P. F.

Another bargain game at £2.95 but perhaps not quite
as strong as others from the same company. FRUIT SALAD is basically
the Mastermind game in which you have to guess a sequence of pegs by
deduction from clues given as to how close your previous guess was.
Mastermind has been the subject of many computer translations but this
is probably the best I have seen. Instead of plain coloured pegs, you
have different fruits to choose from and the whole screen with a
redefined character set looks very good. The game is played entirely
with the joystick and there are several beginning options including 3
or 5 fruits, blank spaces and 1 or 2 players. Mastermind is well known
now but still makes an interesting game and is a change from the usual
arcade action. Mastermind as a game is not particularly dynamic but
this version is very well done and at only £2.95 how can you go