Atari ST - Amiga - PC - Mac - Archimedes - Linux - C64 - CPC -
TI99/4a - Atari XL/XE- Sinclair QL - Sam Coupé - NextStep - BeBox - Java
You like one computer and want it to run on your computer?
No problem because some people made emulators which simulate different computers.
Even if it's not the same, you will see classic computers
you've never known before and games & applications you've never used.
I have sorted the emulators into the computers they run on.
Note: Some emulators need specific models of a computer series,
for example the T3-Dragon-emulator for the PC only works on a 80386 or better.
There are also emulators that get a bit out of date, especially the emulators
which emulate Macintoshs and PCs. By the way, here are
my favorite emulators.
I have included links for most emulators. If the link makes a direct
download, it will be marked in the text.
If a link doesn't work: Click on the link with the right mouse
button and choose "Copy Link location". Insert the adress
to the adress line of your browser. Remove the file name and
press return. In most cases you will find the emulator of your dreams
on the page that appears (the filename may be a bit different). If not,
the site has changed...
This page is optimized for Netscape and CAB.
This emulator section is part of my 'History of the home-computers'.
Matthias Jaap
E-mail adress: mjaap@hsw.ifl.uni-hamburg.de
If you want to know more about the emulated computers, visit the
History of the Home Computers.
ROMs for Emulators
Sam Coupé
- Messenger
Spectrum emulation.
Portable Amiga emulator. Not perfect but useable.
- Basilisk
Macintosh emulator. ROMs are required.
- Virtual Mac
Macintosh emulator.
- Frodo
Good C64 emulator.
Java (Mac, PC, Linux)
- Soft PC (PC emulator; only for 80x86 NeXT computers!)
- Executor (Mac emulator)
- Owl (Download!)
BBC-B emulator.
- MS-DOS Emulator
This emulator consists of a box with a complete PC.
The only things that makes the box dependend from the TI99/4a
is the keyboard and the monitor. There was a new basic-command
to switch to the emulator.
Internet-Sites about "Emulators"
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