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Ludwig: Bones for an Obscure Dog


Spot the hard drive competition


The Notator SL user-group


Black Box


Atari games on the move







Mirage A/D convertor cartridge






Photo of MatthewWelcome to the October 2001 issue of MyAtari magazine. We have several important announcements to make this month. The first is that this month, MyAtari is celebrating its first birthday! Yes, that's right, MyAtari magazine has been up and running for twelve whole months!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our readers and especially our contributors that have supported MyAtari magazine during the last year - roll on our second birthday :-)

To coincide with our birthday celebrations, we are launching a new advertising campaign to promote the awareness of MyAtari magazine on the net.

MyAtari campaign poster

To do this, we need your support! All we ask is that you e-mail all your Atari buddies and tell them about MyAtari magazine! If you run an Atari web site of your own, you could also include a link from your web site to ours. Thank you in advance.

Our third announcement this month is, if you have not yet visited our newly refurbished forum (in partnership with MagiC Online), you're missing out on some really interesting and exciting discussions. Over the last week or so, there have been discussions about PixArt 4, UK and North American Atari Shows, OS & MagiCMac compatibility and the recently announced Falcon emulator for the PC. Don't miss out, join in the discussions today!

Screen shot of MyAtari forum

Finally, following last month's appeal for Atari readers to join the MyAtari editorial team, I am pleased to say that several readers have stepped forward to take up the challenge. However, we still need further offers of help! Without your support and article contributions, MyAtari might not see its second birthday... it's up to you!

See you on the forum,

Matthew Bacon, Editor


Following last month's MyMail review, the following was brought to our attention.

Hi all MyMAIL users,

In Issue 11 of there is an review of MyMAIL 1.50 that is really good. But it is incorrect in one point, it is about that mail must be deleted by selection in menu and then finaly removed by clicking the trashcan. A mail can be finaly removed directly by hitting the Delete key.

I like to inform you that there _is_ lots of keyboard shortcuts in the main window of mymail and the list can be found in docs (MSHORTC.HTM)

If you feel that there is shortcuts missing or there is bugs or other faults please help me solving the problems by sending a mail to me.

Best Regards
Erik Hall

Our reviewer also originally awarded MyMail 1.50 four stars, not three. Please accept our apologies.

MyAtari magazine - Feature #1, October 2001

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