APT PBI BIOS for Ultimate 1MB


In 2012, Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle) asked if I could write a PBI version of the SpartaDOS X soft-driver I had written the previous year for the SIDE cartridge. The reason was that he was considering adding PBI emulation to his Ultimate 1MB RAM upgrade, to be used in conjunction with the SIDE cartridge, which would then be present merely to provide the IDE interface itself. It seemed almost an obvious thing to do in retrospect, but in any case Sebastian made the necessary amendments to the Xilinx firmware and fed my hungry appetite for switchable PBI ROM banks and RAM under the hardware registers. I'd already written an experimental APT (Atari Partition Table) BIOS for the KMK/JZ HDD interface, and was able to get something rudimentary working for U1MB in a few weeks.

In the ensuing months, Sebastian thought of more and more things to add (such as the ability to read and write disk images mounted in the FAT partition of the CF card), and after weeks of coding and debugging, we had something approaching a final version. Yet more features were added at the beginning of 2013, at which point three of the four PBI ROM banks were nearly full of code.

SIDE2 Update

With the advent of SIDE 2, the U1MB PBI BIOS has been updated to support card hot-swapping when used with the version 2 cartridge. This doesn't affect the behaviour of U1MB when used with the older SIDE cartridge: the new hardware is automatically detected.


The Ultimate 1MB PBI BIOS comes as a 32KB ROM file (actually mostly padding), and should be inserted into your Ultimate 1MB ROM image using The ROM Generator by AtariGeezer, and then flashed to the Atari using the U1MB ROM flasher.


Please note: the PBI BIOS is still in the testing stage, and current builds should be considered beta versions.

Ultimate 1MB APT PBI ROM v.0.3.4 (zipped 32KB ROM)

This driver supports CF card hot-swapping when used with the SIDE 2 cartridge. If you purchased your Ultimate 1MB prior to March 2013, you will need to update the PBI BIOS using the new ROM image in order to hot-swap cards when using the PBI driver.

For the support toolkit, including disk partition management software, please see the APT Toolkit page.


Coming soon...



All programs by flashjazzcat (http://www.atari8.co.uk/)