43 written completely new from scratch to overcome some disadvantages.As of SDX 4.47 MyDOS formatted media (except 90/180KiB) will be handled correctly.Remarks-------The command reads the specified directory, sorts it using the specified criteria, and then writes it back. The criteria can be: /N - sort by name /T - sort by type /S - sort by size /D - sort by date and time /X - in descending order When the path specification is omitted, the current directory is sorted then. At least one criterion is obligatory. SORTDIR invoked without arguments displays a brief copyright information and lists available options. When the files are sorted by name, the file type is a second priority. When sorting by type, the second priority is the file name. When sorting by size, the second priority is the name, and the type is the third. Digits are prior to letters. Everything is sorted in ascending order by default, the [/X] switch reverses that order. SORTDIR refuses to sort AtariDOS 2 type formatted media, when detected.Note: Though sorting directories on other file systems may look successful, it is not recommended. Copy files to be sorted to a SDFS medium first to avoid problems. SWAP====Purpose-------Swap (re-map) your drive configuration.Syntax------SWAP [d,d]Type----InternalRemarks-------SWAP, without any parameters, will display the drive map list showing drives 1 through 15. The default is A: = 1, B: = 2, etc.To swap drives D2: and O:, type SWAP 2,OThe order is not important, so 2,O is equivalent to O,2. Please remember drive ids higher than 9 can only be referred to by letters.The drives will stay mapped that way unless remapped or a COLD start occurs. Note that you may use letters or numbers to reference a drive and that no colon (":") follows the drive specifier.Note: SWAP works in addition to the MAP command and drive remapping set by MIO, Blackbox, MSC or alike. So take that into consideration when using such hardware. It is very easy to lose track of which floppy disk drive, ramdisk, or hard drive partition is at what logical drive.LHCHDIR=====Purpose-------Change the current (working) directory on the specified drive.Syntax------CHDIR [d:][path]Alias-----CD & CWDType----InternalRelated-------MKDIR, RMDIR, PATH, CDD (SDXTK)Remarks-------Directories (also called subdirectories or folders) are used to organize your files. They also make searching large storage areas on hard drives much faster. In a file cabinet it is much quicker to go to a file folder and search through a few documents than searching through a pile of all documents. Computers work the same way. It is much quicker for DOS to go to a subdirectory and search through a few files than it is to search through one long file list. CHDIR allows you to move among your directories.The current directory is where SD looks to find files whose names were entered without specifying a directory. If you do not specify a drive, the default drive is assumed. CHDIR invoked with no parameters display the current directory path of the current drive. Equals the ?DIR command from SD 3.2.The default directory of a drive is reset to the MAIN directory if the disk has been changed.Note: This command has no effect on MyDOS disks even though subdirectories are supported. This is due to the fact that there is no foolproof way to detect a disk change on DOS 2 style disks. SD disks have a volume name, a random number, and a write count for disk change detection.MAP===Purpose-------SIO.SYS control.Syntax------MAP [unit] [SIO|OS|NORMAL|OFF] [d:] orMAP [d:]fname[.ext]Type----External - on CAR: deviceAvailability------------As of SDX 4.40.Remarks-------MAP invoked without any parameter displays a help screen. The command 'maps' the given drive id 'd:' to the drive associated with the specified number (unit). An internal SIO translation table is used here. The additional options control the communication mode for the specified disk: NORMAL - standard mode, PBI has priority over SIO.SIO - SIO communications only (PBI is bypassed).OS - communication is redirected to the ROM OS.OFF - drive disabled (or handled by another driver).The 'SIO' option allows to gain access to a serial drive, which has been masked out by a parallel (PBI) drive having the same number. For instance, the command 'MAP 1 SIO B:' creates a logical drive B: (or D2:), which uses physical disk drive number 1. 'MAP 3 K:' creates a logical drive K: (or DK:), which uses drive number 3. Drive #3 can be a SIO or a PBI drive. 'MAP 11 K:' will remap drive #11 to K:.The 'OS' parameter applies, when the OS ROM routines are to be used in-stead of the native SD communication routines. 'OS' cannot be used, when the DOS is configured to USE OSRAM mode.MAP fname[.ext] calls SIO parameters to be changed from a text file, whose name can be handed over to the MAP command as the only argument. Each line of that text file has to contain correct MAP parameters starting from the unit value. This feature allows for changing the settings of multiple drives at once.CAUTION: MAP does not work, when SIO.SYS is installed using the '/A' or '/C' option!PEEK====Purpose-------Examine a memory location, perform a HEX conversion or symbol evaluation.Syntax------PEEK [[$]index:][$]addressPEEK symbolType----External - on CAR: device.Related-------POKE, DPOKE (->SDXTK)Availability------------As of SDX 4.47 can access extended memory and 65C816 high RAM.Remarks-------PEEK allows the examination of a memory location from the command processor. It is also useful as a quick DEC to HEX or HEX to DEC converter. (DEC means decimal or base 10; HEX means hexadecimal or base 16.) PEEK returns the dec and hex value of the location entered, the contents of the location in both dec and hex, the dec and hex value of the memory word stored in the location and location+l, and the ATASCII char-acter representing the value of the location.Available indices are00 = main memory,02 = system extended memory,04 - max. 67 (255) = extended memory Port B (Axlon).To peek 65C816 high ram type the respective number of digits, e.g. $FF0000.Addresses are assumed to be decimal unless preceded by a '$', which indicates hex. Hex and dec values may be mixed.The PEEK symbol command displays the address and memory index of the given symbol. The symbol will first be translated into an address, and then PEEK will proceed with this address as usual. Data to be displayed are fetched from the memory location the symbol points to.POKE====Purpose-------Change the content of a memory location.Syntax------POKE [[$]index:][$]location [$]valueType----External - on CAR: device.Related-------DPOKE (->SDXTK), PEEKAvailability------------As of SDX 4.47 can access extended memory and 65C816 high RAM.Remarks-------POKE allows you to change memory locations from the command processor. This can be useful in batch files and other applications. It is very easy to crash the system with this command if you do not understand what you are doing. Available indices are00 = main memory,02 = system extended memory,04 - max. 67 (255) = extended memory Port B (Axlon).To poke 65C816 high ram type the respective number of digits, e.g. $FF0000.Addresses are assumed to be decimal unless preceded by a '$', which indicates hex. Hex and dec values may be mixed. A few examples of locations and useful values: 65 (soundr) 0=SIO sound off, 1=on 77 (attract) 0=mode off for a few min. 82 (lmargin) n=set left margin 0 to 39 83 (rmargin) n=set right margin 0 to 39559 (sdmctl) 0=screen off, 34=screen on710 (color2) 0=black, 53=red, 148=blue730 (keyrep) 1=hyper 3=fast 5=normal (XL/XE only)731 (noclik) 0=normal, 1=weaker off (XL/XE only)752 (crsinh) 1=cursor off, 0=cursor on702 (shflok) 0=lower case, 64=upper caseNote: Specially if you are not sure what you are doing, it is good practice to always PEEK a location before POKEing a value into it. Usually recovering by POKEing the old value back in is possible, unless the computer has crashed.LHLHLHL˥ L˥!L˥"L˥#L˥$L˥%L˥&L˥'ULBIOS$) ѰLLLLآxʚ@ 譃ӎ0`Ѣ TэѩэѠ`ш f v h P Lf,0p,p,0P )8nѭэ,P  P 9 Lf " 9L LJ,P  ­Ѫ))Ѡ" Ѫ,))ӭэӭэѢ) ),P* ,јL ~@өэl 9 h `ܐ l׭эӠ T A (m B  HN׭ mhƩHHHH`[av>g:\ 3,8l$ .Œu†‡Žu)7.6LLLL4L4N a  ݠmȌn׌׌ , 0 m ALlélмl׭llm0N _m _L­nnL`m0N rm rL­p8n nL`m AL`өЊ0lЭ OJ`@,0;`Ҩ)" $`,p`)` ѭ `L( ué (ѭ L_8_gHhhhh h[W׈`_ ~Wb}f֝bbmfjbע~[` :V`ύ :V ѩө8օ9@H@ V@HU@ V@ɪhh@9ש@ө` Vh@ Vh@@ VHA VH@hhѥ9`]LV]LV8`8`@ V @`ҭSB SB`fff666>h> >cf 3c>k~0~ 0`>ckkc>8~~>`~>~6f`~~>`~cc> >c>cc>>cc?>0 0 ~~`0 0`>c|`>>cccc~c~cc~?````?~cccc~`~```~```?``gc?ccccc~~~cf|fcc`````cwkcccs{ogc>cccc>~cc~``>cccf;~cc~cc>`>>~ccccc>cccc6cckk6c66cfff< 0>0000>`0 >>6cÙ222222>>>>oǃww>>>>>>~~~~~~~~~~~`|`>>?? ~~ >?c?``~cc~>c`c>?cc?>c`>>>?ccc?``~ccc < |`cf|fc< vkkc~cccc>ccc>``~ccc~?ccc?~c```?`>~~cccc?ccc6ckk6c66c<cccc?~ 0~0`0`0pp0@ӢY詏Lߢ ߢ)@YםPP9܅88ܐ88`آܝP 8`?YY#1PםYLߩ A߭S i-Hiݪh { ݠ })?  ݠ })? iIHiݪh { ݠ }ݩ ߠ }LSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec)׹P` LU },Rp)? 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