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The Atari XL PBI -
Part 2


Tip of the day


You dirty rotten cheat!


The making of an Atari musician










You dirty rotten cheat!

Matthew Bacon wages war against the console coders!


Struggling with a game is no fun at all. Why should you pay for a complete game and only be able to play half of it!? So this month I searched the net to bring you some cool Atari 2600, Lynx and Jaguar gaming tips and cheats.





If you force the system to track the maximum number of objects with separate velocities that it can (about five) and then shoot a large rock, it will disappear without fragmenting into smaller rocks.





Fry until the game starts automatically, all ships will be of the same type and fly right to left.



Crazy Climber


Pressing SELECT at certain will produce various effects:

  • Before the opening tune ends, the game will freeze on the last note, RESET unfreezes the game.
  • When a girder falls, the game will pause momentarily as all sprite data is cycled through the girder's location.
  • When the evil doctor drops things will pause things momentarily, as sprite data is cycled through the dropping item. He will not drop anything else after and the last sound for him will play for a bit longer.
  • When the eagle is dropping eggs, breaks them!
  • While you're climbing or hanging on, freezes things. RESET resumes.
  • While you're falling, produces a momentary pause.





A rapid fire controller will make grabbing objects much easier.

If you're touched by the spider in the web, keep jumping and you'll hear the sound effect even after you've been killed.

On the web screen, just over and below the Cocoon are spots where your score will increase if you keep jumping there. It only works when web strands are moving away (on the easy levels).



Missile Command


SELECT game 13(?). Let missiles rain on all your cities and waste your missiles so you'll score under 100 points. The rubble of the rightmost city will change to "RF", the programmer's initials (Rob Fulop)

When the game first begins, fire three missiles at the top part of the screen (the highest the cursor will go). Then, RESET the game before the missiles explode. You'll still see the missiles, and when they explode you may get some free points. Sometimes it takes a few tries, but once in a great while you get a jackpot of points (I think my highest cheat was around 1200 points on a Level 1 game).

(This one is rather useless) Frying Missile Command can give you a variation of the game where you can move the little targeting dot VERY VERY fast, but your shots are all fired continuously at wherever the pointer is, so they get used up really fast. Your score starts at roughly 400000, but once you start playing kinda' flikers around between various scores and garbled messes...




Basket Brawl


Play with Michel Jordan on your team!

Put in MJ?? to play with a partner, supposedly Jordan. Replace the ?? with any two numbers. Pause, hold down Option 1 and press Option 2. You can change the pause message to anything you want! (from Star*Lynx BBS).

Level codes

Level 1-1 AAAA

Level 3-3 IIII

Level 1-2 BBBB

Level 4-1 JJJJ

Level 1-3 CCCC

Level 4-2 KKKK

Level 2-1 DDDD

Level 4-3 LLLL

Level 2-2 EEEE

Level 5-1 MMMM

Level 2-3 FFFF

Level 5-2 NNNN

Level 3-1 GGGG

Level 5-3 OOOO

Level 3-2 HHHH



Taken from January 1993 EGM (Edward Mann). Someone at Atari is very imaginative.

These codes transport you to the beginning of each level with maximum power-ups and allow you to shoot at the hoop in any level:

Level 1-1: 999Q

Level 2-1: PP9T

Level 3-1: 9PPW

Level 1-2: P99R

Level 2-2: 99PU

Level 3-2: PPPX

Level 1-3: 9P9S

Level 2-3: P9PV

Level 3-3: 999I

Level 4-1: P99J

Level 4-2: 9P9K

Level 5-2: P9PN

Level 5-1: 99PM

Level 4-3: PP9L

Level 5-3: 9PPO





Freak out mode:

Press and hold down OPT1 and UP before the title screen appears get into "freak out" mode. Or at the "Continue?" screen, after the first "beep" of the countdown, and while the timer still shows a 9, press UP and OPTION 1 at the same time, and hold them. You'll see the GAME OVER screen, but keep holding them. The TOKI demo will appear... keep holding UP and on OPTION 1.

After the names of the designers fall down, the demo should go psychedelic!! The demo will cycle through colours, a catchy tune will begin, and the pad will allow you to sample digitized TOKI sounds... furthermore, pressing DOWN and LEFT repeatedly will cause the samples to descend in pitch. Conversely, pressing UP and RIGHT repeatedly will cause the samples to ascend in pitch. Note: Once the new demo begins, release UP & OPTION 1. Then use pad to sample sounds. Pressing A or B starts the game normally (from Star*Lynx BBS and Jason).

The digitized designers:

As the screen fades to black to go to the "continue" screen, hold down Option 1 and push UP on the joypad simultaneously. Hold these all the way through the "continue" countdown. After the "continue" timer expires, you'll see a white dot in the center of the screen.

At this point, start pressing buttons A and B as quickly as possible (I noticed pressing the joypad directions will do it too) to make the dot grow. You'll notice, as the dot grows, that this is a picture of four programmers (in b&w). Keep making it grow until it's full screen - the picture briefly turns brown and you get the "game over" screen.



Road Blasters


How to skip levels in Road Blasters.

Start game normally and choose the Rookie starting area. Accelerate car, while holding down the "B" button to about 25 - 50 mph and steer the car so that it is riding on the left shoulder of the road. Keep holding down the "B" button.

Eventually, you will hit a tree which is growing on the side of the road. When you do this you will see a digitized picture of one of the programers and a short message.

You will also see in the upper right hand corner a number. This is the level you are on. Use the OPTION 1 button to move the number forward, and OPTION 2 to move the number backward. (Note: gently tap the OPTION keys. This function really zooms through the levels.)

Once you get to the level you want to play, press the "A" button. You're now back in the game. you will now continue to finish level 1, then the next level will be the level above the one you chose, i.e. if you picked level 48, after you finish level one, you'll be on level 49.(from Star*Lynx)





Get ten extra men:

First get a high score. Put 330NE as the high score name. As long as that's the highest score, you'll get ten extra lives when you play.





Play a two player game in single player mode:

Clear two veteran levels (the topmost and then the leftmost battlefield). At the Map screen, push the joypad left as if you were trying to select a different battlefield than the one remaining. The highlight will disappear. If you then start, you will be on one of the two player battle fields. You actually can choose from any of them, by continuing to move the cursor off screen. When finishing it, you can select another the same way or return to the normal mode and finish the last veteran battlefield.

Playing tip!

During the cannon stage, if you click five times on a place where the cannon can't be built, you'll go on ahead to the firing stage. One strategy is to place the cannon over a boat you plan to target and click five times, so that when you start the firing stage the crosshairs will already be over the boat.

If it starts getting a little hairy when you try to refortify your castle (ie. to cluttered with wall remnants), then try clearing those pieces away in the next cannon stage by shooting them.




Towers II



  • Change screen-size: Pause, C + (L/R)
  • Center screen: Pause, C + (U/D)
  • Secret room: Enter the Test of Magic area (reached from the library on level 3). At the red square of carpet with two candles use the levitation spell to see the secret room.


  • God Mode = Pause, 3+7, 1+9



Ruiner Pinball


To continue game with the same Defcon (in Ruiner) or same spells cast (in Tower) press at the "Game Over" sequence: 7 or 9





Infinite Lives and Bombs (at first boss):
1+4+7+3+6+9+Option ("Extra ship" sound confirms)



Pitfall, The Mayan Adventure



  • Classic 2600 Pitfall:
    1. At the main menu, select "Info", press the C button 26 times, then press Down.
    2. Or at the start of the "Copan" level, get to the very top platform, then do a running jump to the left to land on the ledge with the 2600 version scorpion. Enter the door to a ledge with another scorpion, a lock, and silver bar. Go left to hit the wall, jump up & down till catapulted in the air. Go right while in the air and land in a small room with a colorful vortex. Enter the vortex.



Dragon's Lair


Replay scene: Pause, Pause


MyAtari magazine - Feature #6, July 2001

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