What time is it? If you have young children who are
learning to tell the time, Tick Tock will help them learn with the
chance to hear the chimes of the clock (worth typing the program in
for!) and see a rainbow when they get it right.
There are several options which are fully prompted
on screen and four levels from whole hours to quarter hours, every
five minutes or single minutes. The chimes can be switched on or off
and you can choose whether or not the correct time is shown in the
event of a wrong answer. When responses are required there is no need
to press RETURN. The program will expect double figures to be entered
when required and these will not show on screen until two figures are
typed. The program gives 10 goes but this can be changed by altering
the loop in line 210.
Type it in, it is worth seeing even if you don't
have any children. If you do it is an excellent way to teach them the
time in the old fashioned way - before the 24 hour clock that is, not
before computers!