Zool 2

Ported from the Gremlin computer game, Zool 2 is a 2D platform based game in which you control either a male or female, intergalactic ninja in bizarre, object filled locales.

PUBLISHER: Atari Corporation
DEVELOPED BY: Imagitec Design

At a glance...

Category Rating
Graphics 3
Sound/Music 4
Control 3
Playability 3
Presentation 3
Longer bars are better


Zool 2 is one of few Jaguar platform based games that delivers an average gaming experience. The game conforms to a majority of the basic control schemes used in this genre of game, but implements them in an odd manner. There is a jump button, but pressing up on the pad also dictates the same move. Often times this can create muddled control of your onscreen player when he/she jumps by the accidental shifting of your thumb as opposed to when you really want him to. Other times it works well.

Although control is an important issue in a game like Zool, even that is overshadowed by the lack of depth in the game itself. The object is to score 99 item points and find the exit. Every third level of an area hosts a boss, looking not much different than its previous incarnation. The premise is all too familiar.

Another disappointment lies in the average graphics quality. Two layer parallax scrolling is the high point, which speaks for itself. In terms of audio, Zool 2 shines. Although the themes aren't the best out there, they do provide a proper atmosphere for the game's overall setting. The audio samples are fairly good, making this the best feature of the game.

In final overview, Zool 2 is an average platform game that neither advances beyond 16-bit titles of the same nature nor does it innovate gameplay mechanics. Simply average.

Reviewed by: Brian Puthuff
Copyright ©96, J. Ariel Garza
Last updated: 06/22/97

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