Welcome to my Atari 2600 Pages!

When I'm not busy playing drums in my band Missile Command or designing graphics and web sites, I can sometimes be found looking for Atari 2600 game cartridges to add to my collection. I also collect cartridge games for the Atari 400/800 computer systems, but Atari 2600 games are my first priority. If you have any old Atari games you want to trade or sell, please e-mail me here! My goal is to collect every game ever made for the Atari 2600. I'm now up to 470, not counting label variations, as of December 7, 1997. I also have quite a few doubles and other classic video games and systems available for trade or sale.

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Atari 2600 Title

Atari Unit

Here's the Atari 2600 game system. When I was a kid, this was the cutting edge of video game technology :)

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The Atari collection  is not for sale sign

Have List Title

Here's a list of my Atari 2600 and Atari 400/800 cartridge collections as of December 7, 1997. There are two different versions, the first list groups the games by company; the second lists all the titles alphabetically.

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Note: The games in the collection are not for sale or trade!

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Trade List Title

Here's a list of classic video game cartridges, systems and other stuff I have available for trade or sale as of December 7, 1997. I'd rather trade for Atari 2600 or Atari 400/800 carts I don't have, but money works too. Please e-mail me if anything interests you.

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Atari 2600 games for trade or sale

Atari 16ft. extension cables for trade or sale

Atari trackball for trade or sale

Interested in any of the stuff above? Go ahead and e-mail me or fill out the following information below:
Your e-mail address:
Item(s) of interest:
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