A Look at Two C's

GST C and Hippo C reviewed by Matthew Jones


Issue 20

Mar/Apr 86

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GST C is the best 'real' application software I have yet seen for the ST. By real I mean actually useful to somebody other than selling the computer (i.e. demos). Best because it actually makes good use of the GEM facilities, unlike all the other ST compilers I have used.

A normal session starts by loading the GST C 'shell' program. Using the drop-down menus the editor can be called to create or edit your program files, then compile, assemble, link them together and actually run the program. A complete edit to run cycle can be done entirely with the mouse and, what is more, without returning to the desktop. In comparison the Digital Research compiler sold to software developers is awful, using batch files and a lot of superfluous typing. Each part of GST C can be used independently if you wish so I shall review each part in order of use.


A lot of editing goes into any program, and the GST EDIT is wonderful to use. Most other editors available (Metacomco, MicroEmacs, Mince) use the 'TOS' mode of the ST, i.e. using the ST as a 80 by 25 terminal and not as a GEM computer. Such editors are easier to write than GEM editors, and that is why they were out first. GST show what can be done with GEM windowing, allowing up to four files to be edited at once. With each in its own window, life becomes so much easier. Development of a routine is simplicity itself as it is now possible to load the file that calls it, the file that the routine is in, a header file for external definition editing and a GEM interface header for reference (or whatever combination you require).

An editor is not much good unless you can edit, and GST EDIT provides all the usual facilities in an easy to use way. Single key edits like insert/delete word/line, page up or down etc. are available from Function keys, and repeated on a desktop icon 'function strip'. This allows you to select the functions by clicking with the mouse. Cursor movement is just a matter of pointing to the character and clicking, the cursor moves straight there. The cursor keys are available as well of course. Text is entered wherever you place the cursor, and can be in insert or overwrite mode. Lines can be 160 characters long, and scroll bars are used to see text currently off screen.

GST EDIT comes into its own when you start working with blocks of text. Unlike the Metacomco editor blocks, which only start and end at whole lines, EDIT allows you to place the cursor on any character to mark the start and end of the block, and when they are marked, the text is shown 'shaded' .Having marked your block you can cut, paste or delete it. Cutting takes a copy but does not delete the original and paste inserts the cut block (usually used after moving the cursor). A facility I miss is block move which saves cut, delete then paste time and which surely can't be too difficult?

What really makes GST EDIT powerful is that you can cut a block from one file, click on the window of another file to edit it (to 'top' it), and then paste it there. For similar texts this is a godsend. The last major function of the editor is Search and Replace. This is very nicely done in EDIT, allowing you to choose one, some or all occurrences of the chosen text to be changed. When an occurrence is found in 'some' mode, a little dialogue box is opened for you to say Yes, No or Cancel to the change. Straight searches are there too. Once a search or replace is specified it can be repeated without entering it again, however this is one of the annoying points as the menu item to select it is not at the top. If it had been it would have been so much faster.

Another time waster is the way the editor opens the windows on the screen. Each successive window is created smaller and inside the previous one. The effect of this is that when you want to edit the larger (bottom) window, all the other small windows disappear underneath. To edit them, you must first re-size or move the larger (now top) window. This is a good lesson for other writers, in that it shows how not to do it. What it should do is open the first in the top left corner, the second a bit down and across, the third down and across and so on. All should be the same size, and this method guarantees that at least some part (the bottom left corner) is always visible, and therefore selectable. That the windows also cover the function key strip thus rendering it invisible (and thus useless) is another problem altogether. This is actually due to a quirk in the developers tools (RCS) but could be solved by putting them on the left vertically.

To sum up, GST EDIT has all you need in an editor, is excellent value on its own, and makes the whole package very useable.


When you are looking at a C compiler there are two important parts to look at, the implementation and the library. GST do not consider (or advertise) their compiler, called CC.PRG, to be a 'full' implementation of the C language. It lacks floating point arithmetic, multi dimensional arrays (although they can be simulated), macro definitions with parameters (#define A(x)), structures and #include "file" nesting. It may seem a big list but there is a lot to the 'C' language, and there is plenty left to play with. Apart from the omissions, CC.PRG compiles to the Kernighan and Ritchie standard. There are many books on the C language, but the book by Kernighan & Ritchie (who wrote the original C) is the 'bible' to which compilers are written (hence you often see the expression 'a full K & R C').

The C language has no facilities whatsoever for input or output. This may seem stupid, but an integral part of any C compiler is the STDIO library by which the I/O is done. A library contains a large number of object code subroutines which can be 'pulled out' and used in the final program if they are needed (referenced or called). A C program is portable because there is always a standard set of subroutines to call like putchar(), getchar() and printf() (C is written in lowercase). The authors of the different compilers implement these in the best way possible, but they provide a machine independent interface for the programmer. With GEM more libraries are needed, one for the Virtual Device Interface (VDI) and one for the Application Environment Services (AES). Digital Research specified a standard set of calls, and the libraries allow the user to use them in his program. The AES is the part of GEM that looks after all the menus, windows and dialog boxes, and the VDI is the part that does all the writing and graphics in the windows.


While there is a 68000 assembler as part of the package, it is only used in this context to help compile C code. The information you get is little more than how to run it, so while it may be the same assembler as they sell separately (I don't know), you will have to pay again for details. A pity. The linker again is a vital part, but only sparse details are provided as you don't need them. GST are trying to get their linker established as a standard with Metacomco being the first company I know to produce software that can use it. I don't know the merits of GSTs linker, but I hope that a standard is found soon as it would make life so much easier. IBM distribute a linker with every machine, thus ensuring a standard, but not stopping others writing different versions.


As with all programs there are a few things that could be improved, the editor window overlap for example, but none are a major problem. It has its limitations, in that a few of the more advanced C features are missing, but GST realise this and are working on some of them. Structures, a facility used a great deal in GEM is one such facility, but can be simulated at the moment. The editor is superb, and is the basis of a word processor to be launched soon. I am very impressed with GST C overall, and would recommend it to anyone.


Haba Hippo C is an interesting beast. Essentially it seems to be a perfectly good C compiler, the libraries are all there, it is a full K & R C (except floating point) and it includes an editor. Strangely, it is the extras that make me hesitate in recommending it.

Though your programs can use the GM libraries, Hippo C is used in a UNIX look-alike manner. This is achieved with a program called HOS (Hippo Operating System) from which other command programs ( e.g. ED the editor) or batch files (a list of commands in a text file) can be run. Note that TOS files will not run, only programs written using Hippo C although Hippo C programs can run as normal programs. All the commands are UNIX based, such as LS for directory and CAT for displaying file contents, and HOS behaves in a UNIX type way with standard I/O redirection (though not piping) and if a command file is not found, it is looked for in the BIN subdirectory.

Whilst the standard GEM interfaces are not too bad to write for (compared with doing it all yourself anyway), it is in the GEM area where GST play their joker and make it easy to cheat. By using (yet) another library, you can do all of your I/O to a fully implemented window without doing any more programming than you might for a simple teletype screen. It's still teletype output, but you can have more than one such window, and then start into graphics in the same way. Unique to GST and a masterstroke no less. Well, perhaps a bit less as you have to use nonstandard calls which means a re-write if you buy a new compiler. It would have been nicer if you just had to select a different library.

No matter how good a compiler is, you won't be able to make much use of it unless the manual is good too. The GST C manual covers everything I would expect it to. It doesn't attempt to teach you C or GEM, but gives all the details you need for reference. Use of the shell and editor, the compiler specifications, all the libraries, details of the memory and stack use, and a brief description of the assembler are all included. A green A5 ring binder with matching box (normally associated with higher priced products) rounds off a well thought out and useful manual.

To me, as someone who has never really used UNIX properly, it seemed a good imitation so I showed it to an experienced UNIX user and he tried a few 'simple' commands. It seemed that the similarity is very much skin deep, and many of the options to commands are missing, so don't expect too much.

The editor is a reasonable TOS screen mode editor. It makes much use of the function keys but is nothing exceptional. A GEM window based editor would have been a far better choice. It is common practice in UNIX systems to have a standard editor, so that you can swap systems without re-learning the editor. Considering the standard editor is line based, the Hippo editor may be considered to be better, but not for someone who is buying it for its UNIX simulation.

The C compiler is normally invoked with a batch file, and is a two pass plus compile version. It seems complete, but a few of the GEM portability files are lacking, though the user can soon make these himself. A C compiler may define integers as 8,16 or 32 bits long, whatever the authors decide, and the portability definitions allow source code to be written for all compilers by using BYTE WORD LONG instead of char, int, and long int et al to get around this problem. The definitions are held in a file on each system (PORTAB.H) ready for inclusion. The assembler and linker are very basic, designed simply for compiling. If you want to write 68000 assembler you could use it, but a more powerful one (see issue 19) would be better.

The Hippo C manual is very smart and comes in a nice ST grey box. Unfortunately, however, just about everything is skimped, from loading the program through to the library listings (which are simply the names of the supported routines). All you probably need for reference is there, but it could have been so much better and it spoils the appeal of, what appears from the list of error code interpretations, a very capable compiler.

One thing that really put me off was the copy protection. I am not against copy protection if it is felt necessary, but it should not work against the legitimate user. HOS was obviously written and tested with the first 'pack-out' version of TOS. This version would boot from either drive A: or B: but always load DESKTOP.INF (the file with system defaults) from drive A:. The instruction was to put the Hippo disk in A:, your TOS disk in B:, and boot. When the old TOS is used, everything is fine and HOS loads with no problem. With the latest TOS, and the fixing of the 'feature' so it loads DESKTOP.INF from the boot disk (A: or B:), your own desktop is always used, not Habas. Try to load HOS now and you are told by GEM that the disk is faulty and then that you must have the original Hippo disk in drive A:, even though that is just what you have! A pain in the neck and not how it should be. As an alternative you can copy Hippo's DESKTOP.INF to your boot disk but I don't recommend this. Each new version of TOS may save different parameters in the desktop file, and if you copy a file from another version, it may not operate correctly (as I have discovered). While a solution to this was found (with help from an addendum slip in the box) it was a big waste of time for me, and wasn't impressive. The master disk can be removed once HOS is loaded to save wear and tear, and all the files can be copied for backup and regular use.

CONCLUSION: What is generally a good programming environment is spoilt by a poor manual and poor copy protection. These though may be improved in time, especially the latter as 3.5" disks develop. Comparing it with GST C and DRI C as simply a C environment, I would rank it last. GST C is far easier in use, and DRI C (the developers kit) has extensive GEM documentation. However if you are interested in UNIX, then Hippo C is certainly worth considering, especially as everything fits on one disk. It is certainly quite useable.

(Editor's note: Since the review was written, a revised version has been announced which, hopefully, will take care of the 'copy protection' problem.)
