

Issue 29

Sep/Oct 87

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U.S. Gold plan on supporting the 'serious' games side of the ST over the coming months with several conversions of S.S.I. titles. COLONIAL CONQUEST will be available 'with enhanced graphics' and two further releases are WIZARDS CROWN and RINGS OF ZILFIN. A new role-playing fantasy adventure is PHANTASIE III – The Wrath of Nikademus. U.S. Gold also promise an ST version of Broderbund's much acclaimed PRINT SHOP to be released in September.

Reports from the Summer CES Show in the States were that the amount of software for the ST is slowing down! Many of the products shown have already been released in this country and were being introduced in the States under licensing agreements. Others of note that may come this way include SCAD a 2-D drafting program with 16 memory pages at $99.95 and MasterCAD from Venezuela(!!) which claims to convert any two-dimensional image into 3-D. Electronic Arts had an enhanced version of their Music Construction Set and Accolade promise a superb driving simulator. Also on show from Atari was a credit size calculator with the Atari symbol and name. Just a promotional item? Or is Jack getting back to his roots!

Michtron U.K. (note the change from Microdeal) have a couple of new utilities aimed at programmers. Those with Hard Disk drives can try out M-CACHE which will help with the speed and efficiency of the drives by holding the most recently accessed sectors in memory, like a RAM disk, thus cutting search and access time. For the less wealthy(!) STuff is a whole collection of useful utilities which at first glance look like a collection of public domain programs but which independent assessment indicates is much more. Too many to list but Autoboot programs, disk utilities, keyboard controllers and more are included. It sells for £24.95. M-Cache is also £24.95.

Activision have now signed up Sierra On-Line following their departure from Mirrorsoft. First two titles released are KINGS QUEST III following on from the earlier titles and SPACE QUEST which is an adventure in a future time but still in the Sierra style. Both retail for £24.99 on the ST.

Meanwhile back at CES a British company won the prestigious Software Showcase Productivity Award. The company are Precision Software and the product was SUPERBASE PERSONAL. The CES judges praised the database for its 'very visual' system offering a unique facility for co-ordinating pictures and text. Apart from the award Superbase had the other distinction of being the only database operating under GEM available in the U.S.

Glentop recently reduced the price of the GFA BASIC Interpreter and GFA BASIC Compiler from £59.95 to £45.95 and had a Special Summer Offer (which you might still catch) of three free disks of public domain software. The price cut is intended to introduce GFA to the home-user, for whom it is an ideal basic, rather than the professional user. Glentop also have a new range of GFA products coming. GFA VEKTOR is a 3-D graphics package that fully integrates with GFA BASIC and there is an enhancement to GFA Draft called GFA DRAFT PLUS. Further products include GFA OBJECT for designing and manipulating 3-D objects and GFA FLOAT which is an enhancement that provides access to the power and precision of maths co-processors.


Presumably you know the benefits of having a Hard Disk drive for your ST? If not, you could check out the article in Issue 26 in which Matthew Jones explained some of the pros and cons of owning a Hard Disk.

At that time, only Atari's own Hard Disk was available but now you can choose between the Atari drive, the Triangle Drive from Eidersoft (although there have been rumours that they may no longer be doing Hard Disks) and three different drives from Supra, distributed in this country by Frontier Software Ltd. Supra drives are easy to get hold of and their price has just been reduced, so are they a good alternative to the Atari drive?

We recently had the opportunity to try a Supra 20 Mb Hard Disk and were very impressed. It is much, much smaller than the Atari drive (being 285mm x 137mm x 70mm) due the fact that it uses a 3½" disk rather than 5¼". Whilst it is not quieter in use, it is no noisier than the Atari drive. It makes a different noise rather than more or less noise. Connecting up is simply a matter of plugging in to the ST and finding another mains plug for the power.

A number of utilities are provided for formatting, partitioning, booting the drive and the like, all of which are easy to use. Partitioning is optional but is available for up to four 'logical' drives which can be of any size you choose. All of these work well and should cause you no problems. I wasn't able to test any difference in speed of access between the Supra and the Atari drive but when you have the fast access of a Hard drive are milliseconds that important? The manual supplied is brief, but contains all the information needed. Hard drives, really are simple to use once you become accustomed to them.

One major factor in Supra's favour, is that, in addition to the standard 20Mb drive, 40 Mb and 60Mb versions are available if you need them (and can afford them!). Believe it or not, it really is possible to fill up a 20Mb drive! ST programs are bigger than you might think.

The other major consideration is the size. The Supra drive really is neat and tidy and looks much more professional hooked up to your ST. Reliability seems to be no problem. We had it running for a couple of weeks with no problems and other users have reported running them daily for six months or more. If you should get any problems, Frontier will sort them out for you and try and make sure that your precious data is preserved. You get a full 12 month guarantee.

With many items of hardware, the only question is whether it works and continues to work. There seems little doubt on either point with the Supra drives and they should certainly be considered as a viable alternative to the Atari drive. A 20 Mb drive will cost you £629.95 and if you need more storage you can have 40Mb for £929.95 or 60Mb for £1799.95.
