I recently purchased Atari's last attempt at capturing the video game market -- the JAGUAR. This despite the fact that it is not a classic gaming console. Unfortunately, KayBee toys has made this notion hard to follow. Since April of this year they have been selling Jags for the unbelievable low price of $34.99 Early into my video game collecting I made an effort to focus on Atari related items. There was/is just too much stuff to collect - and to go about it without some sort of direction would not only be costly, but would make any attempt at establishing a large collection almost impossible. As it is now, even trying to amass a decent Atari 2600 collection after the first 300 carts gets very discouraging. And this is with the understanding that there are at least 1,000 games out there! Anyway, I rationalized that since the Jaguar was made by Atari, it would fall into my category of "collectables." Now most of the games are not the greatest - but a few stand out (Tempest 2000, Pitfall TMA, Defender 2000, Doom, AvP to name a few). And now that Telegames is releasing a few new titles (stuff that was in the works before Atari merged with JTS) I figured I could at least show some support and buy one of the games. The four titles are: Iron Soldier II, Breakout 2000, Towers II and World Tour Racing. My choice was Towers II - I like RPGs what can I say? And in my opinion, the better of the four games. WTR was recorded on CDR but boxed as a cartridge - so if you don't have the CD player you'd do good to purchase one first. WTR falls into the category of Club Drive and Checkered Flag. Iron Soldier II, a good game but again, "Been There- Done That- Played It- in fact I believe it's called Iron Soldier I." Breakout 2000 - hey if it's not done by Jeff Minter let's drop the "2000" stigma! Towers II, (well I almost have to find something negative to say) has no overlays! That's it! Hey, it can literally be a matter of life and death having to jump back and forth between your instruction book and your gamepad looking for the correct button with so many actions to choose from. So I decided to make one - if you'd like a copy, you can download the art here. The only thing you'll need is a color printer (black and white works fine too). |
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