Edtris 2600: ($16 US, international slightly more) A Tetris clone game for the 2600, features good sound effects, 9 levels of speed, a music soundtrack that speeds up with the game, and color changing bricks (the harder the game gets, the different the colors are). This game also features a title screen, where your personal serial number appears. SoundX with Dazzledemo: ($16 US, international slightly more) A sound generating cart, that allows you to set pitch, volume, etc for both voices of the 2600. Basicly, you can make any sound the stock 2600 can make and the values are right there for your use if you would ever want to write your own game cart. Dazzledemo is an extra bonus, it cycles through all the color combinations of the 2600 in an eye-catching style. In the center of the dazzledemo screen your custom serial # appears, each cart has a serial number built into the game. Coming soon: (maybe!) Pitfall 3, or Ed's pit 3, or something similar. Ed is dabbling with a pitfall style game to be released some time soon (hopefully!) - If you would like to leave comments to Ed about what you would like to see in a game, drop him a line at efederme@usr.com.
some game using the driving controllers! Ed would like to write up a cart that uses the driving controllers, if you can think of a good game for him drop him a line on that as well. Ordering info: You can order Edtris and SoundX for a while longer yet. Just send $16
for each cart you want to: "I have been making carts for Ed for close to 2 years now. People know me on the net, if you don't think so drop a line to just about anyone out there, most of the common names have ordered Edtris and/or SoundX carts from me already."
Stell-A-Sketch: ($8 US, international slightly more) A high resolution drawing program for the Supercharger and Atari 2600 VCS. By moving a pointer around the drawing area, you can create patterns or paint pictures! Tired of the picture you're working on? Be prepared to shake Stell-A-Sketch until the drawing area is clear! A digital Etch-A-Sketch for the 2600. Okie Dokie: (packaged with Stell-A-Sketch) A fast moving puzzle game that challenges you with 30 preset puzzles and 435 random puzzles. It seems simple enough: turn off all of the squares. Well, there's a catch! Every time you select a square, it gets "flipped" -- if it was on it turns off and visa versa, but to complicate things further, any square directly to the left, right, above, or below the square is also "flipped." An interesting twist on the hand-held "Merlin" games. Ordering info: You can order Stell-A-Sketch and Okie Dokie directly from Bob Colbert. Please e-mail rcolbert@novia.net if you are interested, and specify which option (cassette or CD) you are interested in!
Here are two reputable dealers, both of which sell Atari products. Give them a call with your wantlist - still lots of good deals to be found!
CHA-CHANG!!! Nothing sounds better than the cold, hard CLANK of steel currency. Here are my current listings...
B & C ComputerVisions 1725 De La Cruz Blvd #7 Santa Clara, CA 95050-3011 (408) 986-9960