There are not many emulators for 8-bit computers due to their
low performance. But a few are available, some use extra hardware
to emulate a system. The hardware emulators in this list will be difficult
to get because they had not success.
- BBC-Basic
Portation of the Acorn BBC-Basic to the C64.
- CBM3000-Emulator
An emulation of the old PET on a C64 including Basic 4.0. You get
it with every 1541 on the test-/demodiscs.
- VIC-20 Emulator
Emulates the predecessor of the C64, the VC20.
- ZX Spectrum
Implentation of the Speccy's Basic.
- CP/M-Emulator
Hardware-emulator. It will be very hard to get so if you want
CP/M, you should think about buying a C128.
Amstrad/Schneider CPC
- PC-Emulator
An expansion-box which includes a (nearly) complete PC (8088; 8MHz).
It has PC-slots and one or two 5 1/4" drives. Produced in 1986 by
Atari XL/XE
- MS-DOS Emulator
There was a PC-emulator for the Atari. An expansive and
relative unknown hardware-emulator produced in the USA.
- CP/M Emulator
A bit like the PC-Box: The Atari does not have a Z80A so
the only way to run CP/M is an expansion-module. This emulator
is also very difficult to get.
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