IWAR Music (Snip-it)


Everyone's worst fears have come true. The supercomputer that handles the world's information is filled with mutated databases and lethal viruses. You must enter the I-Way, clear the clogged channels and restore the system. Choose an anti-virus craft to get you through the vicious attacks, challenging puzzles and tormenting mazes. And good luck. You are mankind's only hope.
  • True 3D world with amazing texture-mapped and Gouraud-shaded graphics
  • Five different views make you part of the action
  • 20 levels culminating with a dramatic final encounter
CATEGORY: Shooter/Battle Simulator
PLAYERS: 1 or 2
PUBLISHER: Atari Corporation
DEVELOPED BY: Imagitec Design

At a glance...

Category Rating
Graphics 3
Sound/Music 4
Control 3
Playability 2
Presentation 3
Longer bars are better


IWAR attempts to mimic a TRON scenario, but, doesn't quite make it.

Once you load the cart, and select your tank, you're warped in to the first level of play. Your mission is to roam this cyberspace atmosphere, picking up weapon powerups, collecting database pods, and keep from getting killed. Amazingly, when reviewing the IWAR manual, there was ONE page of all the 'goodies' you have at your disposal, and THREE(3) pages of enemy images/descriptions -- can we say mis-match?

Thankfully, the game isn't as difficult or a mis-match. However, the graphics are a bit difficult to make out, in terms of recognizing an enemy or 'friend'. Another flaw is an apparent slow-down in gameplay during the disintegration of an enemy, and tank regeneration(after you've died). Other than that, you have a techno-rave music track blazing in the background -- what do you expect from Imagitec?

Playability is THERE, with no real challenge. Some database pods require a little thinking to obtain, but, overall, the game loses its charm after the first 5 or so levels. Missions become repetitive for the most part, and the only thing that changes is the amount of database pods to recover -- which increase with each level.

Between missions, you are treated to a warp-level. In most cases, you fly through a corridor and attempt to collect powerups. Future warp-levels introduce obstacles along with powerups which do affect your ship's energy level if you collide with them. If the percentage of collected powerups does not fall under 75%, you are awarded an extra tank when the warp level ends.

IWAR is a so-so game, and is not one of the Jaguar's best. Graphics are average, playability is present, control is acceptable and music is good to above average. A run-of-the-mill game which would of done better had there been more of a challenge.

Copyright ©96, J. Ariel Garza
Last updated: 09/24/96

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