Dan Boris's
Home Page

These pages are best viewed with Netscape
Navigator 2.0 or greater.
O2EM V0.60 has been released, goto the
O2 Tech page for more info.
Here are some of my current areas of interest:
- This page contains links to classic video game resources
on the net as well as some info about my personal video
game collection.
- This page contains links to emulation resources on the
- This page contains a collection of technical information
about the Atari 2600 VCS, and information about
developing software for the 2600.
- This page contains a collection of technical information
about the Atari 5200 Super System, and information about
developing software for the 5200.
- This page contains a collection of technical information
about the Magnavox Odyssey 2 game system, as well as my
Odyssey 2 emulator O2EM.
- This page contains a collection of information about the
6502 microprocessor as well as utilities for doing 6502
development and my new 6502 Simulator: 6502SIM.
This page created with Microsoft Frontpage.
Pacman animation created using GIF Construction Set by
Alchemy Mind Works.
This page made possible by Geocities.
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Last modified 10/29/97