
Reviewed by Matthew Jones


Issue 23

Sep/Oct 86

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As I have described in some of my reviews, a typical programming session consists of an edit, compile, link, run (debug) cycle. The GST C language comes with a shell program to allow you to go through this cycle by selecting the programs from a set of menus, as well as setting each programs' options (like list file on/off, etc). Megamax C comes with a similar shell. They are very easy to use, and just what is needed to make the boring part of programming easy. But what if you don't like the editor that is supplied with the system, or you have a special requirement that is not catered for in the shell? You cannot change either of the two shells mentioned, so the answer is you either accept them as they are, or resort to running each part separately. Metacomco have produced their answer to the problem, MENU+.

MENU+ is a user customisable shell. With it, you can configure three drop down menus to contain what you want, and to do what you want. The first menu is called FILE, and typically contains entries like 'choose' and 'choose. C', as well as `COMMAND' (run a program) and `QUIT' (leave MENU +). The two choose options are used to allow the user to select which file the commands are to operate on. If you were using an assembler for example, you would have 'choose .ASM', with Pascal, 'choose which is loaded by MENU+ when it is run'. In the next menu, TOOLS, the actual working programs are available. Whilst you can have the normal 'edit', 'compile', 'link' and 'run', you can give yourself extra options, like 'compile with debug' and 'compile, link then run' (though not in so many letters).

Behind each option lies one or more command lines. For instance, the EDIT line in the menu could start the line `d:/utils/edit.prg path/file.type ed opts'. Thus the edit program would be run, and pass the current file's name, along with options which are given defaults in MENU.INF, and are alterable when in the shell in the third, OPTIONS, menu. With, for example, the compile option you may want to have more than one program run consecutively, and MENU+ allows you to specify both (and more if you want). You can choose to pause after the first one has completed, and to stop the sequence if the phase has failed. You specify a similar command line for each option you want in the menu, until you have all you need to complete your task. The system is very flexible, and will cope with many different situations by having more than one MENU.INF file.

The manual is a 26 page leaflet which adequately describes how to use and program MENU+. It also describes UTIL.TTP, a utility supplied to perform basic tasks such as file print, copy, delete and rename.

Despite its very powerful facilities, however, I did find some problems with MENU+. In the first place, it is difficult (though not absolutely impossible) to act on files in a different sub directory, perhaps to perform a link in /object/ when you are using MENU+ in /source/. Also, much more serious, I found it crashed quite a few times while I was developing a MENU.INF file, so much so that I gave up finishing it. I am using it for another purpose though, where it works just fine.

MENU+ is good when it works, which is most of the time. For the asking price (about £20, or free with a Metacomco compiler) it is well worth experimenting with if you find your current setup restrictive or slow to use.
