First Steps

by Mark Hutchinson


Issue 18

Nov/Dec 85

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By now you should all have the complete 'A-Z of ATARI BASIC’, and I hope that you forgive any mistakes that occurred between my keyboard and the final copy.

The Editor and I have been discussing how best to follow this set of articles and he has talked me into trying to write a game, a section at a time, to illustrate BASIC and involving reader's participation. This sounds easy until you sit in front of a blank screen but one reader has come to my rescue. Albert Bidwell recently asked me how to write a noughts and crosses game and I have decided to use this game to explain some of the commands that were in the 'A-Z'. The examples used will follow most of the rules of programming, but will deviate where necessary so that it is easier to explain. I hope that I can keep this set of articles on a simple level to introduce the beginner to programming.

I hope that you are not sitting back saying, 'Oh great - a free game!'. I warn you here and now, I am expecting lots of response from the readers and if I don't get it the project may be doomed. I want you to improve the program in any way you can and send me your ideas and your own programming examples to illustrate how the game should be improved. Letters should be sent to me as soon as possible to give me time to set up the next article. You can still contact me direct with any problems but do enclose an S.A.E. if you require a reply.

As the next issue will be early for Christmas there will not be time to include your ideas in the next column but I would like to hear from as soon as possible so I can plan ahead. Remember though, without your response the column is doomed!

Let's start. Normally we would start any program with a rough idea of how we want our game to run, i. e. the object of the game, rules, scoring etc. but as everyone already knows the game of noughts and crosses we can pass on to the initial flowchart of the game - termed the ALGORITHM. I have included an explanation with the algorithm, but in order to get you started I have also included a small program to show you how the 'FINISHED?' and' AGAIN?' boxes work. Check out the program listing. The REMs should make it self explanatory enough.

If you now refer to the diagram you will see that the introduction screen is set up as a GOSUB routine. This is for reasons of speed as whenever a GOTO or GOSUB is used the computer starts at the beginning of the program to search for the required line. It will run far quicker having the main play sequence as near to the start of the program as possible.

If memory space is critical all DIMensioning and initialising must be done first but it is preferable to set up the screen so that the players have something to look at while the computer is busy with its housekeeping. Once the screen is set up, all INPUTs must be answered and any errors must be TRAPped, otherwise the program will stop execution.

The algorithm may seem complicated and tedious, but in practice it is very simple. The graphics take up most of the listing and the error trapping only a few lines. Type in the listing and try some silly responses. Because the computer only checks for illegal strings it will take any legal input as your true name. If your name is longer than the length to which the name string is DIMensioned it will only store to the dimensioned length, so if you need more space use a longer DIMensioned string (A$ and B$).

Here are a few notes to help you with the program. Notice that the subroutine starts at 5010 and that I have placed a REM statement at 5009. Never, ever, send the program to a line containing just a REM statement. Many people tend not to type in these statements and they are the first to go when more space is needed. So do not risk an ERROR 12 (look it up!).

The rest of the program should be easy enough to work out. Line 999 stops the program trying to run the subroutine again which would give an ERROR 16. This type of line is normally one of the first lines I use and the last to be deleted. POKE 559,0 switches off the screen causing the computer to work faster and the drawn screen to appear fully completed. CMPTR is the GOSUB address of the computer routine. CO is a flag to indicate that the computer is the opponent and COUNT is the flag for checking the number of turns. Notice in line 5020 the cursor control characters to save on a POSITION statement. The TRAP statement at line 5025 will send the program back to line 5020 if an illegal response is given to the question (starting a string with a number etc.), giving ERROR 8. If the responses are valid then TRAP 40000 clears the TRAP. CO decides if you will be playing the computer. The final part of the program sets up the main play screen and switches on the screen with POKE 559,34. As the game is configured for the main play screen we will keep that as it is, however, I would like to see you try your hand at a new intro screen, that is, something to replace lines 5000 to 5020. You can go beyond 5020 if you wish as it is an easy matter to renumber the remaining lines.

Now that you have seen part of the program I will set you your first task. I would like over the next few weeks some intro titles with the best sound and graphics you can manage. In future columns I will publish different parts of the program but please do not expect to see the completed game for some time to come. If Les has the space he might include the completed program in the final part of this tutorial. Please print your program as neatly as you can. Underlining means inverse and square brackets mean control characters.


We enter the algorithm at START. The first thing we encounter is a box that sends us to a GOSUB routine setting up the introduction screen. The box on the right shows us some of the things that must be done to set up this screen. When you have set up the screen to your own satisfaction, follow the path to the next box. At this point the player inputs information. If an ERROR occurs then a TRAP must be used to send the program back to the start of the input, otherwise the program will STOP. The next box is a decision. 'DO YOU NEED INSTRUCTIONS?'. If not then the program returns to the main sequence. If you do need instructions then continue down the path. Again errors must be taken care of. The next step is to clear the screen and print the instructions. Then the program waits to see if you have finished. This part is usually controlled by 'PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE'. No input and it will wait. YES will continue the program. The next step asks you if you wish to view the instructions again. This can also be used if the instructions cover more than one page. YES sends the program to the point where you said YES to the question 'DO YOU NEED INSTRUCTIONS?'. If you decide you have seen enough, then the program returns to the main sequence. Again, errors must be taken care of.

AtariLister - requires Java
