This game is a version of one of
the classic computer games and will run on any Atari.
You are the pilot of an old bomber
flying low over a deserted city. Suddenly one of your engines fails
and you begin to rapidly lose height. The situation looks hopeless
when you suddenly realise that you have a full bomb bay! Your only
chance is to bomb all the buildings flat so that you can land safely.
If you land safely you are awarded 1000 points before going on to
another city. The buildings will be higher and your bombs will become
less effective. To make things a little easier you have on board
3 emergency boosters which will provide some extra height. You will
be awarded an extra booster after clearing each city.
The program is written using Graphics
0 which only permits 2 colours. To make the game more interesting
Players have been used to form the sun, clouds and an extra plane.
The effects used in the title page
are achieved using the Colourflow program from issue 14 of PAGE
6. When you crash, the whole screen appears to shudder which is
done by scrolling the screen up and down. The game also awards ratings
and includes a hi-score feature.
Happy Landings.