130XE Ramdisk Loader

by Rob Anthony


Issue 28

Jul/Aug 87

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The problem with many ramdisk file transfer programs is that they are in machine code which makes them very inflexible and difficult to modify, especially if you haven't got a clue about machine code programming. The accompanying program is written for the most part in Basic and will move selected files and programs to ramdisk at power-up. Being written in Basic means you will be able to alter it to suit your own needs.

The program should be of use to everyone with a 130XE and if you own an 800, the program will still work, but you will have to fit extra memory to hold the files. If you own an 800XL I strongly recommend you read the October 1986 edition of COMPUTE! magazine, which shows you how to create a small ramdisk in the hidden memory.

To use this program, all you need to do is type it in and save it to disk. If you wish you can run it automatically by using DOS 2.5's SETUP.COM file, to create an AUTORUN.SYS file. My advice is to call this program RAMOVE.COM, but you can call it what you wish, just so long as you use the same name in your AUTORUN.SYS file.

Here's a breakdown of the program, with a few ideas on how you can modify it for your own use.

1010 - This line sets up the strings we are going to use for the machine code, and various other bits and pieces required. You can change FILE$ if you wish here to a smaller number if you want to move files of specific size. Say your maximum file size was 4k you could dimension it accordingly. If you want to move lots of files you can increase the number in NAME$. Simply multiply the number of files you want to move by 8. Remember, 8 is the length of a filename less the extender. FILE$ will be reduced in size automatically, so remember the more files you want to move the smaller they will have to be. As it stands FILE$ will move files up to 240 sectors long, which is the largest I have. Also remember the RAMDISK is only so big, so make sure you don't try to move too many files, as the program will stop with an error.

1020 - 1040 - These three lines copy the small machine code program into CIO$, which is the most important part of this program. I got this routine from 'COMPUTE!' many years ago, but I'm afraid I can't remember who is responsible for it - probably Bill Wilkinson.

2020 - 2030 - To move these files, we must know which ones they are, so using IN$ we take this information directly from the directory. If IN$ returns 'FREE' we know we have read all the filenames, so we can go on and load any files we have identified.

2040 - Here we check that the filename we have taken from the directory is in fact a file to be moved.

2050 - 2060 If the test is positive we trim the edges and

2070 - store the result in NAME$.

2080 - Here we make sure that we are not going to try and pack in too many files. If you want to increase the number of files you are going to load, remember to increase the value of X accordingly. If we have all the filenames we can fit, the program will continue below.

3020 - Here we close the directory and make sure we have got some files to move.

3030 - 3050 - This is where we decide how many times we have to perform the load/save routines. X is going to be equal to the number of files in NAME$. After performing the first load/save we increase POS by eight, which indicates the position in NAME$ of the next filename.

3060 - When all the files have been saved the program has completed its job. Here I load a menu program, but you can just stop the program if you wish, or else add some other functions. Remember if you increase the size of the program, you are going to interfere with the size of files you can move, running a menu program keeps your Atari smart. If you are going to develop some kind of data processing program, then MENU could easily refer to the master control program, with all its sub programs and/or data on Ramdisk.

4020 - 4040 - Having finished with IN$ earlier, we can now use it to represent the filename of the program we want to load in to FILE$. These two lines simply take the filename from NAME$, and trim it into a useable filename. We must now empty FILE$ if we have used it before, otherwise we could end up with one massive file of all the other files we are moving. Having done all that, we must tell the machine code whether we are going to perform a read or a write operation.

4050 - Now we can open the disk file for reading, and show what we are moving.

4060 - Because we are going to use a buffer to store parts of the file, we must fill it up with inverse comma's. We can then call up the machine code and load in the first part of the file. The figure 1 in the arguments refer to the channel we are using, so if you want to use this machine code for some other purpose - say loading and saving data from a database - remember to set this argument accordingly.

4070 - Now we must find out how much data we have read, and this information is stored in locations 40 and 41. Having done this we can trim the length of the buffer accordingly and tag it on to the end of the file.

4080 - 4090 - If MIS equals 136 then we have read all the files, so we can go off and store it on the ramdisk. If it returns 1 then we still have some of the files to pull off the disk, so we go back to line 4060 and get a little more.

4100 - If there are any problems, then MIS will return an error number - so we can POKE that into the error number location, 195, and trap to the error routines.

5020 - 5030 - Here we have the error trap routine, which is fairly self explanatory.

6020 - Before saving the file to ramdisk we must inform the machine code we are going to perform a write operation. Then we change IN$ from drive 1 to drive 8. If you have changed the ramdisk drive number by altering your DOS, remember to change this number accordingly.

6030 - Now open the ramdisk file for a write operation.

6040 - Using the machine code we now write the file to Ramdisk.

6050 - Now we can close the file, and go and look for some more.

6070 - Phew!


AtariLister - requires Java
