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Welcome to Reinhard's Information Superhighway Truckstop! Located in the ultra-PC town of Davis, California, where smoking in public, skate boarding downtown, running over toads and audible snoring are all outlawed...

You can check out my profession (graphic and web site design), what I do for fun (collecting Atari 2600 cartridges) or what I love doing the most (progressive rock/speed metal drumming).

Web Artist for Hire!

I am available for freelance graphic design, web site design and technical illustration projects. Take a look at my on-line resume and portfolio pages to see samples of my work. For more information and free initial consultation, please contact me via e-mail at: reinhard@pribish.com.

VME Logo Here's the company I work with creating web sites, Virtual MarketEnterprises.Visit here to see examples of different sizes and prices of basic web sites, and also to visit the virtual market places in the cities of Davis, Woodland, Riverside, Vacaville, Fresno and Galt, California, U.S.A.

Atari Sign

ATARI 2600 Game Cartridges WANTED!!

I collect and am looking to buy or trade Atari 2600 (and Atari 400/800) cartridges, so if you have any hidden away in your garage, closet, attic or basement and want to trade or sell them, please e-mail me at: reinhard@pribish.com. Check my Atari pages for more information.

No MTV Sign

I play drums in:

Missile Command the Band Logo

To the launch site...

Copyright 1996 Reinhard Pribish