XL Demo

16K Cassette or Disk
by Jerry White

Atari threw a couple of surprising capabilities into the new XL operating system. This self-documenting tutorial program will show you how to access some of these features from Atari BASIC. XLDEMO works on any Atari XL-Series computer, including the old 1200XL. - Editor

BASIC Listing

XLDEMO.LST is available in ATASCII format.

This BASIC listing uses an image to display special characters

Checksum Data
10 DATA 247,289,255,703,327,690,263,84
160 DATA 338,95,615,54,904,410,251,814
310 DATA 224,84,962,90,560,937,99,786,
460 DATA 893,526,34,836,508,531,365,88
610 DATA 512,748,54,124,669,716,267,95
760 DATA 976,235,826,393,88,366,384,42
910 DATA 121,830,406,325,293,591,832,2
1060 DATA 952,282,941,560,135,880,195,
1210 DATA 892,283,818,1993

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Original text copyright 1984 by ANALOG Computing. Reprinted with permission by the Digital ANALOG Archive.