T2K Mix! Jaguar growl

Welcome to The Jaguar Sector! You will find a growing assortment of Jaguar-related information including: game cheats and links to other Jaguar pages as well as game reviews, articles, and the increasingly popular Multimedia section which includes self-produced Jaguar promo AVI's and a 3D VRML Jaguar world. Plus, air your opinions in the sector's new SoapBox section!

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Site Updates (09/29)
A Telegames Tribute!
A look inside the Jaguar
Toad Computers Online
JTS Stock Information
Article: Taking Control
Tiger Direct

View game rating and category descriptions

Alien vs. Predator
Blue Lightning(CD)
Checkered Flag
Club Drive
Defender 2000
Dino Dudes
Dragon's Lair(CD)
Hover Strike
Iron Soldier
Myst(CD) %
Ruiner Pinball
Super Burnout
Tempest 2000
Towers II
Trevor McFur
Zool 2

(% - At a glance...reviews only)

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Copyright ©96, J. Ariel Garza
Last updated: 09/29/97
Comments or suggestions can be directed here.
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