ind 0..9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
006?146Wall WarSierra On-Line    
0171986206WarhawkFirebirdyes  Atarikey
0051983175WarlokCallisto Software    
010?133Warlords (Paddles)?    
0101982257Warrior of Ras #2: KaivScreenplay    
0041985114Water Ski School(Public Domain)    
0051983262Wavy NavySirius Software    
0071984135WaxworksDigital Fantasia   Atarikey
009198383WeakonAPX (Atari Program Exchange)    
0101985172WhirlinurdChris Gray    
013?133Whiz Kid SpellRomox    
0041984326Whomper StomperAdventure International    
0181993116Whoops 2ANG Software   Atarikey
007?134Wing Wars?    
017?114Winter WallyStephen MacIlwel    
014?14WisielecKrysztof Garbacz   Atarikey
0011981195Wizard of Wor (Disk version)Roklan    
015?439WladcaMirage  +Atarikey
0081993584WloczykijL.K. Avalon    
008198267Worm War ISirius Software    
0051983169Worms?Electronic Arts    
0061985159Wumpus Huntershareware    
020198384Wyzle!David Buehler    

Overall: 24
Capacity: 545 KB

A service by SGL - Last Updated: 10.4.1997