Read "From a Saved Backup . . ." Articles
Originally published in the Atari Explorer Online Magazine.
Boise User
Group Information
The Atari Boise User Group (ABUG) is an active and functioning group of
Atari Computer
owners. ABUG was first started in the early 1980's by owners of Atari
console game machines
and Eight-Bit computers. The interest in the group grew in 1985 as
Atari marketed the innovative
Sixteen/Thirtytwo bit home computer, the Atari ST. Today, as Atari
Computers, Inc. has entered
the Game market with the Jaguar and has dropped interest in manufacturing
home computers,
the ABUG members continue to use the older computers while also purchasing
the new Atari
computers like the Atari Mega/STE and Atari TT Workstation. With MagiCMac
(an Atari
emulator for the Machintosh) and GEMulator (an Atari emulator for Windows)
allowing Mac
and Windows users to continue to use Atari programs, the interest in
Atari will not be easily lost.
And as long as there are Atari Computer owners, there will be ABUG
supporting them. |
User Group Monthly Meeting
Monthly meetings are held in the party room at the McDonald's on Orchard
in Boise, Idaho on
the Second Monday of each month starting at 6:30 and ending around
8:30. Meetings include
Instruction, discussion, and product demonstration. Topics include
"Atari on the Internet,"
"Business Programs," "Programming," "Educational Programs," and others.
include both hardware and software displays and instruction, and every
once in a while the Atari
JAGUAR is featured with the lastest and greatest game card. |
User Group Benefits
Members of the Atari Boise User Group receive a Monthy Newsletter, Home
Computer News,
in the mail each month. Members attending the meeting get a
FREE "Disk of the Month" each
meeting. Members also have a private conference on ACIS BBS (208-362-1790,
1200-28.8) to communicate with other members in the group. But, best
of all, members get to
chat and exchange ideas with some of the finest Atari Computer owners
who have a wide
spectrum of interests, (Brokers, Technicians, City Planners, Unix Administrators,
Consultants, Customer Tech Support, Electricians, Electrical Engineers,
Students, Salesmen, etc.). |
User Group Officers