Crossword Results


Issue 23

Sep/Oct 86

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What is the best way to win a prize in a competition? Enter it! It seems that our crossword last issue was much harder than we thought and we received only a few entries by the closing date so prizes were awarded to everyone who entered with priority going to those who sent the correct entry.

Those who got it right were Eddie Cousins from Scotland, C. Lane from Hull, Jason Quigley from Dublin, Colin Thompson from Liverpool and Paul Rixon from Shefford. The runners up were G. Dutton, T. Alexander and Garry Francis(!!) - they may have got it wrong but at least they entered!

Appropriate prizes have been forwarded to all. We do not have space to print the correct answers but anyone interested can send a s.a.e. for the solution.

As a point of interest, the Editor once won a great prize in a competition run by a climbing magazine simply by entering. They had 100 prizes on offer and had quite a few left over because they had less entries. And their circulation was above 90,000! There's a lesson for you.
