Atari 400 / 800

The Atari 400 and 800 were the first home computers to use custom coprocessors and the first to use "sprites" and special video interruptions like display lists, features that will be implemented several years afters on the Commodore Amiga. It offered high graphic resolution, lots of colors and great sound capabilities, more than other computers could do then ! The two models had same characteristics, the 400 is the cheap version, it has only 16 Kb (instead of 48 Kb), one cardridge port (two for the 800) and a flat keyboard (a mechanic one for the 800).

One of the interesting feature of these computer is their architecture, instead of putting everything on the motherboard, the motherboard has four slots in which are plugged daugther cards : ROM card, 16 Kb RAM card (two of them can be plugged simultaneously) and UC card (which contains GTIA, ANTIC and the 6502).

These computers had a great success, they will be replaced in 1982 by the XL series, then in 1985 by the Xe series.

The Floppy disk unit Atari 810 : it uses 5.25' floppy disks and can store about 86 Kb / disk.

The Atari Joystick : it is the same used with the game consoles Atari VCS 2600, 5200 or 7800.

The Atari Tape recorder (600 bauds)


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