
Reviewed by Mark English and Adrian Merwood


Issue 23

Sep/Oct 86

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Prospero Software

The PASCAL programming language was developed by Niklaus Wirth during the early 1970's. It was primarily designed as a teaching language encouraging the use of structured programming techniques. Although primarily developed for use in education the language has been adopted widely in industry and a PASCAL compiler now exists for almost every make of computer. An international standard for the Pascal language has been defined by the International Standards Organisation (ISO), which also developed a suite of validation programs which are used to demonstrate that the compiler conforms to the standard.


PRO-PASCAL is a full implementation of Pascal conforming to the requirements of the ISO standard (ISO 7185). The compiler also includes a number of language extensions. These include string handling, double precision floating point arithmetic (IEEE format), random access files and separate compilation facilities. To assist the writing of portable Pascal programs an option is available to prohibit the use of these extensions.

The compiler runs from the Desktop as a TOS application and as such makes little use of GEM facilities. Compilation speed is quite good. The compiler requires two passes to compile a source program to produce a link file. During compilation messages are displayed showing the progress of the compiler through the source file along with any errors encountered. The messages produced may be optionally written to a log file. The error messages produced are quite explicit giving an error number and displaying the line that is in error. The compiler produces link files in the widely used GST Linker format. It is possible to link Pascal routines with routines written in assembly language and PRO-Fortran 77.

The disk supplied includes the Pascal compiler, the linker, a system configuration program, a librarian program
to enable the creation of custom libraries, a number of linkable libraries, and a program cross-referencer. Also included is PRL (the Prospero Run-time Library) in the form of a separate program which must be executed before the compiler suite will function. This is identical to the run time system used by Prospero's Pro-Fortran 77 compiler. We share the reservations expressed by Matthew Jones in his review of Pro-Fortran in issue 22.


The libraries included with the compiler include routines giving full access to the GEM AES and VDI, and GEMDOS. The routines supplied closely resemble the standard C function naming conventions as described in the GEM documentation. User alterable bindings to these routines are supplied on the system disk. Additional routines include memory management, random TEXT files, program chaining etc...


The manual comes in a smart blue ring binder. It comprises three main sections. The first gives fairly good introduction to the Pascal language, although a beginner would probably require a good Pascal teaching guide. The second section gives a detailed description of the Pro-Pascal implementation of the Pascal Language. This section includes a guide to the use of the supplied library functions, including the various GEM calls. The third section covers the installation and operation of the various elements of the Pro-Pascal system.


Pro-Pascal is a good implementation of the Pascal language which includes a number of useful routines to enable the programmer to produce powerful systems making full use of the facilities made available by the ATARI machines. At £130 the compiler, though not as cheap as some, is good value for money.
