Mini Office II

(c) Database Software




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Atari 400/800/XL/XE (48K Required)

(c) Database Software.

Distributed by Page 6 Software under licence.




Mini Office is the highly acclaimed suite of integrated programs which will turn your Atari into a versatile business machine.

Compose a letter with the WORD PROCESSOR. Set the Printout options using simple commands or menus and use the mail merge facility to produce personalised circulars.

Build a versatile card index with the DATABASE. Use the flexible printout routine, do powerful, multi-field sorting, perform all arithmetic functions and link directly with the word processor.

Design the layout of a label with the easy-to-use LABEL PRINTER. Select label size and sheet format, read in database files and print out in any quantity.

Prepare budgets and tables with the SPREADSHEET module. Total columns and rows with ease, copy formulae absolutely or relatively, and recalculate automatically.

With the GRAPHICS module you can produce pie charts, overlay line graphs and display bar charts side by side or stacked Enter data directly or load data from the spreadsheet.

Using a modem with the COMMS module you can access services such as McroLink and enjoy the excitement of Bulletin Boards.
