ind 0..9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

company: Firebird
year: 1986
system: PAL
xl-it: yes!
xformer: no
runs w/ ape: yes
packer: no
trainer: no
yogi comments:
notes: runs very good under XL-it, and even the sound runs fine! (Michael Rothe)

company: Digital Fantasia
year: 1984
system: NTSC/PAL
xl-it: not tested
xformer: not tested
runs w/ ape: yes
packer: no
trainer: no
yogi comments: Mysterious Adventure #11

Whoops 2
company: ANG Software
year: 1993
system: NTSC/PAL
xl-it: not tested
xformer: not tested
runs w/ ape: yes
packer: yes
trainer: no
crack: cracked by John E. (TEBSF) 1993
yogi comments:

company: Krysztof Garbacz
year: not known
system: NTSC/PAL
xl-it: not tested
xformer: not tested
runs w/ ape: yes
packer: no
trainer: no
yogi comments: What is this? Needs Polish translation!
notes: a kind of 'hang man', you must type in spells to find the word

company: Mirage
year: not known
system: NTSC/PAL
xl-it: not tested
xformer: not tested
runs w/ ape: no
packer: no
trainer: no
yogi comments:
notes: doesn't load right

A service by SGL - Last Updated: 10.4.1997