Dan Boris's

Classic Video Game Page

I grew up at the beginning of the video game era and used to love to play Atari and Intelevision games. Recently I have gotten into collecting classic video game systems and cartridges. This page has links to some of the best classic video game resources on the net.

My Collection

These lists are just for information purposes, these items are not necessarily available for sale of trade.

Atari 2600 Cartridges

Atari 5200 Cartridges

Colecovision Cartridges

Intelevision Cartridges

Odyssey 2 Cartridges

Atari 8-bit Cartridges

General Classic Video Game Pages

History of Home Video Games Homepage:
This is an excellent page with tons of info.
VGR's Home Page:
This site has very complete lists of classic video game cartridges for many systems.
Dave's Video Game Classics:
This page has links to classic video game translations for the PC, as well as a lot of emulator information.
The Classic Video Games Nexus:
I usually don't like to link to pages of just links, but this page has a well organized and annotated list of links to classic video game homepages.
Video Game Connections:
This is a very cool video game store in central New Jerey, they carry both new and classic video games, and the store is also the location of the regular r.g.v.c get togethers. If you are in the area be sure to check it out.

Atari 2600 VCS

The Atari 2600 is one of my favorite game machines and I am an avid collector of 2600 games (See my Classic Video Games Page for more information.) I am currently porting the X2600 emulator written by Alex Hornby to MSDOS. The results so far are fairly promising and I should have a preliminary version ready to release in a few weeks. I will post it on my Emualtor Page when it is ready.

Atari 2600 links

History of Home Video Games Atari 2600 Section
Atari 2600 cartridge review page
Atari 2600 Development System Information
2600 Connection Newsletter
Atari 2600 information FTP site
The Atari 2600 Collector's Homepage
Sean Kelly's Mulitcarts
The Ancient ATARI PAL Division Site


#rgvc: Classic video game discussion channel. I am usually on there as 'DanB'.

#rgvac: Classic arcade game channel.

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Last modified 10/15/97