Telegames, the Jaguar's first third-party developer has decided to support loyal Jaguar owners by releasing 6 new games.

Their ideology as expressed by Terry Grantham; Telegames' president, is simple -

"There remains a significant base of loyal Jaguar owners who will support new product releases. As long as this support continues, Telegames will deliver additional quality products".

It is refreshing to see a company that will continue to provide quality entertainment for a system that has been abandoned by its creator. Such action should not be ignored. On the contrary, Telegames should be commended for what they're doing.

Our job is clear. We must support Telegames as they in-turn have supported us and the Jaguar.

Incidentally, the six games are:
Towers II
Breakout 2000
" "
Iron Soldier 2
" "
Zero 5
" "
" "
World Tour Racing
" "

To Mr. Grantham and those responsible for making this happen, I personally offer you my sincere gratitude for giving us Jaguar owners something to look forward to.

Special thanks to Vince Valenti @ JV Games for bringing this news to light.
Copyright ©96, J. Ariel Garza
Last updated: 05/07/97

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