Display Lists Pt. 2

A tutorial by Steve Pedler


Issue 19

Jan/Feb 86

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In part 1 we discovered how to set up our own display list - now find out what you can do with it


In the original 400/800 models, there were five graphics modes available in Antic which were not supported by the O.S. and BASIC. These were Antic modes 3,4,5, (text modes) 12 and 14 (graphics modes). With these machines, the only way to use these modes is to alter the display list, however, in the newer XL/XE models, four of these modes are available from BASIC. For this reason, I want to concentrate mainly on Antic 3, the only remaining 'hidden' mode.

Very briefly, Antic 4 and 5 are text modes in which characters can be made up from more than one colour (up to three colours per character, five colours on screen, including background). For a detailed discussion of these modes, see my article on the subject in issue 17 of Page 6.

Antic 12 and 14 are graphics modes using two and four colours respectively. The use of colour registers is identical to Graphics 6 (Antic 12) and Graphics 7 (Antic 14), but the advantage of these modes is increased vertical resolution (maximum vertical resolution=192 in full-screen mode). The combination of good resolution plus four colours has made Antic 14 (sometimes referred to as Graphics E or Graphics 7.5) a great favourite for drawing and painting programs such as Micropainter and AtariArtist.

Antic 3 is a fascinating mode because unlike all the other text modes it allows lowercase characters to be designed with true descenders (the bit that sticks below the line in the letters g, j, p, q, and y). This makes the text look much better and easier to read. I don't think I have ever seen this mode used in any commercial program, which seems a great pity as it would surely be ideal for text adventures.

Each mode line for Antic 3 is 10 scan lines high, the extra two scan lines being where the descender will go. This means that 19 lines of text can be displayed on the screen. The really interesting point however is how the machine displays 8 x 10 dot characters while each character is still defined in memory on an 8x8 grid. Listing 5 gives a demonstration with an unchanged character set.

Listing 5

AtariLister - requires Java

Two points to note. Firstly, the lines of text are spaced slightly further apart due to the two extra scan lines. Secondly, the odd effect produced with certain lowercase characters, as though the top of the character has been cut off and put beneath it.

What happens is that when the hardware displays a character in the last quarter of the character set (and only the last quarter - which includes the lowercase characters and a few control characters) the first two bytes of the eight-byte character definition in memory are displayed underneath the character in those two extra scan lines. If those two bytes contain only zeroes then there is no problem, but the taller letters (b, d, h, etc.) have data in one of those bytes, which is then displayed under the character with the top of the letter being left blank. To design letters with true descenders, the data for the descender should therefore occupy these first two bytes. Figure 1 may explain this a little better.

Figure 1. Character display and redefinition in Antic mode 3

To get around this problem of the tall letters, we could simply redefine them without the topmost dots. This however would make them look odd - 'h' tends to look rather like 'n'. A better way is to move the character set into RAM, displacing each character definition upwards in memory by one byte (so that byte 1 goes into the byte 2 position, byte 2 into byte 3 etc.). This has the effect of displaying each character one scan line lower on the screen but still leaves us two scan lines for the descenders. This means that the tall letters will not lose their tops. Listing 6 contains a BASIC subroutine to do this (lines 310-340) and then redefines the descender letters as in Figure 1.

Listing 6

AtariLister - requires Java

Line 270 resolves a slight problem. The lowercase descender letters (plus comma and semicolon) have data in the last byte of their character definition, which the above routine puts into the first byte of the following character. Line 270 puts zero into the appropriate character's first byte, thus avoiding the display of unwanted data. The only other problem is that certain characters (notably the ConTRoL graphics characters) have data in the last byte of their definitions. Moving this data means that these characters no longer display properly. I haven't bothered to correct this, other than for the comma and semicolon but if you want to use these characters, it is a simple matter to redefine them back to their correct shapes. Having redefined the descender characters, the program finally prints a silly message to show that it really works.

That, then is Antic 3. You could of course design other character sets, such as a Greek character set in this mode. Virtually any type of text is sure to look better. Remember that since the characters are still defined on an 8 x 8 grid basis, any character set editor can still be used. I think there is great potential in this mode, which has never been fully utilised.


Page flipping is a technique whereby you can change the picture on the screen instantaneously, without having to clear it and redraw. It works by setting up two (or more) screens in RAM, then flipping between them simply by changing the display memory bytes in the DL. Listing 7 gives a very simple example of this.

Listing 7

AtariLister - requires Java

As you see, the process is very simple. Line 30 first clears some memory - 2K, enough for two Graphics 0 screens. (The statement PRINT CHR$(125) can be used to clear any amount of memory between the memory location found in registers 88 and 89 and that in RAMTOP, location 106. For more information, see 'Mapping the Atari', page 19.) Lines 80 to 100 write to the first screen by directing screen and display memory pointers to it, and then alter the pointers and repeat the process for the second screen. Line 160 is the core of the page flip routine. The display memory locations in the DL are directed alternately to the two screens. By inserting additional LMS commands into the DL, you could flip only part of the screen while leaving the rest intact. Incidentally, you are not restricted to flipping between screens of the same mode, but if using different modes you must also change the DL. Try modifying the above example to flip between Graphics 0 and 1.

There is an additional rather fascinating possibility. What if we could flip very rapidly between the screens - say in every vertical blank interval? This would take place so rapidly that the two screens would appear superimposed. If the VBI routine also changed character sets or colour registers, it might allow you to construct Graphics 1 or 2 screens with 8 text colours, to print upper and lower case characters on the same screen in these modes, or to mix Graphics 0 text with a Graphics 8 display. To demonstrate that this really does work, add Listing 8 to the above example and re-run the program. Both screens will appear together, using a simple VBI routine to flip the pages. The assembler source code (Listing 9) is provided for anyone interested, and should be easily modifiable for your own purposes.

Listing 8

AtariLister - requires Java

Listing 9

10 *=$0600
20 ;equates
70 SDLSTL=$230
90 ;set up for vbi
0100 PLA ;no. of args
0110 PLA ;discard hi-byte of 1st arg.
0120 PLA ;1st. page
0130 STA PAGE1
0140 PLA ;discard hi-byte of 2nd arg.
0150 PLA ;2nd. page
0160 STA PAGE2
0170 LDA #00
0180 STA COUNT ;set counter to zero
0190 LDA SDLSTL ;lo-byte of display list
0210 LDA SDLSTL+1 ;hi-byte of display list
0230 LDA #6 ;immediate vbi
0240 LDX #VBROUT/256

0250 LDY #VBROUT&255

0270 RTS
0290 CLC
0310 ADC #1 ;add 1 to counter
0330 AND #1
0340 BNE PAG1 ;show page 1 or 2?
0350 ;change page
0360 PAG2
0370 LDA PAGE2
0380 LDY #5
0390 STA (DLLOW),Y ;hi-byte of screen memory for page 2
0400 JMP EXIT ;back to O.S.
0410 PAG1
0420 LDA PAGE1
0430 LDY #5
0440 STA (DLLOW),Y ;hi-byte of screen memory for page 1
0450 EXIT
0470 PAGE1 .BYTE 0 ;reserved space
0480 PAGE2 .BYTE 0 ;for hi-bytes of the two pages
0490 .END


Those of you not familiar with assembly language can still use the routine - simply change the variables RAMTOP-8 and RAMTOP-4 in the USR call to the highbyte of display memory for each screen. You must ensure that the low-byte is the same for both screens, as in the example.

Notice that some slight flickering does occur with this example. This can be minimised by adjusting your TV set, and by experimenting with the available colours. It appears best to use dark backgrounds with high luminance foreground colours, but I will leave you to investigate this further. See 'De Re Atari' p.2-10.


The Display List Interrupt is a highly advanced feature found on few other personal computers even today - not bad for a machine first designed in 1979! The DLI really needs an article all to itself, but hopefully this will provide enough of the basic information to get you started. For an extensive discussion, see 'De Re Atari', chapter five.

The idea behind the DLI is that when Antic finds a DLI instruction in the DL, the 6502 main processor is forced to stop what ever it is doing and carry out a short machine language routine supplied by the user. Unfortunately, due to timing considerations, there is no way of knowing exactly when on a given mode line the desired effect would actually take place. For example, a colour change could occur partway along a mode line - and exactly where this change occurred might vary each time the DLI was called. There is a solution however. Storing any number into register 54282 (WSYNC; D40A hex) forces the microprocessor to wait until the horizontal blank period before carrying out the required changes. Any changes will therefore appear on the line below that carrying the DLI instruction.

What sort of things can you do? Your routine must be short, and therefore changes are limited, but you can change colour registers, alter other graphics registers such as the character base register, create sound effects and manipulate player-missile graphics. Some examples are given below.

Listing 10

AtariLister - requires Java

Listing 11

AtariLister - requires Java

Listing 12

AtariLister - requires Java

There are a number of steps to follow when setting up a DLI. These are as follows:

1) Write your DLI routine. It must be short. The time available varies between graphics modes, but ranges from 14 to 61 machine cycles. For detailed timing considerations, see De Re Atari. Whatever else it does, your routine should first save all the 6502 registers you intend to use to the stack (necessary because, unlike the vertical blank interrupt, the O.S. doesn't use DLIs and so does not automatically save and restore the registers). It should then address WSYNC as indicated above. Note that any registers changed by the routine - colour, sound, etc. - should be the hardware registers and not the more commonly used O.S. shadow registers, otherwise the effect will not be properly carried out. At the end of the routine, all 6502 registers used should be restored from the stack and the routine should end with the Return from Interrupt (RTI) instruction.

2) Place the routine into a protected memory area such as page six.

3) Put the starting address of your DLI routine, in low- and high-byte format, into the DLI vector location at 512, 513 (200,201 hex; VDSLST). Note that there is only one vector, and if you intend to use multiple DLIs then each DLI should modify the vector to point to the next routine. 4) Modify the DL to call the DLI. To do this, add 128 (i.e. set bit seven) to the mode line instruction of the line before the line on which you wish the change to appear (see the discussion above for the reason for this). Note that this means that you cannot use a DLI to alter the first mode line of any screen.

5) Finally, enable DLIs by POKEing location 54286 (NMIEN; D40E hex) with 192. DLIs are disabled on powerup and System Reset.

Listings 10 to 12 are three examples of DLIs. The assember source code is also given (Listings 13 to 15) and should be fairly self-explanatory. The first example is probably the simplest possible DLI, it changes the lower part of the screen to yellow. The top part remains blue because during the vertical blank period the O.S. reads the RAM shadow register (not changed by the DLI - hence the reason for addressing the hardware registers) and puts the contents back into the hardware register. When you have this running, try pressing a few keys. You will see that occasionally a keypress is accompanied by a 'glitch' on the screen. This occurs because the O.S. keyclick routine also addresses WSYNC and in doing so interferes with the timing of the DLI. There isn't much you can do about this, except not to allow input from the keyboard in your program! I understand that XL owners can disable the keyclick with a POKE 731,255 (do a POKE 731,0 to turn it on again). You might like to try this and see if if works. (400/ 800 owners like myself needn't bother, 731 is a merely a spare byte in our machines.) I have tried the NOCLICK routine from Page 6 library disk no. 20 and this does appear to prevent the problem.

The second example is one of sound generation using a DLI. The advantages of this method are that your main program continues to run independently of the sound effect. Certainly, you could do the same thing using a VBI routine, but you can turn off a DLI sound effect by removing the DLI instruction from the DL, or more simply by disabling DLIs (POKE NMIEN with 64). Do this with a VBI and you turn off the O.S. vertical blank routine as well! The demonstration addresses the sound registers directly; for more information on this, see 'Mapping the Atari' pp. 121-125. The loop in line 140 is necessary because coming to the end of a BASIC program - or the keyword END - turns off the sound. However, pressing Break or the keyword STOP do not (try it and see).

The last example demonstrates the possibilities of using a DLI to enhance player-missile graphics. Believe it or not, the effect that is shown is achieved by using just one player and one DLI. The way it works is that the player image data is first read into six different areas in the player-0 memory map (corresponding to six vertical positions on the screen) and the DLI code set on six DL mode lines. The DLI is table driven and each time it is called changes the colour, size, horizontal position and priority registers. A simple VBI routine is used to move the player horizontally (source code in Listing 16). In this third example, there is an inbuilt delay (line 210) to show you the effect before the DLI is enabled. Because the DLI is table driven, you can experiment with it and see what effects are produced. The four tables are in lines 310-380 and can all be altered. The position table is not one of absolute positions, but of offsets from the horizontal position stored temporarily in location 204, and then put into the player-0 position register at 53248.

Next issue, in the concluding part of this series, Steve Pedler looks at some advanced uses of the Display List including scrolling.

Listing 13

10 *=$0600
20 ;equates
30 WSYNC=$D40A ;sync register
40 COLPF2=$D018 ;background colour
50 ;dli service routine
60 PHA ;save accumulator
70 LDA #$FC ;new colour (yellow)
80 STA WSYNC ;wait for horizontal sync
90 STA COLPF2 ;do the new colour
0100 PLA ;restore accumulator
0110 RTI ;return control to processor
0120 .END

Listing 14

10 *=$0600
20 ;equates
30 WSYNC=$D40A
40 AUDF1=$D200 ;audio frequency #1
50 COUNTER=$CB ;temporary counter
60 ;dli service routine
70 PHA ;save accumulator

80 LDA COUNTER ;get frequency

90 STA WSYNC ;wait for horizontal sync
0100 STA AUDF1 ;change frequency
0110 INC COUNTER ;increase the frequency counter
0120 PLA ;restore accumulator
0130 RTI ;return control to processor
0140 .END

Listing 15

10 *=$0600
20 ;equates
30 HPOSP0=$D000 ;horiz. position register, player zero
40 OFFSET=$CB ;offset counter into tables
50 SIZEP0=$D008 ;size of player zero
60 COLP0=$D012 ;colour of player zero
70 WSYNC=$D40A
80 PRIOR=$D01B ;priority register
90 POSTEMP=$CC ;temporary position counter
0100 PHA ;save accumulator
0110 TXA ;save x-register
0120 PHA
0130 PHP ;save status register
0140 LDX OFFSET ;get the offset into the tables
0150 LDA POSTEMP ;temporary position counter
0160 CLC ;clear carry

0170 ADC POSTAB,X ;add the position value

0180 STA WSYNC ;wait for horizontal sync
0190 STA HPOSP0 ;do the new position
0200 LDA COLTAB,X ;get the new colour
0210 STA COLP0 ;and carry it out
0220 LDA SIZTAB,X ;get the new size
0230 STA SIZEP0 ;and carry it out
0240 LDA PRIORTAB,X ;get the new priority
0250 STA PRIOR ;and do it
0260 INC OFFSET ;increase the offset
0270 PLP ;restore processor status
0280 PLA
0290 TAX ;restore x-register
0300 PLA ;restore accumulator
0310 RTI ;return control to processor
0320 ;value tables follow
0330 POSTAB .BYTE 30,50,150,175,75,10
0340 COLTAB .BYTE 14,170,204,74,136,86
0350 SIZTAB .BYTE 1,0,1,3,0,1
0360 PRIORTAB .BYTE 1,8,1,4,8,1
0370 .END

Listing 16

10 *=$0680
20 ;equates
30 HPOSP0=$D000
50 XITVBV=$E462 ;vbi exit vector
60 POSTEMP=$CC ;temporary position counter
70 TIMER=$14 ;internal realtime clock
80 OFFSET=$CB ;offset into tables
90 SIZEP0=$D008
0100 ;initialize vbi
0110 PLA ;number of arguments
0120 LDA #7 ;deferred vbi
0130 LDY #VBROUT&255 ;lo-byte
0140 LDX #VBROUT/256 ;hi-byte
0150 JSR SETVBV ;enable vbi
0160 RTS ;back to BASIC

0170 VBROUT ;start of vbi routine

0180 LDA #0
0190 STA OFFSET ;reset offset counter
0200 STA SIZEP0 ;and size register
0210 ;colour and priority are reset by system vb routine from shadow register
0230 AND #1 ;slow things down a bit
0240 ;move by one colour clock every other jiffy
0260 INC POSTEMP ;increase the temporary position counter
0280 STA HPOSP0 ;and store it in position register
0290 EXIT
0310 .END
