BUG seems to be getting bigger! If you have attended the last few
meetings you will know how crowded it can get, and we must start
thinking about some solutions to make sure that everybody gets a look in
and finds it worthwhile to attend. Two things are being considered -
weekly meetings and a bigger meeting place. We need your help on both.
There is no point in arranging weekly meetings if there is not going to
be enough support, and please bear in mind that the meetings do take a
lot of effort to organise. If you are genuinely interested in meeting
weekly, let us know and indicate what sort of format you would be most
happy with. The room we have at present is good value despite its
limitations but we would like to be able to consider alternatives either
for alternate meetings if we go weekly or as a new permanent home.
Somebody knows of a room in Birmingham, either a hotel, pub or club
which might be suitable. Please make some enquiries and let one of the
committee know. We may well stay where we are but at least it would be
handy to know if there are alternatives.
Mike Aston's Basic Course will have come to an end by now but the
Club is anxious to continue to provide tutorials for members. We could
arrange classes on specific subjects such as character redefinition,
display lists, sound, graphics, etc., but it does take a lot of work to
get together a decent course and it can be discouraging if there is not
much interest. So let Mike know what you would be interested to learn
and whether you can offer any assistance. The opportunity to learn is
one of the prime reasons for having a User Group and is a very valuable
part of BUG's make-up.
Now that the membership has grown there are many diverse interests
among members and we need a way to channel interests so that everyone
has the opportunity to join in something in which they are interested.
We want to develop a number of Special Interest Groups which will run on
a self-help basis where half a dozen or so of like minded people, can
get together to explore a particular area. It could be anything from
writing an Adventure to learning a new language or writing machine
language games. It could be something as simple as getting a party to
play Zork. Being part of a small group will help you to develop more
quickly and will give you the opportunity to meet outside the Club.
Something good will come of some of the groups, such as writing a book
or developing a game to market. If you are interested then get in touch
with Keith Mason who is willing to co-ordinate these groups. Give him a
ring and let him know what you are interested in and he should be able
to put you in touch with others.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, speak to one of the committee
at the meetings or feel free to give one of the following people a ring
Mike Reynolds-Jones 773 2849
Keith Mason 558
Aston 556 6578
559 4602
computing - and let's hear from you.
Meetings are now weekly but check first as there are some dates when
we can't have the room.
BUG's first software cassette was on sale at the MIDLANDS COMPUTER
FAIR where we had a stand. Available to members and non-members at a
ridiculously low price(!). If you would like a copy phone Mike
Reynolds-Jones for availability.