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VGR's homepage

Send questions, comments and sugar-free chocolate to vgr@clark.net

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To the Site map (I just love these)

Videogame and computer system lists


I don't sell games.

I do, however, occasionally trade them. If you want to buy games and/or a videogame system, try this:

rec.games.video.classic is the UseNet newsgroup devoted to discussion of classic games and classic systems. ``Classic'' in this case means any game systems that were sold in the US prior to the Nintendo Entertainment System. Remember that a newsgroup is a worldwide forum, not a chat line or bulletin board.

(Cover art for Video Pinball shown here)
Other people's pages

(Cover art for Space Invaders shown here)

Things other than videogames

Eric Schwartz is an artist and animator of exceptional talent. Most if not all his work was done on his own.