This program runs on an Atari 400/800 computer with a minimum of 32K
The Utility allows the user 3 functions.
1) MANUAL - This status allows the user to create his own character
by filling in any box on the grid.
2) DATA INPUT - Allows the user to input Data values and see what
they represent in character form. This is particularly useful when
analysing other people's character data.
3) CHARACTER INPUT - This status examines an existing character in
the set.
The program always returns to MANUAL after any status and therefore
allows you to improve upon or otherwise amend a character. For example,
if the character you wish to create looks a bit like a 'T' then you can
use the CHARACTER INPUT status to get the 'T' on the grid and then use
MANUAL to change it slightly.
Your new character ON THE GRID will only be registered in the
program's memory if you press 'G' for GENERATE. Please see the command
CH - Allows you to enter a character on the grid. At the prompt,
press the appropriate key and RETURN.
CL - Clears the grid.
D - Allows you to enter DATA and see the character representation. At
the prompt, enter 8 values, hitting RETURN after each.
E - Puts the program in ERASE mode. Use to erase points on the grid.
F - FILL mode. Use to plot points on the grid.
G - Commits whatever is on the grid to memory. (Even a blank
Ll - Allows key choice for each character created. Follow the
prompts. This key must always be used before you can save any characters
to tape.
Lx - Where x is the layer number of the grid. To fill points on layer
2 of the grid enter L2 and then press a key 1-8 to fill or erase a point
in that layer.
The program writes its own code for each custom character using a
special feature called screen editing. It is for this reason that you
can create only a maximum of four characters at any one time. You may
return to the program to redefine more after ever four characters have
been generated by the 'G' command. If you try to generate a fifth
character, the program reminds you to use the Ll command. You do not
have to wait for the reminder, especially if you only want to redefine
one character!
To load a character set that you have saved using the CHARACTER
GENERATION UTILITY, use the following program:
10 OPEN #4,4,0,"C:":FOR
I=0 TO 1023: GET #4,P: POKE 30720+I,P:NEXT I: CLOSE #4
30720 by the way is simply the page number multiplied by 256. If the
program that will use your custom set is a small one, you may want to
use another page lower in memory. It's up to you.
A final reminder. Don't forget to POKE 756,120 (or whatever page you
are using) and that this must be done every time a new Graphics command
is used.