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Some time ago I wrote the article, "Get Calamus Fonts Without Selling the House". Some readers asked if the other way round is possible, too. I didn't think so, but I found out it is possible indeed. There are two programs able to convert Calamus fonts to more common font formats like TrueType or PostScript Type 1. The first is a Windows program by the name of Type-Designer (, from Germany. For those who don't want to jump out of the window and buy a PC there is another program named, "CFN". A bit too understated in my opinion.

[Screen-shot: CFN]

When you check out this link you will find it's in Polish, but it's easy to find out where to click to get your fonts converted. And Atari fans are open-minded, whether they live on the isles or in the colonies, aren't they?

En garde, Porthos!
The new Porthos 2 - PDF viewer and tool prepares his épée (sword) to show whether he can handle some more Catholic PDFs from Adobe.


[Screen-shot: Porthos with Calamus-produced PDF]

Round 1: Some training with friends. To open and view some Calamus produced PDFs - pas de problème, it displays very well.

[Screen-shot: Porthos with Adobe PDF]

Round 2: Display some Adobe PDFs - no problem at all.

[Screen-shot: Acrobat with large vector graphic]

Round 3: Acrobat displaying a large vector graphic.

[Screen-shot: Porthos with large vector graphic]

Argh, mon dieu, I am hit! Porthos can't display this large vector graphic completely.

Porthos is a must-have for all those who need an Atari-based PDF viewer. For people who do graphics with Calamus or DA's Layout it becomes a production tool, because of its good export capabilities for pictures (TIFF) and vector graphics (CVG/AI).

But Porthos needs some more training for larger vector graphics. How about a built-in vector editor - Aramis? And a picture editor to make the trio complete? Porthos didn't have to fight alone, ne pas?

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MyAtari magazine - Feature #5, June 2002

Copyright 2002 MyAtari magazine