

Issue 24

Nov/Dec 86

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10 clearw 2:color 1,1,1
20 for x=0 to 615 step 5
30 linef x,0,0,344
40 next:for y=0 to 344 step 4
50 linef 0,344,615,y 

60 next
70 for x=0 to 615 step 5
80 linef x,0,615,344 

90 next
100 for y=0 to 344 step 4

110 llnef 615,344,0,y 

120 next
130 color 1,1,0:for x=0 to 615
140 linef x,0,307,172:next:linef 0,0,615,344
150 linef 0,344,615,0:goto 150



5 fullw 2:clearw 2
10 read x,y,x1,y1
15 if x=0 then goto 50
20 linef x,y,x1,y1
30 goto 10
50 read x,y,r,xo,yo
55 if x=0 then 100
60 circle x,y,r,xo,yo
70 goto 50
100 color 1,1,1
110 fill 300,165:fill 300,115
120 fill 251,165:fill 300,215
130 fill 347,165:fill 100,172
140 for i=1 to 5000:next:end
1000 data 290,155,290,210,290,175,345,175
1010 data 310,175,310,120,310,155,255,155
1020 data 290,210,345,210,345,175,345,120
1030 data 255,155,255,210,310,120,255,120
1040 data 0,0,0,0
1050 data 300,120,10,0,1800,255,165,10,900,2700
1060 data 300,210,10,1800,3600,345,165,10,2700,900
1070 data 300,120,45,0,1800,255,165,45,900,2700
1080 data 300,210,45,1800,3600,345,165,45,2700,900
1090 data 0,0,0,0,0



5 n=1
10 rem spiral_1
20 clearw 2
30 x=310:y=172:r=20:color 1,n,n,1,1
40 circle x,y,r,1800,3600:r=r+5
50 circle x,y,r,1800,3600
60 x=x-10
70 circle x,y,r,0,18OO:r=r+5
80 circle x,y,r,0,l8OO:x=x+10
90 if r>175 then 150
100 goto 40
150 linef 290,172,285,172
160 fill 288,173
165 if n=1 then n=0 else n=1
170 color l,n,n,l,l 

18O goto 30



10 clearw 2:fullw 2:color 1,1,1,l,l:fill 1,1
20 randomize 0:poke systab+24,1
30 for i=1 to 200
40 color 1,l,0:x=rnd:y=rnd:xl=rnd
50 yl=rnd:x2=rnd:y2=rnd:x3=rnd:y3-rnd
60 xl=xl*615:yl-yl*344:y=y*344:x=x*615
70 y2=y2*344:x2=x2*615:x3=x3*615:y3=y3*344
80 linef x,y,xl,yl:linef xl,yl,x2,y2:linef x2,y2,x3,y3
90 linef x,y,x2,x3:linef x,y,x3,y3:linef xl,yl,x3,y3
100 linef x3,y3,x,y:color 1,1,1,1,1
110 linef x,y,xl,y1:linef xl,yl,x2,y2:linef x2,y2,x3,y3
120 linef x,y,x2,y2:linef x,y,x3,y3:linef xl,yl,x3,y3
130 linef x3,y3,x,y:color 1,1,0:next
140 poke systab+24,0:goto 140
150 xx=(rnd(0))*615:randomize 0:yy=(rnd(0))*344:randomize 0



10 clearw 2: fullw 2
20 for x=0 to 615 step 3
30 linef x,0,0,344
40 next:for y=0 to 344 step 3
50 linef 0,344,615,y 

60 next
70 for x=0 to 615 step 3
80 linef x,0,615,344

90 next
100 for y=0 to 344 step 3
110 linef 615,344,0,y 

120 next
130 goto 130



Get out that BASIC disk and spend a few minutes typing in these simple demos, you'll find it well worth it, and, who knows, you might be spurred in to writing some really spectacular demos yourself! How about converting some of those old 8-bit demos? We'd like to see whatever you can do. Get cracking!

These listings were originally published by Adelaide A.C.E. in their newsletter Feedback. The author is not credited.
