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PC Xformer allows you to run non-copy-protected Atari 400/800, 800XL, and 130XE software directly on your PC, in full 256 color 320x200 graphics. Some copy protected disks can be run when using the Xformer cable.
PC Xformer has full support for emulating:
PC Xformer is backward compatible with earlier versions of PC Xformer and ST Xformer and supports disk files created by the Xformer cable, SIO2PC cable, ST Xformer, and earlier versions of PC Xformer.
PC Xformer runs about 9 times faster than a 130XE (equivalent to a 16 MHz 6502) on a 90 Mhz Pentium, and about 5 times faster on a 486/66. Even the slowest 486SX based PC now runs PC Xformer faster than a real 130XE giving faster smoother graphics in games and faster Atari BASIC programs, without having to upgrade your PC.
For compatibility with programs that run best at the normal 1.8 MHz speed of the Atari, PC Xformer has two speeds of operation: NORMAL (1.8 MHz mode) and TURBO (as fast as possible mode). All of the options, such as selecting normal or turbo speed, whether to run with Atari BASIC, whether to run in Atari 800 or XL/XE mode, etc. can all be set from the MS-DOS command line.
PC Xformer has a built-in 6502 debugger which allows you to examine and modify the Atari memory, disassemble 6502 code, and even single step 6502 code. For die hard hackers PC Xformer also supports the ability to customize the Atari OS and BASIC.
Since PC Xformer is entirely software based, it has simpler requirements than other Gemulator modules. The MS-DOS version of Xformer requires a 386, 486 or Pentium based PC running MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or OS/2 Warp. 640K of DOS memory and a VGA card are required. The Windows module in Standard and Advanced Edition requires a 486 or Pentium, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4 with Direct X.
PC Xformer does not run on older CGA or EGA cards, nor does it run on 8088, 8086, or 286 based PCs.
For best results, we recommend using a 33 Mhz 486 or faster processor. 386 processors may be too slow at times when running graphics intensive software. 386 based computers may also have timing problems with the Xformer peripheral cable.
In 1988 we designed a special cable to allow ST
Xformer users to connect Atari 8-bit disk drives to their Atari
ST computers. The same cable, with a minor modification can also
be used on your PC for use with PC Xformer.
The cable, pictured here, plugs on one end into an Atari 8-bit disk drive such as an 810, 1050, Rana, Indus GT, or XF551, and on the other end plugs into your ST's or PC's printer port. Other Atari SIO devices, such as the color plotter and dot matrix printer are also supported, so go dig them up out of your closets!
We no longer manufacture the cables ourselves. Atari dealers such as B & C Computervisions and Toad Computers do still make them for about $25.
Or make your own for about $5 in parts. All you need is a one half of a black Atari SIO cable (with the 13-pin connector on one end, bare wires on the other), a DB-25 male connector, and a 4.7K pull up resistor. Of course, a soldering iron and experience with soldering also helps.
The PC Xformer cable pinout is slightly different from the ST Xformer cable pinout. This was due to the fact that pin 1 on the Centronics port behaves differently on the ST and PC. For that we added a pull up resistor on pin 11. The modified cable is compatible with the ST, so one cable can work with both PC Xformer and ST Xformer.
DB-25 pin numbers are pretty standard. Data output pins are pins 2 through 9, and the printer busy pin is pin 11. Ground is pin 18. On the Atari side, I'm going by the pin numbers published in the Atari Technical Reference Manual. The pins are as follows:
pin 2 - clock
pin 3 - data in
pin 4 - ground
pin 5 - data out
pin 7 - command
pin 10 - +5 volts
Ok, now the old ST Xformer cable pinout goes like this (Atari DB-13 pins on the left, DB-25 on the right):
pin 2 - clock
out - pin 3
pin 3 - data in - pin 11
pin 4 - ground - pin 18
pin 5 - data out - pin 5
pin 7 - command - pin 7
pin 10 - +5 volts - pin 1
For the new PC Xformer cable, you move the +5V line from pin 1 on the DB-25 to any of the unused data output pins (2, 4, 6, 8 or 9). I chose pin 9 just to keep the spacing of the wires 2 pins apart. Then run the 4.7K pull up resistor from the data in pin (pin 11) to any of the unused data out pins. I chose pin 2 which gives you lots of room for the resistor. The new pinout is:
pin 2 - clock
out - pin 3
pin 3 - data in - pin 11
pin 4 - ground - pin 18
pin 5 - data out - pin 5
pin 7 - command - pin 7
pin 10 - +5 volts - pin 9
Place the 4.7K pull up resistor between pins 2 and 11 on the DB-25. That's it! You now have a Xformer Cable.
Ok, just how fast is PC Xformer? We belive it to be the fastest 6502 emulator available for your 486 or Pentium. We put a real 130XE computer side-by-side with a 486/66 computer and a Pentium P5-90 computer then ran some benchmarks in Atari BASIC. We found the 486/66 runs at least 4 times faster than the 130XE, while the 90 MHz Pentium runs at least 8 times faster, and sometimes faster!
Benchmark #1 is a simple FOR NEXT loop:
Atari 130XE: 22.5 seconds
66 Mhz 486: 4.6 seconds (5 times faster)
Pentium/90: 2.4 seconds (9 times faster)
Benchmark #2 is a screen scrolling benchmark:
10 FOR X = 1 TO 10000
20 ?X;
Atari 130XE: 109 seconds
66 Mhz 486: 29 seconds (4 times faster)
Pentium/90: 14 seconds (8 times faster)
And finally, Benchmark #3 is a graphical line sweep:
20 COLOR 1
30 FOR X = 0 TO 319
40 PLOT X,0
50 DRAWTO 159,159
Atari 130XE: 32 seconds
66 Mhz 486: 8 seconds (4 times faster)
Pentium/90: 4 seconds (8 times faster)
Now you can understand why for games we needed to supply a normal speed option!
There are several products and services available from other Atari developers which are of benefit to PC Xformer users. These products are not manufactured or sold by Emulators Inc.. They are described here for your information only.
The SIO2PC cable is a cable which connects your PC to your Atari 8-bit computer and allows you to transfer over entire disks of Atari 8-bit software to your PC. SIO2PC works on any MS-DOS based PC and creates "disk image" files which PC Xformer uses. SIO2PC can also be used to transfer files from the PC back to your Atari 8-bit computer. Note: unlike the Xformer cable, the SIO2PC cable is designed only for Atari 8-bit to PC file transfers and cannot be used directly when running PC Xformer. Files need to be transfered first, and then they can be run with PC Xformer.
SIO2PC is available fully assembled or in kit form from: Nick Kennedy, 300 South Vancouver Street, Russellville, AR, 72801
Users who do not have access to an Atari 8-bit disk drive and cable can have their disks transfered from Atari 8-bit 5.25" floppy disks to IBM PC 3.5" floppy disks for a small fee by contacting Rob Satonica at:
Creative Software Systems
7775 Scottdale Rd.
Berrien Springs, MI 49103
phone: (616) 473-3904
Also available from Creative Software Systems is the AVD, an inexpensive MS-DOS utility which allows you to manage your Atari 8-bit files, configure your PC Xformer settings, and run PC Xformer, all by using your mouse to click on the various options and files on the screen. A must have for any PC Xformer user who juggles a lot of different Atari files! For example, you can have one configuration that runs your Atari BASIC software in turbo speed Atari 130XE mode. You could then have another configuration that runs your games disks in normal speed Atari 800 mode. Do all this by just pointing and clicking with the mouse. To order or to find out more about AVD, contact Rob Satonica at Create Software Systems.
There is another CD-ROM available that contains hundreds of megabytes of free and shareware Atari 8-bit software. The CD can be purchased for $35 U.S. directly from:
Ernest R. Schreurs
Kempenlandstraat 8
5211 VN Den Bosch
The Netherlands
phone: 206-236-0540, fax: 206-236-0257, email: info@emulators.com
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