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Welcome to MyAtari magazine! After a great deal of work by all its contributors, MyAtari is now available - in all its glory - at The project was begun with the aim of creating an on-line resource for Atari users around the world in the style of a colourful and friendly magazine.

Have we succeeded?...

Only you can be the judge of that! Please take the time to have a good look around the site and let us know what you think (feedback is very important - good and bad!). If you have any ideas or suggestions for MyAtari, they can posted [here].

Who is the magazine aimed at?...

The magazine is aimed at users (anywhere in the world, not just the UK!) of the classic 8-bit machines through to the 64-bit Jaguar games console and everything in between! (even those who use an Atari emulator under their PC or Mac).

So what happens now?...

It's a cliche I know but, the magazines future success now firmly resides with you, the reader!

Because MyAtari is totally free, it cannot afford to pay individuals to write for the magazine. Atari enthusiasts are therefore urgently required to join our team of budding writers and contributors! To help you get started, please read our Contributors Guide [here].

You do not need to be any kind of expert just enthusiastic about what you write! Your article or review can be about anything Atari related (perhaps a great web site, piece of hardware/software etc.) and of any length. The more contributions we receive, the better the mag will be!

Finally, a big thank you to those of you who have already subscribed to MyAtari. Your support of the magazine at such an early stage is very much appreciated! Ladies and Gentlemen, please raise your glasses for a the future of MyAtari - Cheers!

Matthew Bacon, webmaster

MyAtari magazine - Feature #1, October 2000

Current Issue


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