First Steps


Issue 3

May/Jun 83

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Many beginners do not understand REM statements and believe they are responsible for program errors. They are in a way - if you don't bother to read them! A REM statement actually has no effect at all on the running of a program, it is there to help you understand what is going on or to give you help in typing in the listing. If you wish you can leave out all REM statements thus saving a lot of typing, but be careful. Sometimes a program branches to a line containing a REM statement and if you did not type that line you will get ERROR 12. The solution is to change the line number of the GOTO or GOSUB so that it refers to the line immediately following the line that you didn't type. Leaving out REMs will save you some typing but it is very important that you read all REMs before you type in a program. Quite often they give you clues on how to type in the following lines and if you don't work it out you will end up with all sorts of problems. Take TINY TEXT in Issue 2 for example. Line 580 gives you clues for typing the next few lines. The funny little symbol that you can't find in your Manual is a peculiarity of the printer. It cannot reproduce the right pointed arrow which you get by pressing ESC,TAB and so line 580 gives you a clue by saying that the symbol represents ESC,TAB. Try pressing ESC followed by TAB to see the 'arrow' referred to. Remember, REM statements are there to help you, not the program (they actually slow the program down). Make sure you read them before typing any lines referred to.

Did you know that you can stop a listing from scrolling up the screen by pressing CTRL and 1 at the same time? Pressing them again will start the listing up again. Even the experts took a long time to find that out!

The Atari has superb editing facilities but few people seem to use them properly. Sit down a while and look through Chapter 3 of the Reference Manual and play around with the screen. If you use editing properly you will save a lot of time. Suppose for example you have to type the following lines

10 IF A=6 THEN GOTO 100

20 IF A=7 THEN GOTO 200

Instead of typing both lines, type in line 10 and then use the CTRL/UP ARROW keys to put the cursor over the 1 of 10 and type 2. Move the cursor right with the CTRL/RIGHT ARROW keys until it is over the 6 and type 7. Move the cursor right again to the 1 of 100 and type 2. Now press RETURN. All you will see is line 20, but now list the program. Presto! Two lines for the price of one (almost). Use the editing facilities whenever you see lines that are similar to lines you have already typed and you will save a lot of time. Don't forget that you can insert or delete characters in a line by using CTRL/ INSERT or CTRL/DELETE.

Just for fun, try the following program. Put the word 'PRESS' in inverse. More about PEEKs and POKEs in future issues.

10 ? CHR$(125):? "PRESS SOME KEYS"

20 POKE 755,PEEK(764):GOTO 20
