And the new version is much more portable than the old one. The source has been divided into system dependent stuff and system-independent stuff. Only in the arch subdirectory the different codes for different architectures are located. And a porting guide - well, some comments on porting to other platforms - is available. Currently supported are the famous Commodore C64, as well as the Gecko computer and my selfbuilt CS/A65 machine with virtual memory.
The development of the kernel is (hopefully) complete(!!), only bugixes will make it in. The system applications are adapted to the new ROM boot code, but do not (yet) use the new kernel features. The rs232 devices now support the new stream BRK flag, but nothing more, and the spooler does not yet forward the stream flags. Real applications are not yet available, because the next step is to implement the lib6502 for the system.
Because of this development stage the system is released for porting, commenting and development of system applications as a BETA release.
The new kernel description can be found in kernel2.html.
In 1989, after my first semester at university, I made the first line on the schematics for a small self-designed and self-built computer. This computer, based on the 6502 CPU, has until 1992 become a small computer system. But from then I only occasionally worked on it.
Well, after someone asked me to release it to the public, I decided to overhaul the documentation, translate it to english and put it under the GNU public license. (Which, of course, doesn't hold true for the ported BASIC interpreter. See this file for more.)
A CS/A65 emulator has been
There is a very, very preliminary
design proposal for a 6502 standard library
available. The library will not make it into 1.3, but will be part of the
upcoming 1.4 version.
Version 1.3.13 has an experimental TCP/SLIP implementation, which is can be used as a client to a fileserver on the other side. Also a simple WWW server is included. There is a README for the SLIP stuff. Since 13d, the thing seems to be quite stable...
Version 1.3.12 supports the GECKO computer, a selfbuilt system without MMU. The schematics are also on the site!
Here is a short introduction to what has changed between versions 1.3.10 and 1.3.6g, because this is a more structural change then the one up to 1.3.12.
Well, when I did this project, it was just for fun. But now I find it
quite nice. Well, if you know some magazin that would like to publish
some of it, I will be glad writing an article or so (if anybody really
wants it ;-)
But on the other hand my interests have moved.
Occasionally I still work on the project - when I have the time (or take
the time ;-)
But after all, I don't really have time for it.